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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Are they grayed out like they look when you "freeze" a track ?
  2. Great job ! bagpipes and violin are the only 2 instruments I've ever given up on. mark
  3. I've used sonitus reverb forever and its "always" been stable. But ... if I do have a problem with a plugin , virtual instrument etc... it's usually while i'm making adjustments while playing. I try my best now to limit any live adjustments (other than effect mix levels) until I stop transport. ms
  4. Hello to all. Thought I'd post one for some feedback. I had a great time doing this one . All the acoustic guitar tracks were built off of a single , simple body slapped part. Did a lot of reversed reverb and panning tempo delay to get the percussion sounds. Also did some reverse reverb on a few select 808 kick hits. Used a GL asat for the electrics. Section 1 was thru a violin patch , 2 was a clean Tele sound and the 3rd was thru a cheap wah pedal. First time recording with a wah , I now see why players love using them. Done in CbB and acoustic manipulated in Sonar 8.5 . Thanks for listening and for any feedback . Later ... mark
  5. Have you tried opening the project from the "recovery file" instead of the original project file. I've done that then exported tracks out of the troublesome project.
  6. I do a lot of file sharing with a friend , so we are constantly transferring complete projects back and forth. I'll save a new project as a bundle file and send it to a flash drive. On the 2nd pc we insert the flash and open Cakewalk. In "File" click "open project" then just click the dropdown to select the removable drive instead of your projects folder. When you select the project you want and click "open" it will ask if you want to unpack the bundle file. After "yes" it will build all the tracks etc.. Save the project , close it , eject flash. Done .. Never had a problem and now have a second backup on the flash drive. ms
  7. I just downloaded Cakewalk Command Center on a pc with No daw installed on it , then downloaded a trial version of Sonar Platinum . The "trial" version doesn't have all of the effects or instruments as the full splat version. Looking thru all the plugins , I'm seeing the same ones that won't load up in the trial version of splat or CbB. Looks like the original CbB was built off of the old Splat trial version with all the same plugins showing up , but not installed. I was thinking I had an install or effects scan problem but now I see whats happening. I am still a very happy CbB user. mark
  8. Dr. Steve , yes this is the plug in I'm referring to. It shows up in my fx chain but won't load up. I've seen other effects and modules in th3 that show up , but didn't come with CbB. All my other Sonar daws are 32 bit so all my other dx effects aren't usable in 64 bit CbB. Thanks to Skook for clearing this up for me (again). I'm still looking for a replacement for this effect. "It can get a little confusing to see something in your rack , that's not installed or even available" Thanks .. mark
  9. Hello , on my old 32 bit Sonar programs , I have Cakewalk Multivoice chorus/flanger. I use the "6 voice sparkling" preset on most of my Tele tracks and many other instruments. Does anyone know how to simulate this patch in CbB or know of a 64 bit replacement. I can't see the specific settings on the plugin . I've been exporting specific tracks out of CbB and then importing back in to get the sound I want. Thanks .... mark
  10. Do you have overlapping clips , causing the edit tool to grab an underlying section ? Highlighting the clip(s) should show you the beginning or end of the section you want to edit.
  11. Hello to everyone. I posted this aiming at the administrators of this forum . I really didn't expect everyone to respond like this. Great surprise ! Thank you all. mark
  12. Cool , sounds like a real song from the heart. The clarinets also added a lot . I still have a suitcase full of cassette tapes from a Tascam 8 track recorder. It played 2x speed , I wish I had something to play them on. mark
  13. Rik , I really don't see how you could have done better on a single take experimental test track. Import it back in a daw do some minor tweeks in the eq , and you'll have a keeper anyone should be proud of. Best of luck to you ... mark
  14. Great playing and production . I really liked the pristine highs in your mix. I did think the low root notes were a little overpowering. (may have been my headphones) . I googled your new guitar and noticed it didn't normally have a pickup. Did you add one or using mic(s). Do you think the ad-2 was responsible for most of the great guitar tone ? I've been looking at new preamps .... Enjoyed it . mark
  15. Very nice and clean mix, I really enjoyed that . Kinda has the feel of some of those killer Daryl Hall ballads. Great job . mark
  16. mark skinner

    EQing input

    I recently received a booming acoustic guitar track to add to a friends project. I got the boom out of the track but it still didn't sound like a keeper. I used to own the guitar he used , and know for a fact it's not a boomy guitar. I had him re record and keep the mic "away" from the sound hole. The track came out much better , clean and crisp. I think the first objective is to get the instrument sounding as good as it possibly can without any eq , then applying it to polish the track . It'll save you a lot of time in the long run .. mark
  17. Nice ! I like your vocal control. I think you could do the low spoken part singing with a high energy , real high voice .. ms
  18. Mark Skinner - USA (deep south) Hartselle Alabama.
  19. Hello , I have been very curious about how many members this forum has , and from what regions or countries. I think it is very cool to present a problem and have it resolved in a matter of minutes from someone half way around the planet. I think a running count with regions posted somewhere on this forum would be an interesting addition. Later ... mark
  20. mark skinner

    instillation date

    Is there a place in my files I can find the date of my last install . I seem to be overlooking it. I have to move my pc for internet access and just don't want to be surprised again by demo mode. Thanks ... mark
  21. JB , I searched thru 12 pages , in the songs section on this forum "without" finding anything. I then went to band camp and looked there , again with no luck. The point was , that I was impressed enough that I wanted to hear what other directions you were taking with your music... Thanks mark
  22. When I heard this song I searched thru 12 pages to hear more from you. Just Saying .... Now , I have a friend who sings his heart out when trying out a new song in a live venue . Put him in a sterile studio with the same song and he can't sing. He isn't dynamic and his vocal range just leaves. I think he worries to much about popping the mic , etc.. Put some mood lighting on him , give him a full length mirror, and the difference is night and day. Vocal range is even better and not as pitchy. I do have to melodyne some but he and anyone else hearing it is impressed. He felt really shy doing this at first but got over it. I know this is a "F....d" up suggestion ! nothing to lose by trying it ... mark
  23. Great Job ! I really enjoyed that. I was captivated by a lot of the changes and different directions you went. I totally agree with freddy j about the vocal drops . I "fully" plan on "Stealing" that effect from you... mark
  24. Clement , You said you assigned the delete key to delete the track. Do you mean you just highlighted the track , Or did you actually changed the function of the delete key? In one of your earlier posts you said the track got deleted instead of the marker .. I would also make sure none of your tracks are highlighted while trying to delete a marker . Good Luck . ms
  25. Markers can easily be deleted in the "Track View". When you hover over the marker with your mouse , you will see a hollow arrow pointing down. When you left click , you should see this arrow turn solid white , keep your left click button down and click Delete . Make sure you don't cover up the marker with the Now time position before doing this . ms
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