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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Noel hinted at the next update being huge But I'm sure it won't have any improvements in the staff view
  2. Ouch! But you're probably right
  3. Hmm. The House of Useful Advice. How does that sound. Of course then I wouldn't qualify to partake ?
  4. @kennywtelejazz Now now don't get us boys all excited
  5. I think having a built-in sampler would be a good idea. Was always hoping RapturePro would of been updated and added for this purpose.
  6. Hey football games are on today. Don't distract me.I have to watch two games I could care less about ?
  7. Prayers for your safe return our CHDG ( Coffee House Deal Guru )
  8. But we don't want him to catch cold when our King returns back to Detroit! ?
  9. One last time: Have a wonderful time and I hope all your packing is finished
  10. If he took his guitar the cruise ship would put him to work ?
  11. King please remember to wear your cloths ?
  12. But the Blue Pill..................................................nevermind
  13. That is my take on this Rhodes too. I mike consider it if I could get it at a nice sale. But I already have enough to choose from.
  14. Should we start a fund so he can buy some cheeseburgers ?
  15. Enjoy your cruise. Would love to see pictures if you're so inclined to share with us. Stay safe my forum friend.
  16. This place is wonderful to find all sorts of useful tidbits ?
  17. As Kermit would say YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
  18. The new AM5 chips will have some nice 65W chips soon to choose from. Plus they seem to overclock to decent amount with still not going crazy on wattage.
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