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Everything posted by daryl1968

  1. daryl1968

    Take it All

    another cracker Nigel - great video too
  2. daryl1968


    I like it Kakku. The style is a little different to what you normally post but it suits you.
  3. nicely done Congalocke - cool fusion of the rock undertones and dreamy vocals and synths.
  4. daryl1968

    Cool Water

    Great stuff Lynn. Really nice vocals and use of synths. Guitar is great but that's a given. Mix sounds good to me - plenty of room for everything.
  5. sorry mate, I missed the updated version - much better. I'll say it again, great vocal
  6. wowzer Gary - you should be proud - lovely voice and playing. I agree with Tom, the piano is too hot (listening to dry mix). The mids are actually painful to listen to and completely eat up all the eq space. Try a big eq scoop and automating the volume on the louder sections
  7. Beautiful David - my only crit is that it's too short. I vote to extend....
  8. Great fun and well done - nice one Congalocke
  9. Thanks Freddy - I'd love to have seen them. James did a great job on the guitars on this one.
  10. Really hypnotic this one Wookster - fab sounds. Enjoyed the section from 3.19.
  11. Thank you very much Chuckebaby - very kind of you
  12. We're glad you like a bit of pickle John.
  13. Hi Folks Here's our version of the Pretender's song 2000 miles. Hope you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas Fizzy Pickle are James 'jamesg1213' Griffiths, Ed 'bapu' Kocol, Liz 'Mrs Daryl1968' Greenway and myself.
  14. Thanks so much Lynn - hope you are well my mate.
  15. daryl1968

    Tamiami Trail

    Nice stuff Freddy - that chugging rhythm is so infectious
  16. daryl1968


    I like this one a lot Doug - very cool
  17. Cool and very clever Bjorn. Good luck with learning mate
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