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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. If it's any consolation. I've paid 'too much' for something that I would have gotten cheaper at a different time too. I guess it's part of being on this forum...
  2. BF90 code seems to be working at this very instant.
  3. I'll snitch you out to your significant other if you don't divulge.
  4. Any idea how the Cinesamples Musio 1 Tina Guo compares to the Kontakt version? I looked at TG for $99 but with just 200 bucks extra, I would get access to rest of the stuff as well...
  5. Not completely sure, but I strongly feel like they're counted as separate.
  6. APD seems to pull those MSRPs out of their ***** quite a bit.
  7. I don't think there's any timeline for BFD4. So you might end up waiting three months or 1½ years. I do wonder if they're cooking up something, since they came out with that free player. Edit: And $38 is the lowest I've seen.
  8. Rigid Audio Everything Bundle for I bet ~59 bucks! Sign me up!
  9. Good to know as well: Phase Plant also comes with a $30 voucher that you can spend on Kilohearts store.
  10. Holy thread necromancy, Batman!
  11. Before that, they had Creative Bundle with fewer plugins. At first, they didn't offer any kind of an upgrade path from Creative to Signature. Then they edited past messages on the forum where the customer reps were promising or saying various things that weren't true anymore. They also claimed that singular plugin purchases didn't affect the price of Creative Bundle, when in reality, they did. Then there was a Signature Upgrade that was supposed to require that you own another bundle, but you didn't need to own anything (thus people could get the whole bundle for 150 bucks.) Basically there's been a better deal every week all the while the messaging was putting an emphasis on spiel like "last chance" etc.
  12. https://www.kvraudio.com/developer/fuse-audio-labs I think you can compare it to this list.
  13. So if I now own all the synths from U-He (except Zebra and ACE), what does ACE bring to the table?
  14. Sonible had 5 (all but the latest de-esser) of the smart plugins for around $90 last May, and the Studio Bundle for around $120.
  15. I haven't used Rebelle as my main app, but I've used it in support of other programs when doing client work. At the pre-order price, the pro version is a no brainer.
  16. So I've had Ancient ERA Persia (originally Dark Era, but since I got Groth earlier this year, might be not necessary) Forest Kingdom 3 on my shopping list for the past six months or so. The only thing I'm worried about is Best Service's own player as I haven't heard too many good things about it. Anyone got any experiences with either library?
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