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Everything posted by greg54

  1. Let me see if I understand. I place a CD in my drive, then go to Cakewalk >File>Import Audio CD. That's it? Then I import whatever song from the CD I want into Cakewalk?
  2. Thanks! But how do you get them from a CD? (Sorry for the stupid question.)
  3. I see a lot of articles about the need for reference tracks, but I don't see anything that tells me how to get them. How do I get them? Thanks
  4. The R was not enabled. Thanks again!
  5. Thanks, guys! I appreciate it. Greg
  6. When I add volume automation on a track, the line appears and I can adjust it. But when I play the song, no matter where I have the volume automation set (lower, higher), it stays the same volume. I tried it with pan, and it has the same problem. It stays where it is, even though I adjust it left or right. It's never done this before. Anyone know how to fix this issue? Greg
  7. When I used Windows 7, my CPU meter was always low. Now that I've switched to Windows 10, the CPU/Performance meter is always half way, even on new projects. I've gone through my computer and disabled a lot of things. But the CPU is still high. Is there a way to lower it?
  8. Chappel, it worked!! Thank you very much for your time and effort!
  9. Chappel, I really appreciate you taking the time to do this! I did exactly what you did, but the plugins are nowhere to be found on my computer. When I follow the path, it leads me to a folder that says to install the plugins. I don't see the plugins. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it about 3 times at least. I will try it again. Thanks!!
  10. Yes, I contacted them. They sent me a link to activate it. I emailed them back and told them that wasn't the issue, and I haven't heard back. So I thought I would try this forum. thanks
  11. I've downloaded Plug And Mix's VIP Bundle. I unzipped it and installed it. But I don't see the plugins on my computer. It says they're there. But when I follow the link to where it says they are, I come to the folder that says I need to download it. No plugins. I tried it more than once, and still I don't see the plugins anywhere. I've scanned and rescanned my VSTs in Cakewalk, but they're not there. Suggestions?
  12. One last question. When I turn off Power Management, do I go through the whole list and turn it off in everything? Or are there only specific ones I do?
  13. Thanks, abacab and pax-eterna! I appreciate it
  14. I've gone through and disabled some things on Windows 10. But not sure what to do about automatic updates. What do I do with that?
  15. I'm going to switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10 Pro on my desktop. I haven't read every single post on this thread, but I have read most of them. And from what I take away from it is, it's not necessary to do any configurations in Windows 10. Is this correct?
  16. I did a couple of weeks ago, but it didn't sound good.
  17. I remembered that I had a Behringer UMC404HD lying around. I installed it and ... it works! And it sounds much better than the Scarlett - not just because there's no harshness, but because the audio is clearer. So "for now" I'll use this setup. But I see Windows 10 in my near future. Thanks, everyone!
  18. I'm not using Bandlab, but Platinum. I've read multiple people complain about issues with Bandlab, so I've been sticking with Platinum...for now. I find that the harshness and issues are even worse with the new Focusrite driver. So perhaps even the old driver is what's causing the problem. But I think I'll switch to Windows 10. There's a new interface I would like to get, and it doesn't work with Windows 7. It's the Solid State Logic SSL2. Are there things I have to disable in Windows 10 or do in order to get it to sound its best?
  19. The new driver to the Scarlett 2i4 makes the harshness even worse. I've been working with it today, and there's just no fixing it. I tried many times to reinstall the old driver, but it fails to install correctly. Does everyone like Windows 10? I may have to switch to that from Windows 7.
  20. I usually set the Gain to about 11 o'clock. The halo never gets into the red. With some projects the vocals are decent. On other projects the vocals are harsh with lots of mids - with the same settings. I don't understand it.
  21. Yes, I changed the sample rate, and it did nothing. The problem though is that it sounds harsh. Even if it needs eq, the vocal should still sound natural. My vocals, even though I'm standing back about 12" or so, sound like I'm less than an inch from the mic. I'm using an Se X1S. I've tried a Rode NT1 and an Audio Technica. The Se sounds the best. I use a Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (2nd Gen). I've been experimenting with different things. I had the mic in the closet with it facing toward the room. So I was facing toward the back of the closet. That doesn't work well. I also had the mic facing the back of the closet, with me facing out toward the room. That worked better. My room is 12x12. Recording in the room sounds horrible. I put up acoustic panels, but it didn't help the vocals that much. I had to make a vocal booth in order to get a decent sound. Over the weekend I tried upgrading the driver to the Scarlett 2i4. Now it sounds worse. It's way more harsh. I uninstalled the new driver and tried to reinstall the old one, but now it won't work, for whatever reason. I've tried at least a half dozen times, and the old driver won't install. So I'm thinking that maybe I should switch to Windows 10. I read that the new driver for Focusrite sounds fine on Windows 10. Thanks for everyone's comments!
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