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Everything posted by hsmusic

  1. No crits, cool tune & performances..enjoyed it.
  2. Still my fav after all these years, great sounding & quality libraries.
  3. hsmusic


    Thanks for listening. It wasn't inspired by FZ but A. Copeland..not much to say about this track. I wrote it rather quickly from a guitar noodle I recorded. I transcribed it to midi & used it for the verse / bridge tutti sections..The drums & bass was done via internet collab & added last.
  4. hsmusic


    Thanks jack!
  5. hsmusic

    The Song

    Enjoyed this Gary, the mix sounds & fits well with the vibe of the track. -great job
  6. hsmusic


    Thanks jack, The drums were sent to me mixed. I used Acustica's Gold eq, El Rey comp plus a stock limiter on them plus a bit of verb.
  7. hsmusic


    Hi Paul, thanks for the kind words!
  8. hsmusic


    Thank you jack!
  9. hsmusic


    Thanks Nigel & appreciate the feedback. on the mix.
  10. I still prefer DMG's Equlibrium over both so go figure.
  11. hsmusic


    Enjoyed the composition/ harmonic structure.
  12. hsmusic


    Thanks for the comments Nigel, appreciate it.
  13. hsmusic


    Thanks Jack!
  14. hsmusic


    @daryl1968 thanks for checking it out, good to know it's translating on your iphone.
  15. hsmusic


    @Wookiee @daryl1968 Thank you both for your feedback & comments.
  16. Interesting palette of sounds in your track, enjoyed the listen.
  17. Very cool track; mix, lyrics, production- very much enjoyed it.
  18. hsmusic

    Far Cry

    Interesting writing style, enjoyed it. A bit retro, parts of it remind me of my early fm / underground station listening days.
  19. hsmusic


    Thanks jack, on this track I used a mix of VSL, ARK Metropolis & on a few spots a trumpet player I found online.
  20. hsmusic


    Thank you mark!
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