Thank you all for your comments. Per my OCD, I experimented further with this issue and I made a small discovery. This Note Draw setting issue exists in Sonar Artist AND CbB.
In drawing notes on the PRV, the Note Draw Duration setting does not stay intact as I think it should. This setting changes with every different note draw. This impedes my workflow, as I like to draw every note upward from a default 1/16th length, and have it remain as such. Either way, I wonder whether this is by design or a legit bug.
NEW PROJECT: In new projects in Sonar and CbB, the Note Draw setting changes with every different note draw -- even after the project file is saved. I haven't noticed any relation to changes of the interface/workspace, etc.
EXISTING PROJECTS: I have a selection of existing Sonar projects dating from 2013-2018. When drawing notes within these files, the Note Draw setting stays intact. Therefore, if I save one of those project files as a new template/project, that Note Draw setting stays intact thereafter, which I believe it should. (This, in part, is one element I like to have "stamped into" my project template.)
So it seems as though the Note Draw setting changes in new projects, but for some reason, for me, stays intact in older ones saved in Sonar.
This is no longer a question of this functionality in "Sonar vs. Cakewalk", as it exists in both in a very unclear criteria. Does this mean anything to anyone and do you know of any other variables involved? I hate to beat a dead horse, but this is a very significant anomaly I'd really like to clear up for myself.
Thank you again in advance.