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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I think the battery life will not look so impressive when AMD Ryzen's 5nm chip comes out. Yes Apple has an impressive chip but I don't like Apple's Walled Garden.
  2. Also as a heads up. Tracktion Waveform has a working Beta on Apple's new silicon if you are interested in a 20 hour battery life laptop
  3. That was an easy way for you Lar to get 12 more post counts ?
  4. Truth be told over the years I ended up being more of a preset jocky Mostly from being lazy and old age forgetfulness ?
  5. Noooooooooooo! If it is the non-dairy version it is not good for you.
  6. I got it for "free" or actually just a lot cheaper in the Group Buy in the Summer if you divide the four free I got from my purchase Oh and I'm glad I got it. I really like it.
  7. I will have to agree with you there if it is fresh whip cream Next time have her make a Banana Cake this way you can have your banana and eat your cake too
  8. We went to the church service with all the social distancing in place. Very few attended which was understandable. The Church life-streamed the service and my MIL watched it as she also was close to her. She said there were over 220 watching the service. That made me feel good as she was such a loving person. We will miss her dearly. RIP
  9. What song was playing at the Dental office. This way you will keep this thread on the up and up
  10. Just wanted to say Thank-You to the folks at Cakewalk by Bandlab. It has been two years already since they launched the new forum.
  11. Take Heart Mike you reached a new Mile-Stone
  12. You are learning Grasshopper. Soon you will be a "Master Off Topic Guru"
  13. Or do you mean all at once. If you do I Am sorry but I Am not that talented
  14. After all those years of practice she has such a gentle touch on the neck...... ?
  15. Boy has this FRED takin a sharp turn ?
  16. Dad! I Am still waiting for my child support checks!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I was going to say I Am happy for this FRED, but how can I be when it is in Am
  18. Because Of Kenny I must apologize for my actions of suggesting Em. How could I ever suggest such a thing. I shall now go to practicing my Am scales. Are we talking about Am natural, or Am harmonic or the melodic Am minor scale? ?
  19. If I had a face like yours Kenny I would hide it too ?
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