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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. mark skinner

    Lazy River

    Hello , here's an instrumental (for now) I'm finishing up. The guitar parts have been written for a Long time but I've never gotten around to finishing the song. I pecked around on a piano synth to get some of the melody going and may address vocals later if I think it's worth the effort. Any suggestions would be helpful at this point. Thanks for the listen .. mark https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14961392
  2. Bruce , Fantastic ! I Love the rhythm of the intro guitar and also the one in the break. Perfect timing and just the right amount of FX. It sounds like it would be pretty easy to replicate but .. I sure have'nt been able to lock it in that tight. Well written and and the "perfect" time to release it. There's sure been a lot of Smoke and Lies lately from my side of the border. Enjoyed it .. ms
  3. If you do a remix at some point , I think I would treat the guitar differently. Maybe just a reverb ? I built an adaptor to hook the bagpipes to an air tank. I had trouble with the pressure release valve and almost exploded them. Now they are just wall art with the other things I can't play. ms
  4. Thanks everybody for the listens and Great comments and suggestions. It took a while to get it to the point where I'm ready to surrender. Special thanks to @garybrun for another Great mastering job. Later .. mark
  5. Enjoyed that. Scott sure Nailed the vocals. I think I would spread the instruments out a little and make a little more room for the vocals. Still .. Very good as it is. I bought a set of bagpipes once just to cover this song. Never did learn how to play them.. Enjoyed it . mark
  6. mark skinner

    Beach tune

    Nice playing. I sure wish I was on a warm beach listening to this. Enjoyed it .. mark
  7. I downloaded Prefix and tried this yesterday. Very Good results after some tweeking. I found a sweet spot sliding 8ms on the copied guitar track. I did some A/B tests against my best widening plugins , this was a winner. Thanx . ms
  8. mark skinner

    testmix rel

    Absolutely Killer guitar work. ! This takes me back to when all I listened to was Steely Dan and Jazz Fusion bands. Loved it .. ms
  9. Excellent ! beautiful and haunting sounds. Very Creative weaving and layering . Loved it. ms
  10. mark skinner


    Great Production ! I really didn't miss the harmony that I was wanting to hear while watching the video. I really enjoyed it .. ms
  11. Beautiful tribute. My heart goes out to you. Honestly , I don't know how I could survive what you've been thru. Inspired .. mark
  12. Hello , I replaced the L/R Di guitars with a LaPatrie nylon (SM57). The upright bass guitar was replaced with an electric. (except for the intro). Quite a bit of under the hood work carving some space and trying to settle things down. @treesha , bumped the highs up a little on the vox. Thanx . Thanks Michael, nitpicking is what I want ! I think I settleled it down a good bit and got better seperation. I also had some Major conflicts with the bass and cello. @SteenE , Vox bumped up a little. I've been going back and forth every time I listen. Things I'm not sure of - 1. Main vox level. 2. Whether to replace the intro upright bass. 3. Intro electric guitar volume. Thank You for the listens and your feedback .. ms
  13. Great vocals Barry ! Very cool lyrics and Really Nice guitars. I heard a single guitar/vocal song the other day and immediately liked it. Realized afterwards he sounded like you but not as refined. Enjoyed it .. mark
  14. OK , so .. I've got it laid out the way I want. Now I'm going to start replacing tracks. I've got about 18 that have been "frozen" , cut up and moved around. Not very effeciant (I know). This was built from an instrumental I did in 2020 with some additional tracks. I've learned a little bit since then (with your help) and I'm going to try and bring it up to par. @KSband , Thanks .. Yee Haw is how I felt. I probably posted it a little early though .. @timboalogo , You wouldn't think I am much of a player if you saw how many times I hit "undo". I'm going to try my best to improve this one. Hang in there , it's probably going to take me some time .. I was kind of dissapointed when it was over but now I realise how much work is left to be done .. Thanks .. mark
  15. mark skinner


    Hey Michael , I Really like this one. You made a good choice of instruments to convey the groove and feeling of this one. The pedal steel guitar is Fantastic. Great tone and performance. Sure wish I had one and could play it . Who is on the acoustic ? It's very nice as well and played with a Great style. The backing and especially the flutes really rounded it out. Loved it all. It did take me a few times through to appreciate the middle breakdown though. Great Job .. mark
  16. Well .. all I can say is this is a strange one for me. I Really enjoyed doing it ! 😁 All crits , comments and suggestions welcomed. The link now reflects my Final mix and mastered by Gary Brun. 2/14/25 https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14937445
  17. Great song to cover! I don't think I've ever known an acoustic player who didn't learn at least the intro to this one. Heard your Great covers , and think you could "nail" this one with a little more work. Nice .. ms
  18. Thanks Barry , Don't worry .. I'm doing one now . 😁
  19. This is So Smooth. Fantastic performance , mix and video. I was Surprised how Good this sounded on laptop speakers. I'll listen further with headphones.. If you make any changes .. I think I would play around with the fade out . It seemed a little abrupt the first time listening. Maybe a longer piano outro ?? Loved it .. mark
  20. OK , calling this one done. New mix with an additional acoustic track. It is also 2 bpm slower (original recorded bpm) Mastering by @garybrun. I sure appreciate that Gary ! again.. Thanks to everyone who listened and commented. 👍 mark
  21. Sorry Jesse , I lost my best friend and playing partner a few years back. Think of him everyday . I built a Soundcloud page of his stuff for his wife after his passing . Nice to have his voice on my hard drive and I visit him often. I Really appreciate you posting this nice song of his and feel your pain. Hang in there .. ms
  22. Another Great smooth mix ! I think you Really excel on a minor key song. I couldn't help smiling when I saw the cover art for this one. 😁 Enjoyed it .. you're on a roll. ms
  23. I added 12 bars to a song . I did some cutting , dragging and pasting then wanted to move All of my markers downstream 12 bars . I couldn't find an option in ripple edit for this and did them one at a time. How would you go about doing this ? Thanx .. ms
  24. This was Very Sultry and Haunting . Loved the "smokey" feel of it. I thought the guitar work was Fantastc ! This one for sure passed the test. ms
  25. @equality , Thanks , yes it for sure needs something .. @noynekker , Appreciate it Bruce , I only found one spot I can get back to the opening riffs without it sounding strange. This alternate tuning is a litttle hard for me to some find good changes. @PJH, Thanks for confirming Bruces suggestion. I for sure consider you the King of melody's from all of your past posted songs. @jack c. , Thanks Jack. I'm not for sure what I'll do with this one yet but a guitar melody lead would probably be the easiest for me. All I've got to do is find one ! I thought the song was dragging some so .. the version that's up was sped up a couple of bpm. @garybrun sent me a master at the original bpm. It sounded so Good I'm going to slow it back down and send him a revised mix when I get it done. I'll be playing in this Alabama snow for a few days first .. Thanks for the support .. mark
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