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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Okay for you, we will give you credit that you are on a Love Seat ?
  2. I loved the hot wheels track he used in the first video. Brought back some fond memories
  3. Did you ever wonder.............................................................? > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > I have Wandered Indiana?
  4. Nah, just makes me want to have some donuts. Speaking of nuts how come almonds don't have nuts in them put walnuts do?
  5. @JohnG Now I really need my coffee this morning.
  6. Tonight is Marvel night in the house. Agents of Shield is on. My daughter has been waiting for the final season to air.
  7. If he Dun taking a bath of course it is reduntant What type of soap is Am Is it like Dial, Ivory or Irish Spring. Wait Bill is from down south it must be BBQ scent
  8. I'm glad you said that. I don't have many IQ points to let slide off.
  9. @Tony Carpenter I actually make my own iced tea and lemonade mixture. Cheaper and taste a whole lot better. But the picture was only for illustrated purposes ?
  10. If you never touch the stuff of course it will go Cold ?
  11. That is the "what cha ma call it" that sucks the talent from me. Yep that is my story and I'm sticking to it! ?
  12. I know my grammar is subpar. Fellow forum members will just have to suffer with my grammar ?
  13. Now I'm too afraid to post with the "Grammar Police" watching me ?
  14. My first browser of choice is Firefox. Some distributors I use to deal with I had to use Chrome to be able to make an order. I always thought they were getting a kickback from Google
  15. The new Edge browser from MS has been better for me on some sites too. Which sites, I will never tell ?
  16. Are the bags made out of wool?
  17. I can't, I'm not allowed in the water with the pandemic ?
  18. Does it have internet service ?
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