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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. Oh yes he is. Oh no he’s not. Oh yes he is. Oh no he’s not. etc…
  2. All reverbs are the same. That’s why one should set a limit of anything over 100.
  3. All babies look the same. Stop showing me pictures.
  4. Yeah,, they’re probably fine but what are they going to add over what you’ve already got. Think about your song as a whole. If you slap a strip on your drums what’re you going to achieve in the final mix? Those strips aren’t an effect. In my opinion. You have enough plugins to shape your drums as it is. Save your cash…you’re nearly there on the singing lessons. and I’ll be honest, when I saw the “guitar” Strip I thought that’s for me so I trialed it and didn’t buy it, basically becasue there’s no need for it.
  5. Aome of their plugins have free Lite versions. Rain Maker 2 doesn’t have another version other than the free one. Probably worth getting anyway if you need a rain gen.
  6. Don’t buy it then. It’s not an effect. If you’re using sampled guitars they’ve probably already been recorded well. This is really for taming harsh audio recordings , pretty subtle and as said, not an effect. The GUI is horrible as well. Download the free one and try it on your samples if you’re not convinced.
  7. Ok…question is are you going to be recording acoustic guitar? If no then you don’t need it. There’s a free version of it as well with some slight limitations but nearly the same. To be honest it’s really just a compressor , eq and reverb in one. I guess that it really comes down to my first question. As I said, I probably will never use it…but I might. Reason being that I’m a guitarist so there’s a high chance I’ll record acoustic guitar. Did that help? €5 more in the can?
  8. I’ll remind you about the can every time you’re on your way to buy something you don’t need.
  9. You don’t need it. Put the dollar in a can towards something you do need.
  10. Hahaha...ok :). I can let that one go :):):)
  11. Now we’ll get a whole load of people posting their referral codes. Here we go again.
  12. You know that the "it's only a fiver" philosophy is the road to ruin. Is it any good is the question.
  13. See one freebie...what's the other one?
  14. Had a €1 credit on their site so bought QuickAG for €4. Probably never use it.
  15. To be honestly, honestly honest I don't use a lot of synths...I like Junos and a 303 here and there. For the most part, old stuff. Transistor organs, Mellotrons, Rhodes pianos and that sort of stuff gets more use here. "Real instruments" if you know what I mean. Humble guitarist.
  16. Absolutely great for entry level. As I said, I have a lot of Cherry stuff so this bundle isn't for me just for one license. But yeah, agree TAL are magic.
  17. Dreamsynth is fine. I got it with a Nektar controller I bought.
  18. IF!!! Anyone gets this and already has a Quadra license and wants to pass it on I’d be really glad of it. Can probably reciprocate with some other plugin. I’d get the bundle but I already own nearly all the software in it.
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