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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. No, the Strymon and Boss clones I bought are total crap. They were bargain price purchases which went straight back in the packaging and post after 5 minutes. The univibe I bought in the other hand is very nice. I truly believe that Eventide pedals are great but I’m not one for deep digital submenus for minute tweaking hence avoidance of Strymon, Eventide, empress etc.
  2. Hmm. Maybe trial it. I bought a couple of pedals which are going back because they’re crap so…
  3. Aa right. So it’s quite harsh for the most part?
  4. Thanks. Says I should delete object-cache.php file in the /wp-content/ directory but I can't find it on my pc anywhere. Have tried logging in on my account using Firefox,Edge and Safari (on my phone). Any ideas?
  5. I clicked on my user account and got this message... "Error establishing a Redis connection To disable Redis, delete the object-cache.php file in the /wp-content/ directory." Anybody know what it is?
  6. Lounge lizard session will do you fine.
  7. I’ve got Melda Complete and for some reason don’t have anything installed.
  8. Do you have Minimonsta 2? If so you need to log in to your account before you can purchase the soundbank.
  9. …actually, you do mean that you hope I’m better at playing as opposed to better healthwise right?
  10. That just reminded me I did one of the demos for that…Guitar Demo by 丰2ॐ. the artist formerly known as MrFigg
  11. I’ll wait until it’s $19.99 again and then not buy it then instead.
  12. Yeah. I was disappointed. I've been waiting on a sale on Bunels for ages and turns out it was a spelling error. This is the sort of thing which happens sometimes I guess... but still.
  13. Haha. Yeah. Django was going to be my first example.
  14. Nope. You don’t need them either.
  15. I ignored this dev for a long time until I realised that they’d give away nearly everything at some point. Ordered one thing for free and started getting emails at least twice a week. Have unsubscribed at least 3 times now and the emails are still getting through.
  16. Ok. Hope either the thing you bought to get it free was cheap or the it’s actually something you’ll use.
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