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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Red Rock Sound gives us the plugin SA60, an spectrum analyzer For Mac and Windows More info here: https://redrocksound.pro/products/sa60-pc/
  2. I get this when I visit your site The captcha is missing there
  3. 26 additional sounds for Cherry Audio’s Minimode completely free https://fountains.gumroad.com/l/moremini
  4. Thanks for reply One question: The 10 year duration is for use or for updates? After these 10 years, can I use it or I have to paid again for using it?
  5. The update from Stutter Edit 1 to Stutter Edit 2 is... 70€!!!!!! ? https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/6516-Stutter-Edit-2-Upgrade-from-Stutter-Edit-1-or-Creative-Suite So... amazing price @cclarry Thanks!!!
  6. ToneLib gives us three free plugins ToneLib BassDrive v1.0.0 => https://tonelib.net/tl-bassdrive.html ToneLib TubeWarmth v1.0.0 => https://tonelib.net/tl-tubewarmth.html (and the old) ToneLib Zoom v4.3.1 => https://tonelib.net/tonelib-zoom.html Download page => https://tonelib.net/downloads.html
  7. Full Bucket Music - Grain Strain v1.1.0 released Windows and Mac https://www.fullbucket.de/music/grainstrain.html Some details about this plugin
  8. No more to say TA-Reverb-4 v3.0.0 https://tal-software.com/products/tal-reverb-4 Stereo / mono amount added. Ducking mode added. Harmonic engine added. Peak EQ for mid frequencies added. Minor fixes and enhancements. It's free of course!
  9. NastyDLAmkII (Variety of Sound) Leet Delay (Sonic Anomaly) DD Delay/DD MonoDelay (Dead Duck) Only for Windows
  10. Link: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/vertigo_vsc-2.html
  11. I answer myself The price is $19.99 + taxes... In my case, $22.99 with the taxes... ? All correct or not! ?
  12. I see that the price is $22.99
  13. Thank you. Anyway and after you resolved our doubts (and the people in other forums), I think that IKM should do, is extend the timing,... but is only an opinion
  14. Save 90% today! Kontakt Full required Dark Skies Alien Akies Deep Impact Other Worlds $38.95 37.79€ https://zero-g.co.uk/products/cinematic-toolbox-max-edition And I think that you can get a SoundSense too https://zero-g.co.uk/collections/free-when-you-spend-24-or-more
  15. Thank you very much @Peter - IK Multimedia
  16. Deelay is a free plugin from Integraudio "Deelay provides five modes of operation and a distortion stage with many types..." https://integraudio.com/deelay-review/
  17. I am with you! I would like to see these plugins on Mac... I love to Analog Obsession by that
  18. I have Pigments, MiniLab MK II, FX Collection 2, Analog Lab V (crossgrade)... and my price is 399€
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