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Everything posted by daryl1968

  1. definitely a different direction and I'm loving it Jesse
  2. wow Kenny - great stuff mate. You must have had fun playing this
  3. ? My monkeys were literally dancing around like complete idiots. Made complete fools of themselves.
  4. daryl1968

    Dance Shower

    Nice upbeat tune Kakku - good luck with your move and getting set up quickly
  5. bloody lovely Tom - I had a room full of monkeys dancing like complete idiots
  6. Thanks a lot Macce Thanks so much Bob Thanks Paul - you're very kind
  7. Great vocal again Nigel - she is the bizz
  8. Love this Wookster - atmospheric, tuneful and oh those sounds! Are you still wearing the cone of shame? If so, how did you see the keyboard?
  9. this is really nice Makke - great mix/guitar tones and playing.
  10. daryl1968


    this is lovely David - very 'dainty' and playful
  11. Nice one Douglas - I always love your backing vocals and this one doesn't disappoint
  12. lovely playing Eric - is that you?
  13. hey John - I really like this especially the 'Welcome to my world section' - really accomplished song writing. The strings are fabulous
  14. Hey Bob - how are you mate? I remember this one - still sounds fresh as a daisy and the video is ace
  15. nice one Bjorn - her paintings really are wonderful
  16. Thanks so much Wookster. Don't start licking that paw or we'll have to put a lampshade on you
  17. LOVE it Lasse - this is right up my street. I have to get Chromaphone 2
  18. daryl1968

    Skin Tight

    Nice playing and great job on the mix mate - this one seems like a long time coming but it's come out really well
  19. this is really cool - vocals and all. Very nice mate
  20. Thanks Lasse - I agree on the violin Ha - thanks @paulo. Yes - 100% Casiotone was what I was going for. I loved mine and wish I hadn't sold it back in the day Thanks so much Gary - Patty's lyrics were spot on, I agree Merci beaucoup Olivier. You are very kind mon ami
  21. Thanks for the very kind words Tim. Very kind Steve. I may do that.
  22. Ha. Thanks David Kenny - you're very kind mate. I really appreciate it
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