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Feral State Sound

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Everything posted by Feral State Sound

  1. WOW! and answer to my post ? Yeah, I think that I am going for Amadeus. The whole point is that, to me, it sounds better that EW SO and is only 13 gb on disk.
  2. Hi everyone! I am looking for a lightweight orchestral library that let me compose in a laptop and even play patches live. This two libraries, VSCO 2 Pro and Amadeus Symphonic Orchestra, catch my eye Someone has tried them? I don't know which one to buy since both of them are very similar.
  3. I think that I am going to stick with TX16Wx Pro for building my own patches and Kontakt Player for pre-made libraries, since most of them are now compatible with it, even free ones.
  4. I recommend you the free version of TX16Wx, is a SF2/SFZ player and much more.
  5. Does anyone tried TX16Wx pro? How is compared to Kontakt? I have to say that I don't like the NI monopoly in the sampled instruments world and I am looking for an alternative. Kontakt is the only product of NI that I use and I only do it because of the third party products developed for it.
  6. Hi everyone! I am going to re-take mi electric guitar, which has been under my bed for years ?. I am not a good player but I would like to spend some time with it using amp simulators. What are you using nowadays? My budget is low so I am looking for free or not so expensive alternatives. Thanks!
  7. I am curious about this because I purchased the plugin some years ago with 3 kits. The drum libraries are getting bigger and bigger nowadays and I wonder if this still catch up the competition with no noticeable additions to their catalog in recent years. Nowadays, there are another developers like GGD with products that appeal to me more. What do you think about XLN Audio products?
  8. I am going with this https://www.tx16wx.com/ ???
  9. It is supposed to be authorized... I entered the same serial 10 times ? Edit: @cclarryDo you mean re-scanning the sounds within the app? That didn't work for me.
  10. I am trying to authorize the product but I can't use the sounds. Thank you
  11. Running Cakewalk in a recent laptop (i5 8250u, Mx150, 8 DDR4) under Win 10 in Wasapi Shared Mode (48 Khz, 24 bit). I am having tons of dropouts while testing VST plugins, no issues with other DAW on the same machine. Sincerely and with no ranting, the audio engine in Cakewalk seems very fragile and unstable for me.
  12. Don't worry, it seems that Cakewalk never has a problem here. All the DAW working perfect with the same VST, interface and settings, but Cakewalk has no problems ?
  13. Same here. I can't even try the free Full Bucket plugs like the "Tricent mk III" because I get an instant dropout (using Wasapi shared mode and Win 10). In REAPER is all working perfectly fine. I like the Cakewalk layout much more but I am guessing that it needs a serious rewrite of the code.
  14. REAPER is not free but the trial is fully functional and not restricted when the period ends (like WinRAR)
  15. No, I mean that I prefer a model with no tight deadlines on releasing updates. That was the case with the Gibson "monthly updates" system and I was asking if the same model is still applying with CbB. I see your point with smaller updates but I have been appreciating a regular cadence in the update system and I just wonder if it is a imposed deadline. Off out "offtopic", great update!
  16. Hi Noel! Only and offtopic question please Do you have to release a new version every two months or is only coincidence? I am pretty sure that many users don't care about monthly or similar updates and prefer stable and proper tested updates when ready.
  17. Maybe the easy solution is to use REAPER to edit the multitrack drums and export the stems to Cakewalk again. On the other hand, I think that you should concentrate on doing an excellent course and just then think on a competitive price that matches its quality. Edit: Finally, I can't understand why Bandlab is not interested on working with you or with other content creators to make oficial stuff. They are not doing nothing on that regard.
  18. Thank you Scott! I would like to see the following: 1 - Mixing basics: gain staging, volume leveling, panning, EQ, Comp etc. I mean, all the things that you consider to be "basic" in a mixing context. Maybe it seems obvious but this days is easy to get lost diving on the internet and a content curator is much needed. 2 - Vocal, guitar, bass and drum editing and mixing using free tools (if possible). 3 - MIDI and sample libraries: focusing on drum instruments but also including things like orchestral instruments, guitar, basses and such. Suggested price: 50$ PD: I though that you finally settled in Cubase, Are you feeling nostalgic?
  19. Ummm... I would say that Cakewalk has been gaining ground during this year for sure. Companies like Waves or XLN Audio test with it now and free/donation ware plugins are starting to provide tutorials, drum maps and other resources for it (check out the excellent MT Power Drum Kit). Also, there are more and more Youtube videos and online content about it each day. On the other hand, non-crossplatform software is much less remarkable on professional contexts (unless Apple one xD) Edit: I wonder if it will be cross-platform one day. Nevertheless, and slower than I would have expected, Bandlab is improving it and doing small but smart moves with Cakewalk.
  20. Is the 3° issue still persisting on CbB 2019.09? I think that bug was addressed in the new release. The rest are excellent ideas, if would be great if you submit your requests directly to Bandlab by the CbB help center.
  21. Hi everyone! Today most DAW have the ability to permanently show the Master Track levels. What about adding a new Control Bar module to monitor the Master Track? Thank you bakers!
  22. You can record either MIDI or Audio, since the USB can record both. Just activate the MIDI inputs and outputs of the Juno-DS under Preferences (press "p"), Midi Devices.
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