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Craig Fowler

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Everything posted by Craig Fowler

  1. It's a great freebie but hasn't quite enticed me to spring for the full. Someday, maybe, when I decide I really need another Steinway D library!
  2. I've just been using the vpre-73 this week. It adds a bit of heft/thickness to my scraggly little voice. I like magnetite as well, and although I have most of the IK tapes, the rooster one is relatively light on CPU I believe. I haven't tried this plate reverb (and honestly, have so many great verbs at this point that I'm even passing on freebies). One that I really, really like is the Goldplate that Kush and Relab did together. It sounds gorgeous, but is *brutal* in terms of processing power!
  3. Sorry, no - I got in miroslav ce from apd. Might be worth emailing ok support to confirm it'll count! I had to follow up, but I did get an answer!
  4. Just FYI, Modo drums--which was an APD deal (like this)--did not qualify for the promo. Miroslav CE--which was in the shop but not on sale (though you could use wallet points to get it to a sale-ish price)--did qualify for the promo.
  5. Well, now you're getting into soothsaying territory!
  6. Yep, it was the CE edition, this one 'ere! https://audioplugin.deals/miroslav-philharmonik-2-ce-by-ik-multimedia/
  7. I bought it from APD as I had a bunch of wallet points plus the credit note they issued for the value of ModoDrums. Of course, I checked with IKM before buying! It qualified for the $149.99 tier.
  8. I say this every time, but if you don't have Matchlock...get Matchlock ?
  9. Agreed; kudos to APD who issued me a credit note almost as soon as I contacted them last night.
  10. Sorry to hear your response wasn't so helpful @Paul Cohen. My assumption all along has been that if we hadn't registered the serials, APD would probably be accommodating with refunds. Of course, some of us are in the communal boat because we did register the serial only to find it didn't qualify us for the promo. And I'd be surprised if APD could/would refund in that case without assistance from IK to cancel the license registrations. It kinda sounds like the customer service folks aren't singing from the same song sheet. And @LAGinz is right on; individuals have virtually no leverage in cases like this and rely on companies involved to fix things . I'd be very cautious at this point about entering any future group buys/promos other than by buying the qualifying product directly from IKM's webstore.
  11. An update from my support ticket: "Our team is working with Audio Plugin Deals to provide you with a refund. This should be distributed in the coming days." I'm satisfied with this as it doesn't leave me 'out of pocket' for a product I wouldn't otherwise have bought.
  12. Peter, have you been able to raise the discontent here back at IK HQ? Despite what's been posted here in this forum, and in support tickets, these are the T&Cs as stated on IKM's own website. I know you've cited the 'sole discretion to terminate or modify the promotion' clause, but essentially what's happening here is that IK is simply saying 'nah' without a valid reason. Literally the only two criteria stated for a product to be eligible for this promotion are that: a) the product must be registered between Aug 2nd and Aug 31st b) only new purchases, not transfers or giveaways are eligible. Those of us who bought ModoDrum at APD have fulfilled both of these criteria: There is still no indication either on IKM's website, or on APD's that people who buy ModoDrum from APD will not qualify for the promotion. And, given that it is listed as a $149.99 entry point, nor is it easy to see any justification for why it would suddenly only be counted towards a $39.99 tier product if IK decided to accept it as a qualifying purchase. I'm not a lawyer, but this seems incredibly sketchy. I simply don't see how IK has a leg to stand on in not honouring this. And from a business perspective, it seems astonishing that a company that just gave away what? 50+ products for the price of one in a group buy isn't willing to make some effort to retain customers' goodwill. Please understand that I've always appreciated you here Peter and don't want to shoot the messenger. But something stinks here, and customers are being hung out to dry.
  13. Agreed. I think at the least, ik should be working with APD to facilitate refunds for those who only bought modo drums to join the promo.
  14. Hi Peter In this case, what are the odds APD can be convinced to refund purchases made to enter the promo (IK are pretty heavy hitters, right?)? I don't want anyone to be 'out of pocket' but that includes myself - and I don't even use the existing license I have for Modo Drums, much less the redundant one!
  15. I agree. This is the email I just sent IK: Respectfully, this feels very much like changing the rules of the game while the game is underway. Previous promos have not differentiated between the price paid for a product and the list price: Historically, products purchased at a discount have still been valued at the IKM website price for determining free products. I see that the APD website has been updated to note that this product doesn't qualify - but when it is listed as a qualifying product on your website AND it was purchased during the time frame of the promo I feel rather strongly that IK should honour this as a qualifying purchase.(per the terms on IKM's website: The promotion applies to new purchases from the beginning of the promotion only (product transfers and products received as giveaways are ineligible). I like IKM and their products a lot, and have no problem with them having all the T&Cs they want re promos, but there are going to be a bunch of us who've just bought licenses for products we don't need to get in on this...because that's how IK has conditioned us to approach their promos.
  16. Wish I'd seen your post because I just did the same thing!
  17. Bargain! TDR's stuff is always top notch and ridiculously well-priced even when it's not on sale.
  18. Hopefully Larry's just enjoying a bit of downtime rather than having to dash off to tend to family matters as he sometimes needs to. If I posted all the deals he stays on top of I'd need time off to let my fingers recover from all that typing anyway...perhaps he just has cramp. Wishing you well, Larry.
  19. Nah to the discontinuation; this is a pretty regular IK thing. They just keep going bigger!
  20. Worked for me! Honestly, I've stopped buying Nembrini stuff because I really like what Kuassa are doing with their 360 ecosystem, but as they don't have a Hi-Watt amp, I'll dip my toes back in the Nembrini waters. For $10 it seems rude not to.
  21. I know Fleer loves it, and it does sound great. But, like you I have Rhodes coming out the wazoo, and can't bring myself to buy another...especially after picking up Keyboard in Blue for $25 (also Fleer's fault...). Realistically, I'll probably always turn to Pianoteq for EPs anyway. I did register for the mandolin, though! I'm doing it!
  22. You trying to get me hurt, Christian? I'm already in trouble for buying the new VSL Bechstein with only 'retroactive' permission!
  23. The banjo was last year's sweet treat! Alas, my pitch bend wheel broke, so I can't make the most of it!
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