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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Are you on Mac? Then no. Windows user? Why not.
  2. That’s disappointing. It’s probably still worth it but I don’t care about gates enough to pay over like 29 EUR.
  3. I was partially correct, btw. When i made my purchase, they hadn't fully made the switch to the new sale yet and had The Oven and SA2RATE2 for $29.99, so i got them for like $12 each. The downside was monthly vouchers not working, however, so I probably could have gotten a better deal on the other stuff I added to get to 60%. Oh well.
  4. How did you do that? A custom code? JULY-25-OFF didn’t work for me.
  5. It’s all worth it for how cool I look writing my 7th unpublished novel in my local Starbucks.
  6. I'm assuming you're not on Mac nor have any idea how easily shit breaks? Yes, it's Apple's fault, yada yada, but it still means I need to be afraid of my plugins breaking with every OS update. Also, the worst about PA is not even their own stuff not getting updated, it's other dev's updates that DO get provided in timely manners not actually being pushed for months on end. I think it took them half a year a longer to push the Apple Silicon update for DS Thorn and I think we're still waiting for the Apple Silicon updates for ADPTR Audio stuff even though they've had working versions available for months if not a year.
  7. Dynamic discounts are active, most likely by accident Be quick and grab all the <$30 shit for 60% off
  8. Wake me up when it isn't pad generator #9712 being on sale.
  9. The best stuff is now PA exclusive and will never get (timely) updates again. Terrible move. People are even asking to have the ADC on PA as well. WTF.
  10. Those are not my cup of tea at all, but yeah, great value if you don't mind more digital sounding synths (IMO). I've seen it for as low as $150.
  11. That's easy. Xils PolyM Xils PolyKB Xils 4 Xils KaoX All of them have been $49 on sale and the first two are in the top 10 of available soft synths on the market. Not to mention Tracktion F'em and Biotek 2 have been $29 each and you can of course always get Knifonium and Thorn dirt cheap during PA sales...
  12. You people are buying expansion packs for $200? That's like... 4 new top tier synthesizers, with hundreds of presets each.
  13. There will never be a "last purchase" of any type of thing while I frequent this horrible place, will there? I need to get the Pathfinder libraries at least now. ?
  14. This made me realise Tomofon was updated to 1.2 and they casually added MPE support! Holy moly.
  15. $60 when on sale. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask.
  16. It was $35 once, which is what I got it for. You never know with Softube if that kind of deal will return, though. Last Black Friday they had the Model 72 (I think) on sale for like $59 and then a month or so after it was $39. Quite annoying if you thought deal #1 was great. Also, their upgrade loyalty pricing is famously terrible.
  17. I recently got Studio One Pro and this can run on every track with a single instance. So f-ing cool.
  18. You held out that long? I violated our pact approximately 12 seconds after making it.
  19. Probably the hardest I have ever laughed at a YouTube clip.
  20. sonible = auto purchase. Hoping for a better loyalty discount than for the true: stuff.
  21. 10% off on KVR if you have 6 points.
  22. Which, let’s face it, is also the worst thing about this group buy.
  23. Can I also actually play the instruments in this or is it just sequencing crap?
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