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Everything posted by Gang5

  1. Boy, did they ever DUMB this down!
  2. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.12

    The only one I know of is the Bapu DAW... INSTALLED!
  3. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.12

    What consistently astounds me, repeatedly witnessed, is when individuals inquire on the Reaper forum whether a particular function is possible, only to receive a response along the lines of, "No, but I've just created this script, that should do what you need, and you're free to use it."
  4. If you have a hi res monitor the Smooth 6 theme is awesome:
  5. They make it so easy. Downloaded. Installed in minutes. No bull**** portal, or ilok, or some other hole that sucks the life out of your new purchase. What a great company!
  6. Smart:EQ 4 is smarter than ever. Thanks to advancements in AI, and machine learning, Smart:EQ 4 will analyze your tracks, and tell you if your music sucks...
  7. They have a new security certificate, and some people are having trouble installing, and running Reaper on Windows. I had no problem, but people are reporting that Windows Defender sees it has a Trojan, and is quarantining Reaper files, causing Reaper not to run. For people having trouble, they issued 7.07 using their old certificate. Here's the link: EDIT, could not add link, so here is the forum post where you can download 7.07 with the old certificate. You will find that at post #9 by Justin: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=286195
  8. Welcome back! Larry Jr. (sayta) did a great job while you were away!
  9. Wait six months and it will be free with purchase on Plugin Boutique...
  10. It's the last synth you'll ever need... until Larry posts another one, tomorrow.
  11. If you have the full version of Kontakt, you can get Rigid Audio's Grainstates for $5, and pickup Dawesome Love for free. You'll granular party like it's 1999...
  12. Rented a lot of those in the 80s...
  13. This won't even be worth getting when it's free on Plugin Boutique.
  14. Gang5

    Reaper 7.04 & 7.05

    v7.04 - November 12 2023 + Accessibility: improve labels for volume/pan fields in track routing window + Actions: when editing custom actions, display 'unknown or deprecated' for unknown component actions + Comp areas: fix weirdness when running action to move comp areas up/down on grouped tracks with no targeted comp areas [p=2731934] + Comp areas: handle re-enabling comping after media item edits cause comp area to be in sync with a different source lane [p=2732173] + Comping: always display lane name when showing only one lane; display lane up/down controls on mouseover + Comping: fix comping media that is decoded by a video decoder [p=2731245] + Comping: fix take offset error when editing media items while comping [p=2732163] + Comping: improve behavior when source media has negative start-in-source offset [p=2732559] + FX containers: enforce a reasonable limit on visible nested containers [p=2731384] + FX containers: improve drag and drop behavior when dragging from chain to container [p=2732273] + Lanes: add action to move items up to minimize lane usage + Lanes: clear comp area controls mouseover when mouse leaves arrange view + Lanes: fix moving media items on higher-numbered lanes [p=2731912] + Lanes: fix pencil-drawing with certain numbers of lanes [p=2732116] + Lanes: improve behavior when deleting lanes that have razor edit areas [p=2732254] + MIDI loopback: open devices immediately when creating new device pair + Theme: tweaks and transport HiDPI fixes + Tooltips: improve visibility for floating toolbars and some other scenarios + Undo: fix potentially incorrect automation when undoing track deletion [t=284881] v7.05 - November 12 2023 + Comping: fix items in source lanes occasionally displaying as grouped + FX containers: reduce stack use for nested containers + Lanes: fix lane delete actions
  15. Finally! It was so stupid the way they had it set up.
  16. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.02

    That's very cool. Lately I've been enjoying the new ReaperTips Theme: https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=281644
  17. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.02

    I used Cakewalk products for over 20 years, and like you I downloaded Reaper a few times, but it didn't take, until I finally realized I had to forget how I did things in Sonar, and really learn how to use Reaper. If you want to feel at home, download the Echolot Theme that makes Reaper look like Cakewalk:
  18. Gang5

    Reaper updated to 7.02

    I don't believe any other DAW can match its performance. I've had one crash in six years, and that was because of a faulty plugin.
  19. I know that. What I posted was a free tool that works with Reaper to convert, and exchange projects with Studio one and Bitwig.
  20. This looks very promising. It is not native to Reaper, (yet) but a free tool. Here's link for more info, and video: https://www.realinks.net/links/projectconverter/
  21. v7.001 - October 16 2023 Code: B U G F I X E S API/ReaScript fix gfx.drawstr() on multiline content drawing with negative Y offset [t=282702] ARA fix possible hang when ARA plugin analyzes media with negative start-in-source offset CLAP Plugins fix recording automation in touch mode [t=279975] Click Source fix glitch at start of playback with take FX that use PDC [t=277406] FX fix many last-touched-parameter actions to work with per-take, input FX FX Oversampling fix setting channel dropdown [t=283592] fix slight errors in passthrough MIDI timing when using per-instance oversampling and latency compensation MIDI Editor fix deselecting CC events when clicking lane outside envelope, when preference enabled to draw/edit immediately on mouse click Recording fix aligning takes when recording pass starts in the middle of a looped section [p=2636585] Render fix persistence of preference to embed XMP markers [t=263105] RX2 fix memory leak when exploding items Theme TCP margin fixes Code: N E W F E A T U R E S Actions actions to move items up/down/top/bottom will act on razor edit areas, if any exist add action to color all takes that share the same source media with the same color add action to select all media items that use the same source media add action to paste tracks/items at mouse position add actions to apply first track or take FX to items (can be used to render ARA FX) Actions Window add meta-actions to allow running (some) actions in background project tab contexts add 'Options' button to action window add menu items to import, export, reset, clear keyboard shortcuts for the current section API/ReaScript support ShowConsoleMsg() from multiple threads add actions to toggle console window visiblity, clear console window; console window log persists when closing/reopening window add CleanItemLanes(), to recalculate fixed lane arrangement and remove unused lanes at bottom of track after moving or editing media items add FX_GetNamedConfigParm(container_count) for getting number of FX in container add EnumInstalledFX() add GetTouchedOrFocusedFX(), support addressing FX containers, deprecate GetFocusedFX2() and GetLastTouchedFX() add MIDIEditorFlagsForTrack(), to get/set pitchwheel range and snap settings add set/getNamedConfigParm container_map.add, param.X.container_map.* add support for GetSetMediaTrackInfo() I_NUMFIXEDLANES, I_LANESCOLLAPSED, C_LANEPLAYS, I_SPACER add support for GetSetMediaItemInfo() I_FIXEDLANE, B_FIXEDLANE_HIDDEN support using full (unlocalized) action description in Get/SetMouseModifier(), example: SetMouseModifier('Media item left drag', 0, 'Move item') add GetSetTrackGroupMembership() support for MEDIA_EDIT_LEAD, MEDIA_EDIT_FOLLOW ARA display pooled edit button for media items that share ARA edits (similar to pooled MIDI behavior) list analyzed media files and pooled/unpooled count in FX + menu support pooling edits by source media, so edits can automatically affect all media items that share the same source media support pooling or not pooling ARA edits by default (old projects will always load with edits unpooled) add actions to select media items with pooled ARA edits, remove items from edit pool, return items to edit pool Backups add configuration for path to auto-save unsaved projects CLAP Plugins automatically scan reaper_resource_path/UserPlugins/FX for .clap plug-ins Color Theme new Default 7.0 theme add preference/theme element for small themed indicator on selected media items add theme elements for various fixed lane display features (buttons, text, etc) Defaults ReaEQ adds default HPF band 5 (disabled by default) FX support processing multiple plug-ins in parallel support parameter modulation for input FX, monitor FX FX Containers support sub-chains of FX with configurable input/output/processing channel sizes, configurable parameter mappings support configurable channel feedback support internal modulation of parameters, using parent modulation/automation as baseline for any container-local modulation FX Oversampling add preference to auto-disable oversampling for record arm-affected tracks Grouping add option (enabled by default) for track media item grouping to affect only items that start and end at the same time (rather than any enclosed media item) JSFX add ext_gr_meter to support reporting gain reduction to the host (set to non-positive values in @init and @block) support plug-in defined compile-time configuration parameters JSFX/ReaScript/Video % (modulus) operator supports 64-bit values on arm64 [t=282237] Keyboard add multiple alternate main keyboard sections, add actions to switch between them persistently or momentarily Lanes/Comping support fixed-lane tracks, to arrange media items in fixed lanes support setting individual lanes to play back or not play back support automatically recording overlapping media to separate lanes, either layered (multiple lanes play back at once) or not (only the last recorded lane plays back) support minimizing, maximizing, or collapsing track lanes support adding lanes by dragging media to a hashed 'parking area', automatically removing empty lanes support naming individual lanes, resizing lane name area support reordering fixed lanes by dragging lane buttons up/down support targeting a specific lane or free item position when pasting media items and razor edits add many actions to support editing, manipulating, playing back, comping, and coloring items in fixed lanes add mouse modifier contexts for fixed lane header buttons, fixed lane comp areas (including click/double-click contexts) add many theme elements for fixed lane and comp area display support recording into specific lanes or new lanes add actions to explode items in lanes to tracks, implode items on tracks to lanes, optionally creating comp areas add import option to add multiple media on fixed lanes on a single track add options to automatically create comp areas for new recording while comping v6 option for overlapping recording to create new media items is replaced by option to add lanes; playback behavior is identical to v6 existing actions to switch active take (T/shift-T by default) will switch the comp area under the mouse up or down as well tracks that are grouped for media/razor edits are also grouped for lane actions and edits when exiting fixed lane view, lanes that are not playing are hidden; hidden lanes are restored when re-entering fixed lane view create a comping lane by double-clicking or right-clicking the lane button, or clicking the comping button on a razor edit, or using arrange view mouse modifiers while comping, mouse-drag in source lanes to create comp areas; comped media is copied to the comping lane comp areas create editable copies of source media mouse modifiers for comp areas include behaviors to change comp area source lane, limit comp areas to media item edges, move media items along with comp areas, attach comp area edges to adjacent comp area edges, create time selection including pre-roll/post-roll for previewing while comping, edits to media item edges/fades/crossfades in comping lane will also affect comp areas (comp areas fades/crossfades can be individually edited this way) while comping, edits that cause comping-lane media to go out of sync with source-lane media will display a re-comp button on the comping lane media clicking re-comp button will copy edited media to a new source lane, to use as an alternative edit along with existing source media optionally support editing source media while comping (edits immediately affect the comping lane) ensure that new recording is in the same lane for all grouped tracks [p=2720419] when recording with time selection auto-punch into a new lane, optionally add the entire new recording, but comp only within the time selection [p=2676770] License display license valid-through version in About/Purchase window Loopback add audio loopback support (Preferences/Audio) for up to 256 channels Media Items support healing items even if one or both contains empty takes support healing splits even if items do not have the same active take lane Metadata support multi-line render metadata (right-click value cell to open multi-line editor) [t=282304] support unsynchronized lyrics metadata via ID3 and VORBIS tags Meters add per-track option to display gain reduction from VST or JSFX plug-ins that report gain reduction to the host add gain reduction metering preferences in Appearance/Track Control Panels MIDI support up to 128 MIDI buses per track add action to suppress midi note retrigger at start/end of specific media items add preference to suppress note retriggering when splitting media items add action to send explicit note-off messages for every channel/pitch combination to every MIDI output and plugin MIDI Devices support up to 128 input/output devices add ability to create multiple native MIDI loopback devices (single audio block delay) add per-device option to not warn when unable to open device MIDI Editor add option for editor selection to follow track selection in arrange view add option to set the channel for new events when selecting a single note or CC event (improves MPE editing support) support vertical zoom/scroll in CC lanes support pitchwheel lane semitone range, snap-to-semitone add option to prevent mouse edits of single CC events from moving past other CC events add preference to display empty space at top/bottom of CC lanes Mouse Modifiers add multiple arrange view mouse modifier override sections, to define new behaviors when left-mouse-dragging in arrange view add actions, toolbar buttons to activate/momentarily activate/toggle/clear mouse modifier overrides add menu action to export modifiers for the current context as a ReaScript [p=2699692] set override A to marquee selection behaviors, override B to razor edit behaviors, override C to comping behaviors, override D to time selection behaviors by default (all are fully customizable though) support user-defined custom toolbar button tooltip for arrange view override contexts Multiproject if =REF markers specified in both projects, use as a manual synchronization point use project time offsets to synchronize video and playback between project tabs Pitch shift/timestretch add multi-mono and multi-stereo options for applicable algorithms support more than 48 channels with Elastique [t=181279] Preferences add new Envelope Colors preferences page, support custom envelope colors based on envelope name add new Project/Backups preferences page add new Item Fade Defaults, Item Loop Defaults preferences pages add new ARA preferences page add new Scrub/Jog preferences page add new Zoom/Scroll preferences page add button to Preferences/Project to open project settings dialog add preference for envelope lane height as a percentage of track height, when zooming vertically (default 50%) add preference for adjusting scrub/jog volume gain add preferences for default fixed lane track configuration (big/small lanes, etc) add preferences for crossfade behavior for various contexts (splitting, reording, etc) add preferences for track meter display defaults Project add actions to reorder project tabs, actions to switch to specific or previously-selected tabs show play/record indicators for background tabs Raw PCM Media add button to source properties to reload media after editing .rsrc sidecar file Recording display loop counter during recording Render support forcing mono/stereo/multichannel render for master mix via region render matrix support rendering raw PCM (.sd2), including sidecar definition file support marker/region wildcards consisting of separated name=value pairs using $marker(name)[separator] and $region(name)[separator] (see wildcard help) Super8 support 1-48 channels (default ? Takes add actions to mark previous recording pass for deletion, delete takes that are marked for deletion Toolbars support optional animation or blinking for toolbar buttons animate ripple-edit, mouse modifier override toolbar buttons by default support up to 32 main toolbars, 16 MIDI toolbars Track Folders add preference to hide tracks in a folder when the folder is fully collapsed add option for track folder collapse button to cycle child track heights between various combinations of normal-sized, small, collapsed, and hidden add action to show/hide children of selected folder tracks add actions, menu items to move tracks to new or existing folder track Track Spacers add support for customizable spacers between tracks display track spacers in mixer when mixer tracks are displayed in the same order as TCP support moving/copying track spacers with mouse, dragging tracks to before/after/within spacers when multiple contiguous tracks are selected, spacers will be added at the start and end of the set Transport add support for Measures.Beats as secondary time unit [t=283214] Video add option to disable video per-media-item support project setting for YUV preview/conversion gamut: BT.601 (previous versions), BT.709, BT.2020 add preference to use standard (accessible) OS editing controls for video code WALTER add various scalars/elements/images add warnings, enable via 'warnings all' or 'warnings pedantic' line (only supported when loading a non-zipped theme) themes can create custom controls by using 'custom tcp.custom.xyz [label] [action ID] [accessibility description] [button_image_name]' in layouts custom controls can be text fields or buttons, may support .font, .color, .margin Zoom/Scroll support vertical scroll step as percentage of track height or percentage of arrange view height add actions to toggle track zoom height to default; cycle track zoom height between minimum, default, and maximum add actions to toggle or cycle track zoom to maximum, even if maximum is not 100% of arrange view height Code: I M P R O V E M E N T S (elimination of a deficiency short of a bugfix) API/ReaScript preserve FXID when cutting/pasting FX, saving/loading RfxChain ARA improve stability of ARA edits when editing media items (splits, copies, cut/paste, etc) Batch Converter correct extension handling when option enabled to overwrite source files Dynamic Split properly handle leading/trailing pad when splitting grouped tracks [p=2714123] FX Oversampling avoid subsample delays in signal when delay compensating [t=277936] improve accuracy of timing information passed to plug-ins when using chain oversampling Grouping improve behavior when splitting media items on grouped tracks [p=2719354] Loopback when recording from loopback MIDI/audio channels, do not compensate audio device latency macOS improve menu item modifier descriptions for various menus Media Items avoid snapping to a grid point that is in a different direction from the mouse move improve interactions between auto-crossfade project setting and crossfade preferences when trimming content behind media item edits improve multiple selection behavior when editing crossfade or shared media item edges [t=282099] limit overlap and crossfade when splitting at time selection or razor edit [p=2699919] limit crossfade edits consistently when moving left or right [p=2661922] store fade-in/fade-out length with greater precision in project files when option enabled to offset overlapping media items vertically, arrange media items that start at the same time in the order they were created [t=279000] Metadata cancel metadata edit entry box when user scrolls metadata list attempt to parse XMP markers for terse display in media source properties dialog MIDI do not automatically re-color MIDI media items when doing pooled copy improve MIDI device preferences pane MIDI Editor display time/value in CC lanes improve support for renaming CC lanes improve options to allow/disallow CC curve shapes in sustain, bank, LSB lanes remove snap-to-center for mouse edits in CC lanes (double-click a value to center it) when switching active MIDI item, adjust vertical scroll if all notes would be offscreen when using one editor per project or per track, reopen editor at the same screen location for all MIDI items that share the editor MIDI Quantize automatically quantize media content start position to PPQ when quantizing MIDI [t=279531] improve behavior of no-chase playback modes to handle media items with non-quantized starting positions [t=271205] reset quantization for unselected notes when switching from 'all notes' to 'selected notes' in quantize dialog when creating new items, always snap media item position to PPQ [t=271205] Recording optionally apply autocrossfade when new recording overlaps existing items and adding takes [t=276274] optionally apply autocrossfade when loop-punch recording and adding takes [t=275518] when loop recording, do not split recorded media even if a full loop pass was not recorded Render inform user when saved render format is not available respect preference to close render window when done, even when normalizing (but leave the window open when dry run rendering regardless of the preference) Tempo/Time Signature inserting time at start of project uses initial tempo marker rather than project tempo setting [t=280453] if project timebase for tempo/time signature envelope is set to beats, action to insert time will preserve existing tempo/time signature changes [t=279580] Takes avoid potential crash when editing take markers and media item source file is not available Theme macOS font tweaks Track Folders consistently refer to collapsed folders as 'collapsed' rather than 'compacted' gray out folder tracks in track context menu if all selected tracks are already within that folder when inserting tracks after a folder whose children are all hidden, insert after children Web Control Surface reduce web server latency Windows do not try to style-match tab-child windows [t=283126] update manifest to declare UAC configuration and compatibility for new Windows 8+ features (improves support for some plug-ins) Zoom/Scroll consistently support small control device moves, such as from a trackpad or trackball do not change envelope height when resizing tracks via mouse drag rename actions to scroll horizontally/vertically to match behavior (scrolling forward vs reversed) if maximum vertical zoom preference is 100% or less, keep the focused track entirely onscreen while zooming if track height is greater than screen height, mousewheel scroll on TCP scrolls by screen height Code: E N H A N C E M E N T S (augmentation of functionality short of a new feature) Actions prevent healing an unlooped item with a copy of itself [p=2647801] Actions Window allow setting a parameter value for keys bound to MIDI CC/mousewheel actions show custom action toggle state as enabled/disabled if all component actions that report a toggle state are enabled/disabled [t=229048] API/ReaScript TrackFX_/TakeFX_ APIs can access container and sub-container FX via documented addressing scheme much faster API validation for takes and envelopes [t=283024] GetTrackFromPoint() also returns the fixed lane under the mouse, if applicable gfx.setcursor() can specify named theme cursors without specifying numeric ID update from Lua 5.3.5 to Lua 5.4.6 (may affect existing ReaScripts) [t=281435] update TakeFX/TrackFX_Get/SetPinMappings() to support more than 64 mappings Audio allow mapping ReaRoute/loopback devices as regular channels support up to 128 channels per track, 128 channels of I/O per plug-in Backups default to saving up to 50 timestamped projects in Backups directory for new users optionally save timestamped backup projects to Backups directory, auto-saved projects to AutoSaves directory optionally keep last X copies or X unique days of copies of timestamped backups Batch Converter allow user-entered file extension if it is compatible with the format (.m4v for .mp4, etc) Defaults enable preference to record media, copy imported media to project media directory by default display media item volume knob, FX button, mute button by default MIDI editor defaults to one editor per project default to OpenGL for video output video media defaults to low-resolution audio peaks, for improved responsiveness disable automatic fadein/fadeout for imported media by default disable 'right-click deletes notes' MIDI editor preference by default mouse-drag on crossfade intersection moves the split point left/right by default, rather than adjusting fade curves use project peaks directory by default ReaComp defaults to 4:1 compression ratio ReaEQ changes default bandwidth for low/high shelf built-in sliders respond to mouse click anywhere in the slider window, not just within the thumb image [p=2699292] FX flush plug-in buffers when bypassing VST or CLAP plugins always run track/track FX while playback is stopped, if the UI is visible [t=273647] always run input FX if the UI is visible optionally run FX when muted if the UI is visible show more descriptive names for track/take channels in pin connector dialog FX Sidechain allow drag/drop sidechain creation to FX in containers, floating windows when creating sidechain via drag/drop to FX, always add/route to new track channels, reconfigure pin mappings for sidechain if FX has 4 inputs JSFX make output metering pre-wet/dry/delta-solo macOS optionally display last user-run action in REAPER title bar Media Items allow mouse editing take markers by clicking anywhere within the text, as well as on the marker itself do not autoscroll when adjusting media item contents [p=2706019] show special cursor (customizable) when mouse is over lower half of media item and user-defined mouse modifier exists show tooltip when hovering over pooled MIDI button MIDI Devices allow ignoring devices to prevent them from using up device ID space MIDI Editor if 'show only events that pass filter' disabled, allow setting any channel for new events [p=2720147] Preferences remember last selected mouse modifier context when closing/restarting REAPER Project changing autocrossfade or overlapping-recording options also sets default setting for new projects show play/record indicators for background tabs use HMSF if set as a secondary project time unit Razor Edit copy selected part of fade-in/fade-out if any part of the fade is included in the razor edit Samplerate Conversion update r8brain-free to v6.3 Transport when parsing user-input time, always treat 8-digit numbers as hhmmssff Video optionally display video from background projects if current project lacks video [t=273317] WALTER add warnings, enable via 'warnings all' or 'warnings pedantic' line (only supported when loading a non-zipped theme) Zoom/Scroll map shift+alt+mousewheel to 'scroll vertically one page' by default allow mouse-centered vertical zoom to target the interior of a track __________________
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