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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I hear he is "Jumping the Queen"
  2. Hope all in the area being hit by the storm are safe.
  3. In a way I guess that is true. Comcast will still get your $$ one way or another. Or whatever internet provider you have in your region. Nice that Comcast is now selling internet alone without a premium for not bundling with TV. We are on ATT U-Verse which is not as fast but has been extremely reliable for us so far ( knocks on wood ) But I can attest though with 14 kids within several houses of mine internet has slowed down with everyone on it for remote learning.
  4. Now is the time with Covid as you have an excuse to be left alone Have to look on the bright side with this darn pandemic!
  5. If want a simpler box try Channel Master Stream+ You have to add your own HD for recording but it has worked fine for OTA local broadcast. It has 2 tuners. Try and get in on sale as I did at $99 not the usual $149. Have a 2TB hard-drive attached and so far so good.
  6. Problem for my wife's cousin is she is highly educated in special field of study and limited where she can move to for that type of employment.
  7. I feel the same way about that @kevin H The one that always got me was Finale upgrade being slightly less for competitive upgrade then for folks that are just upgrading to the latest version. why? I would always hold out for the special upgrade offer.
  8. Sad part is my wife's cousin is actively looking to move out West if possible. She is tired of the hustle bustle of the big metro area. We were going to stay with her to help keep the cost down. Back to Amazon now my wife just ordered some lids for pyrex containers we need and yes for that type of stuff Amazon is very convenient. The kitchen store in the mall closed and we would have to drive out to the outlet mall to buy in person.
  9. We were suppose to of went to New Jersey this summer and then go to NYC. My wife's cousin was going to take us around. I had BH on my list to visit with a couple of piano stores. Covid took that trip out of the picture
  10. I'm lucky I have a Microcenter in my area and I try to give them the business first for computer parts. Got my daughter an active-pen for her 2n1 laptop last month. It was a few $ more but nice to just go and pick it up.
  11. I try not to make them my first choice if possible. I seem to be in the minority but I still rather purchase locally if at all possible.
  12. @Will_Kaydo now that would be a really nice set-up.
  13. Will do Bill. These storms just keep coming one after another. Enough already!
  14. InstrEd


    Do you see an internal medicine physician for this ailment?
  15. Wat is this thing you are talking abut. A Musician can never be qualified for a proper job ? Telling a Musician to "Act Proper" The gull of it all?
  16. ...and here I thought you took the purple pill and waiting for the misses to arrive ?
  17. Yep Dave I agree sometimes it is better to have the hardware and make do with the onboard sounds.
  18. Thanks Kenny I needed a good laugh ?
  19. I can't mention the above. I would not survive. I'm already in trouble that you exposed the name of the new vehicle. WTF! I'll have to go into hiding now ?
  20. Also on the X86 side will be more powerful chips coming out and Windows is actively working on Windows on Arm too. It shall be interesting the next few years. For the seasoned-Pro I wouldn't jump on this new tech on ARM but the youngsters will reap the benefits 10 years from now. Truly a high powered DAW in the palm of your hand with a holographic display
  21. @craigb You have too much time on your hands . While you are at it why don't you close the closet for BAPU ?
  22. Can we just skip 2020. RIP Eddie
  23. InstrEd

    JRR Shop

    I'll have you know I had one of those! Why are you bringing back such bad memories Ed ?
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