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Old Joad

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Everything posted by Old Joad

  1. Old Joad


    Thanks for listening☮️
  2. The visuals are awesome, very cool song?
  3. Great song, love the sound of your voice, and the back vocals are cool as well??
  4. Cool, I wish you well, the stuff you have on youtube is awesome?
  5. Men At Work - Children on Parade:
  6. You did a great job with the Bandipur song is trippy as hell, Great folk life vibe on Nan's Cottage, the contrast between the two songs is really interesting?
  7. Nice cruising song, I like the sound of your voice?
  8. Wow, this really has a sweet mellow thing going on. I hope you don't mind me saying so, but this is one of your best tunes so far?
  9. Old Joad


    Cool, a lot of soul in this tune, nice feed back?
  10. Old Joad


    Excellent tune, Great Strat sound, are you playing through a twin reverb? ?
  11. Awesome, The crown of thrones line is great?
  12. I love the punk vibe, If you brought the drums more into focus so it sounded like a kit, This song would be killer.?
  13. I like the way you did the vid" the song is great?
  14. Old Joad

    The Voyage

    I liked it, the mellotron has a cool sound, a little bit of Rick Wakeman going on there? very cosmic ?
  15. Awesome groove, this is a killer song? BTW: Great video as well.
  16. Purple > Blue.. Roy Orbison - "Blue Bayou:
  17. Old Joad


    The starting keys are awesome, distorted keys at the end are cool, all and all it's a good song?
  18. The guitars and vocals sound cool but yeah, way too much delay.
  19. Old Joad

    Here We Are

    Nice, I like all the vocals?
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