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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. My wife was trying to have her see a doctor but she just wouldn't go in. All of us that know her are saddened. She always said she wants a party type funeral and that isn't going to happen with Covid Thanks all
  2. A good friend of ours passed away this morning. She was scared to go to the hospital months ago when she wasn't feeling right because of Covid-19 and when she finally went to the ER 3 days ago she was admitted to the hospital. This morning she passed away in the hospital. Please don't put off going to see a doctor if you are not doing well.
  3. it will be nice to have some solid competition with the new Ryzen 5000 series. Of course my local Microcenter hasn't really had a supply of them to go buy. Demand is high in these new chips.
  4. Kenny they are only woofing at you because they want the left-overs in your beard ?
  5. @Bapu Thanks for the info. Too bad it is not more cost effective. The parish I belong to wants to do the remote recording of parts and the person in charge of the project really could use that software.
  6. Wow that brings back memories.
  7. When you are right, you are right ?
  8. I was going to ask how his forum name is pronounced. I don't know of any software on the market at least for us poor musicians that does what you want.
  9. Good luck with that as you did the deed sir! ?
  10. MOTU M2 and MOTU M4 plus Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 unit does. There are also some Roland units that do to. Here is the link for the Focusrite one https://us.focusrite.com/en/usb-audio-interface/scarlett/scarlett-4i4 I wanted to get the MOTU M4 myself for Christmas but they seem to be out of stock at the moment.
  11. With this pandemic I most certainly am. As I'm the one enforcing the mask mandate and happy to do so. More comical as the idiots not wearing a mask should be afraid of me with my wife in health-care and literally around Covid everyday. They have a great shot of getting it from me if I get it and become a carrier. Maybe I shouldn't wear the mask! The jerk we had yestarday was just impatient and totally went off on us. I liken it do having to wait your turn at the deli. He thought swearing and yelling and going off on us like a 5-year old would get him service quicker. More funny on my part as I was with a long time customer who as spent $$$$ over the years. He said do you really want to help that guy now. My response was "Tom-,not his real name, take your time
  12. Well better that then what I was called yesterday at work. Can't repeat because swearing is not allowed on the forum. All I can say is he will never be allowed in the store again I texted my wife and she said I have her beat for this year. She is in health-care and the abuse she usually gets is unreal. Anyway paulo have a wonderful day
  13. Does this surgical mask dude/dudette happen to be carrying a Viola case. If the answer is yes, run-run-run ?
  14. Fixed that for you. Remember we must try to keep it music related.
  15. If you are a parent you will always have plenty to do ?
  16. @SteveStrummerUK and @craigb don't look now but I'm right under you. Sleep tight ?
  17. Don't you understand the developers had nothing else to do with Covid. So they have been working 16+ hours a day coding this release. Yep that is what they have been doing. So they better get it out in 2020 ?
  18. Even if it isn't good it still is okay
  19. What about the Deep Bass. How can you leave that out. Whoops, that does sound a little nasty come to think of it ?
  20. That program should be rated at least PG-13 ?
  21. Okay that we can all understand
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