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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. Yeah. Confusing. I usually open Reamp 2 in amp locker and then look at what amps/ fx are showing as demos. That's the easiest way to see what ones you don't have.
  2. 70s J-Bass just. Not full Modo Bass. Get it right Larry. Sheesh. Amateurs.
  3. Are you in US? I checked almost straight after you posted. At checkout VAT was added
  4. Yeah. Thanks. I know. That’s where the confusion stemmed from.
  5. Hahaha…nah all good . I’m fine with AmpliTube. Thanks for clarifying on the forum. Good to have your presence. By the way, you may want to check over in the IK forum. There seems to be a confused person asking about roughly the same thing there too.
  6. Yeah. Maybe tell JRR too . Now where were we with that license for saving the company for future generations :):):)
  7. Yes…but Best Service are selling the Crossgrade/ Upgrade for €49 with the information from that FAQ.
  8. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/?id=1191#:~:text=A Crossgrade is simply a,find with an upgrade offer. Now…any chance of a Tonex license for helping millions of people avoid making the same mistake resulting in your support staff having to work overtime, having nervous breakdowns and the company going bankrupt. (Paint quite a picture don’t I? )
  9. See the screenshots above. You maybe have to change your FAQ as well?
  10. Crossgrade faq says this: but clicking in the crossgrade eligibility button takes me to the upgrade page which says this and doesn’t list tonex
  11. Ok. Help me out here. JRR and Best Service Have the Tonex upgrade/ crossgrade for $49. Says it’s a crossgrade from any purchased IK product over $99. When look in my IK account the upgrade price is $99 when I’m logged in. Nothing about crossgrade. I don’t have any tonex products. I do have AmpliTube 5. I can’t make head nor tail of what IK are doing and I can’t find any info on their site.
  12. They add VAT according to your country.
  13. Right…might be a deal, might be a glitch. Question is, are they worth looking at or are they just more of the same?
  14. True story. Strangely enough after I trialed the psp verb I opened this up and played doom metal for ages. . It’s really much better than it gets credit for. (The plugin I mean).
  15. Aye…but all the people we’re dealing with here know where JRR is.
  16. Aye. That’s what I said in the 3rd post in this thread
  17. Yeah. But I recognise the gas in the phrase “hard to say no”. I’m struggling with the illness. That said, two of the reverbs I use most are by PSP.
  18. I thought I had all the verbs in the world. Same as all the amp sims in the world. So…what is it that’s pretty special. (Apart from the GUI which usually lures me in to unnecessary purchases).
  19. $20.58 on JRR with code GROUP. so…what makes it better than all the other verbs Fleer ?
  20. I wrote in a previous post that it's not an effect...it's essentially for taking the harsh edge off recorded acoustic guitar. You how it can be. That said, I guess everytihng can be pushed. Personally, if it was me and using samples I'd probably just EQ it to my needs and put on some reverb. If at all. Don't really think compression is relevant in a sample which has no doubt already been levelled. I bought it, but only for the reason I just gave.
  21. Yeah, you're probably right. Just get it.
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