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Everything posted by michheld

  1. Have you tried to click on the MIDI tab (right to the Audio tab) in the bottom of the Inspector of the instrument track? Right beyond the MIDI-Fader on the left you'll find the MIDI effects bin... (I hope this is what you meant...) ?
  2. Have you tried this using the English language? You should know that localization is done after the early access phase. Maybe the menu item in the help menu is missing because of missing translations? All the best 2 U
  3. CA2A seems to be a new Version of PC2A. They seem to be nearly the same except CA2A having a VST-interface and a sidechain option including the button you mentioned. ? Best regards.
  4. Yes, of course ? I connectedit to Alt+Shift+5. I thought it was a good idea ?
  5. Yes, that's obvious now. ThxAloT to the Bakers! Next Idea: What about a deep integration of Bandlab Sounds in the media browser ?
  6. This is strange: Pressing the help key leads to an error message "cannot open the help. cannot find the help information". But using the local URL mentioned above does work. Maybe I'll have to correct some registry keys ? Thx for the URL... PS: Maybe it's windows-language dependent. Win10 runs in german but CbB runs in English...?
  7. Hi2all! I created a drum map for the free drum sampler plugin "Sitala": https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rluu_QrurnZv6VW5Vm01FXfD03WhN3jr?usp=sharing You just have to copy it to "%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Drum Maps\". Maybe a restart of CbB is necessary. Afterwards you will be able to use it like this: 1. Insert Sitala VST with additional MIDI source 2. Set the MIDI Output to "New Drum Map" 3. Move your mouse over the list of drum maps until one list entry gets blue 4. Then press "s" on your keyboard until Sitala appears and select it (arrow down key works, too) Now you can create new MIDI clips in the corresponding track using the drum map in PRV or Step Sequencer. Have fun
  8. Thank you so much, this helped a lot. I made the mistake cancelling the melodyne installer at first install of it. The problem was that it got checked in the BA Addons and I couldn't install it anymore und even didn'T find an installer file anywhere. Now I deleted the registry key BF750169-C7A9-4CDF-92DC-DA0E49FF6F9C (it contains e.g. "Product Version") and I could install Melodyne using BA. Best regards and ThxAloT again
  9. Maybe you did this with "post" set? Set Modules as Default for Tracks The Set Modules as Default for Tracks command stores the current ProChannel configuration as the default for new tracks. Best regards
  10. Have you tried to install the newest version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)? see also This happens to many applications from time to time. This package is not automatically updated with win updates... All the best 2 U
  11. ThxAloT! I will check this. I started recording and mixing in the late 80ies (with a self-soldered Mixing "console" = 2 potentiometers soldered together with 6 Cinch connectors and telephone cable in a plastik box), an Amiga-500 and two tapedecks. No money but a lot of more or less good ideas. In that times we had not so much hard- or software which could hinder us from getting our musical ideas on the compact cassette ? There very a plenty of Amiga discs with Soundtracker samples and I had to play the discjockey to load a song into 2 MB RAM. BTW: I have all these "AIFF"-like files on my PC now but how can I convert them into WAV? They all are 8bit, around 20khz but have no file header which would tell the software of nowadays how to interpret them. I tried a batch convert them with Audacity but that didn't work either. So I'll try to find the best of these old samples and will convert them manually... Maybe I'll find a way using the Amiga Emulator UAE? My old System runs on a 500MB diskfile but the old soundtracker programs are not compatible with AmigaOS3.1 ? All the best 2 U
  12. While you are talking about the past I get some strange thoughts: Any ideas how to convert Amiga-Soundtracker files to midi? ?
  13. I would guess there's not enough free manpower at the moment for these things. But I dream of a kind of ARA-Interface to connect external tools like e.g. musescore. Let's see what the bakers say... All the best 2 U
  14. Try Microsoft ZoomIt. Just a Control+F4 and your screen is a big digital magnifier ?
  15. Hi Andrés, try to cancel the process "WavesLocalServer" with your taskmanager before you start the setup (sndfile.dll could be locked). It's a known issue at the moment (until the hotfix is released). All the Best 2 U
  16. Have you tried the way through the Bandlab Cloud Version? https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022218453-Integration-between-BandLab-and-Cakewalk- Another way could be this one (but you have to insert the VST in every track): https://mixedinkey.com/satellite/ All the Best 2 U
  17. Have you tried to install the latest Build 91 of the Early Access Hotfix? All the Best 2 U
  18. Hi everybody, I think this could also be a new "feature" since the last Win10-Update. A few minutes ago I had a similar problem installing the latest update of Ocenaudio with "Qt5Concurrent.dll". Maybe Windows changed its behaviour regarding the locking of dlls used by applications? All the best 2 U PS: Even the CbB-Hotfix Installer bld.88 had this problem with "sndfile.dll". I fixed it by shutting down the Waves process - as usual ?
  19. @solarluxI made this experience, too. Please don't try to use Drum Replacer as an VST-Insert. It should only be used as an region-effect like Melodyne. You may use the VST-Manager to disable it as a plugin... ? All the best 2 U
  20. I tend to use Microsoft "ZoomIt". If installed, just press Ctrl+4 and your screen gets zoomed. Afterwards press Ctrl+ArrowUp/Down to change the zoomfactor. It's so easy... All the best to you
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