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Everything posted by kakku

  1. I bought nothing now but I got myself earlier the aas strum funk upgrade. I have already soo much I really cannot justify more purchases. Also my thirst for creating music is reduced so I'm kind of in trouble music creation wise.
  2. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    Thanks. Maybe I will return to this when I get my daw back in order
  3. This is soo true. Also could have said:Mommy I want to be a successful musician. Then mommy would say again :choose. You can't (most probably) be both
  4. The M1 is a real nice plugin with many good presets
  5. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    I have not tried with different tempos. It might work. Perhaps I will try it later when I have found all the computer parts. Thanks for the comment and tips
  6. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    I tried to make it one package. Thanks
  7. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    Thanks for the analysis and comment. The tempo changes are maybe too big
  8. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    Thanks a lot for your analysis and comments. I agree that the later version sounds less buggy
  9. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    Thanks for the comment. I tried to fix this earlier but was not sure which version is better. In case you or other listeners have time I post my fix attempt here:
  10. kakku

    Flowing Going On

    Hi. This time my tune is a bit strange because the chorus sounds a bit like it should be a bit different to suit the verse. It might be that you think otherwise so please listen and comment if you want. Here is the later version ttps://soundcloud.com/madrigal7/flowing-going-on
  11. Very good. The intro flanger effect thingy sounded similar to the start of one Judas Priest song. Classy song and lil bit like ambient electro mix
  12. Very effective, chorus especially. Nice one
  13. kakku

    guitar instrumental

    Very good playing
  14. Happy Thanksgiving to all from me also
  15. Sounds like you got an original style which is always good
  16. Ok. I hoped I just had not found them all
  17. The Lush 101 is a good plugin imo, but but is advertised with 'Over 1600 presets curated into a clear, easy-to-navigate Preset Browser' which is much more than I have found but perhaps I haven't just used it enough
  18. kakku

    Dance Shower

    Thank you Wookster
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