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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Additional information: Are 32 loops (formats: wav, and aiff 24 bits, wav 16 bits)
  2. My case is different! Crossgrade 399€
  3. You can get it here: https://smaolab.org/product/taratube-free-version/ You can change the number of tubes you want to apply (stage parameter) to produce a soft to medium overdrive/distortion sound, enhance an overall track, add spaces or create drool & round sounds
  4. Collection of 33 vocal samples, 47 synth/keyboard loops, 15 drum and percussion loops, and 20 bonus demo song loops FREE during these last 6 days https://audioplugin.deals/seids-vocal-loops-by-soundtrack-loops/
  5. In my case I have added Solina instead of White Bell A little bit more, but better for me https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/noisymichael/solina
  6. Are our wishes Anyway, when you say: "the factory multis can and do use any synth and preset in the collection. So they are basically useless unless you have all of the synths and presets at your disposal." Has sense, but what ocurrs if you buy a big amount of them... the multis could be useful too... isn't it? I think that could be interesting to have the possibility to download them. After this, if you have problems using them because you haven't all of them... you know that you will have to pay for them. Under my point of view, IK should give us the possibility to get them. And as I said, if the user has problems because he hasn't all of them... will have to pay for them to be able to use the multis.
  7. it's awesome I thought that it was false... but is completely true OMG!
  8. Add it to the cart and use the code BPBFREE 60 Serum Presets 12 Bass 12 Chords 11 FX 12 Leads 5 Pads 8 Plucks 5 Construction Kits 121 Loops 33 Drum Oneshots 36 MIDI 5 Mixdown Demos 2 Full Product Demos (WAV & MP3) https://glitchedtones.com/products/nightlight-synthwave
  9. I don't know why go to LoopCloud You have to go to Plugin Boutique, add Lifeline Expanse Lite into your cart, and use the code shd3pymg5f https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/8019-Lifeline-Expanse-Lite And the plugin will be yours
  10. One important thing: REQUIRES KONTAKT FULL
  11. Echo Sound Works gives us Origins 40 free presets for Vital https://www.echosoundworks.com/origins-for-vital
  12. New free plugin of Analog Obsession FRANK Version 2 An analog equalizer very interesting https://www.patreon.com/posts/frank-65955720
  13. SuperflyDSP gives us free the free plugin Lost-Tapes https://superflydsp.com/index.php/lost-tapes-freeware/ To unlock the download information and the content details, we should write the code: SuperflyDSP
  14. I think that the code MAGNETICA-10 works too (extra 10%), but I don't know if is for new users only or for all type of users
  15. Free Virtual Instrument Plugin https://agushardiman.tv/monster-synth-a-unique-synth-plugin-with-many-cool-sounds/ Take a look
  16. $20 with the code SanjayNat5 Hatz Tape Piano 2 Vybz Brain X-Eight https://www.thenatan.store/p/thenatan-sanjayc-super-bundle/ And... free HiHats Presets for Hatz https://www.thenatan.store/p/free-hihat-presets-for-hatz-thenatan/
  17. It's free? It seems that you have to pay something to get it
  18. Mawf Beta for Mac, for the first 500 people Mawf is a machine learning plugin to emulate the sound of acoustic instruments More details in the web page: https://mawf.io/
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