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Feral State Sound

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Everything posted by Feral State Sound

  1. I am using it without problems. Use the Tascam as input and output under Preferences/Devices and monitor the Juno through the Tascam. You should notice that the Juno also has an integrated audio interface (as the Tascam but more basic) and maybe both are in conflict.
  2. This didn't solve the problem but a clean re-install did. Thank you!
  3. I can't load the metronome sounds in this version... Don't know why ¿Anybody else is experimenting this problem?
  4. Thank you! The duplicating clips and show note names new features were a must for me. Also, my VST 3 Waves plugins are detected perfectly now. If the development keeps improving it will be difficult to justify the cost of a commercial DAW. Edit: The only thing I would ask for in future releases is a better HiDPI support. I only have a 13'3 inches HD monitor now on a laptop and the UI scaling could be improved in my opinion.
  5. Me too, it needs an upgrade for sure. The program has some half finished or abandoned features such as: staff view, Matrix view, plug-in manager. I would suggest to deprecate some of them if they are not going to be developed.
  6. Wow! It seems that you are really listening to the community (I made the request for showing note names on PRV). Cakewalk seems to be better with Bandlab now, it is an stellar product for sure. Does duplicating clips (Ctrl+D) also works on PRV with midi notes?
  7. I mean to show the names directly on the notes and not only on the PRV keyboard, like this: AFAIK You can't do this in Cakewalk.
  8. I have been using Cakewalk for a while and I still miss an option to show note names on PRV MIDI notes. Taking into account that the Score Editor is not as well mantained as the rest of the program, this option is a must (in my opinion) when doing purely MIDI works. Anyone else misses it? I can send Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the Bakers directly from Spain if they implement that function (not a bribe)
  9. I have to update this post. I have cleaned my VST folder of old and unused VST plugins, installed CbB 2019.07 and then the program detected all my Waves plugins. Thank you Bakers!
  10. I am also having issues with Waves plugins, specially with their virtual instruments (Grand Rhapsody and Basses). I love CbB but this is surely a drawback. Edit: @Noel Borthwick I am sure that you are doing the best as you can and I am grateful with all The Bakers but maybe this should be revised again. No problems on scanning those plugins in REAPER and Studio One.
  11. Thank you Mathew. I can use Play Software now and all of the Waves plugins, the problem was that I had the options "Rescan failed plugins" and "Rescan all plugins" enabled under VST settings. I am not sure if this is a bug, but you can try it out the following: perform a VST reset and then enable those settings and do a manual scan. This way the program doesn´t find some plugins, including Play and Waves.
  12. I have tested it on two different computers and I had exactly the same result: Cakewalk didn't detect the Play.vst3 plugin and REAPER crashed on the first scan but let me use the plugin after re-opening the program. Windows 10 1903 Cakewalk by Bandlab 2019.07 PLAY software 6.1.2
  13. Is anyone using EW products on CbB? PLAY software is getting me mad. If I try to re-scan the VST plugins CbB gets stuck while scanning the latest VST version of the plugin. Even REAPER crashes while scanning it, but fortunately I can still using it in that DAW after the crash. Can anything be done to solve the problem? Thank you! Note: I am getting similar problems with Waves plugins (Grand Rhapsody Grand and Bass Fingers) but this time only in CbB.
  14. Maybe Musictech will do a Cakewalk review since it is owned by Bandlab
  15. I don't know how to describe it but for me it is looking a little blurred and too big to work comfortably.
  16. I am using Cakewalk on a 13'3 FullHD screen with the scale set to 150% and the program looks like crap. Is there any plans to improve the HiDPI support? Maybe am I missing any settings under preferences? Thank you!
  17. I don't know nothing about Bandlab or Cakewalk but this thread is becoming very popular for sure ?
  18. That's a worthy update! One that adds an excellent new feature and also fix some long-standing problems. I was hating this bug personally: "Staff view fails to persist on project load". I hope Bandlap to continue this way and finally end with the Gibson way of doing things. I mean, the "monthly" non-sense and the over-promising tendency.
  19. You also have Davinci Resolve for free. It's more than a decent video editor.
  20. Maybe Is it Studio One 4.5 or Notion 7?
  21. Super deal! Very tempting... I would have bought it if they had included at least one virtual guitar. Impact Soundworks and Orange Tree Samples has some nice ones, but I don't need 50 drumkits or 10 basses...
  22. There is nothing like a Marketing campaign for now... I wonder if it's because Bandlab is still preparing a new Cakewalk website or if It's due to Cakewalk not being a priority for them, time will tell. Nevertheless, It is also a reality that some people are switching to Cakewalk from different DAW, here an example:
  23. I had understood that this tutorial series were the latest with Cakewalk due to the bugs and issues that you are experimenting with the program. Am I correct? Do you have a new deal with Bandlab? Thank you! Excellent tutorials!
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