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Everything posted by Gang5

  1. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 6.83

    Yep. I've come to rely on the Reaper Blog to make sense of all the updates.
  2. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 6.83

    Here's a list of my favorite CLAP plugins: Disease XTC Painful Chants Vol. 2 Bacteria To The Future Drum N Bass Going, Going, Gonorrhea - The Ultimate Delay Plugin
  3. I feel like they stole $1.50 from me, because SongKey MK4 is useless!
  4. That's strange, because I just went to the site a few minutes before posting, and I clicked on the instrument and then I clicked on top to the right where it says, "Get Now." I logged into my account, and than I ran Native Access and it was there.
  5. https://projectsam.com/libraries/the-free-orchestra-2
  6. Sonuscore makes it so easy. No stupid portals, or download software, just download the file, and drag to Kontakt folder. I wish more companies were like this.
  7. When I first saw this thread I thought that the plugin was called: Turbulence. The plugin that will give your music violent or unsteady movement...
  8. Gang5

    Cubase 13

    No. The Reaper plugins, ReaLimit, ReaEq, ReaComp, etc, are VSTs.
  9. Gang5

    Cubase 13

    Dimension Pro, and Rapture has always been rock solid for me in Reaper. I've never tried using Boost 11 in Reaper. I was never a fan of that plugin. Have you tried ReaLimit. I find that to be an excellent limiter.
  10. Gang5

    Cubase 13

    I'm using Reaper, and I'm able to use Rapture, and Dimension Pro:
  11. I have the Oct issue and it features the Choric Quartet, and Life line console lite:
  12. This is one of those plugins that's fun to use for a half hour.
  13. If you have Melodyne, you can use it to align vocals:
  14. I suggest you avoid the Coffee House...
  15. You like potato and I like potahto You like tomato and I like tomahto Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto. Let's call the whole thing off
  16. I've been using Reaper for almost six years, and I've never been more productive. I have not experienced one crash. Reaper chugs along with projects that would bring other DAWs to its knees. In all this time I've only spent $60. When version 7 arrives I will gladly fork over another $60.
  17. Can't you keep both version 3 and 4 on your system, or does the installer remove version 3?
  18. I don't know about all DAWs, but Reaper has this feature built in, and it is awesome!
  19. You're right. I have the SE version, which I somehow got for free which includes the two models mentioned above.
  20. In the Free Version you get two basses. 60s P Bass, and the 70s P Bass. The 70s J Bass is locked.
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