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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Now we are going to be voting on what color hair he has to use in his Blender videos. Okay I'll bite. I say go for a Red Head ?
  2. Fixed that for you Really folks in the deep South know about Grey Poupon. On a serious note, hope you survived down there Bill.
  3. Don't let this offer go away like Tik-Tok ?
  4. @Brian Walton You might be right, but in school for band and orchestra, notation is the way the kids learn to read and play music. I still think it is the way to teach the kids. Now if you are taking a music production class you do have a point.
  5. I have been saying this for years Yet when it is brought up, the argument against it is a DAW not a notation program We don't want Cakewalk to become a full fledged notation program all we have been asking for is some fixes and refinement. Have to agree if CbB gave it some attention it would be great for schools that are on Windows 10 and not chromebooks. Side note: My daughters are doing remote learning now for High School and have chromebooks issued to them. Both of my girls use their Windows 10 2n1 laptops and do the writing/annotating right on the screen. I know some chromebooks have active pens to, but the school doesn't have the budget for those. Anyway several teachers asked my kids how they did the work so fast? Both took screenshots and pictures from there phones to demonstrate how they did the work. I think one of the teachers thought my kids were cheating somehow. The other teacher was impressed and wished all the kids got chromebooks with active pens. My daughter loves the active pen for AP chemistry.
  6. Thanks Jerry you gave me something to listen to tonight
  7. Just watched the video. Great job Jesse. The new articulation feature in development has really peaked my interest.
  8. Don't tell me this. I have to get my special pills from Canada as they cost to much in USA ? ?
  9. I got an email yesterday from a business in Talent, OR. First showing their building still standing and a view from the front door out. Across the street was all wiped out. The business survived but the letter said quite a few employees had their houses burn down to the ground. Really sad to see.
  10. Hope you didn't break it ?
  11. I actually only put the SE version on so far. In the process of getting a solid state USB-C drive and will load all the content on that. Life just keeps getting in the way
  12. InstrEd

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Better him then Kaye- What the election will be rigged? We won't let that happen to Larry our "King or Deals"
  13. @Fleer When I got ST4 Max last year I got the USB stick. I brought the iRig Keys 49 last year promotion that gave you ST4 max for free when you registered the keyboard. I had to contact IK and they offered me a special price for the USB stick mailed to me. I thought it was a fair price and went for it. Hopefully this new Download manager makes it easier going forward to get our content from them
  14. InstrEd

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Who could we turn to in these dire times?
  15. InstrEd

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Crap! I missed that sale ?
  16. InstrEd

    I miss Larry Shelby

    Do we know for sure he actually went the way of the tamale. If he did go that way, was it the Hot Sauce that did him in.
  17. I have too cats that will do the job for scratches
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