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Niky Serrano

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Everything posted by Niky Serrano

  1. Thank you Saverio! Regards from Spain
  2. @Zolton this is the response I have received from Boom The Lucky Wheel has been temporarily disabled because of the high serverload Updated information about "when it will be back online again": I cannot say when exactly the Lucky Wheel will be back
  3. I suppose that you should to install the last version I'm going to do that
  4. Yes, I totally agree with you @Zolton In fact, today I asked them about this with your exact comments, because in the past, the lucky wheel would suddenly disappear, but after 2/3 days, it was back online However, this time we get a 404 error, but there is no information about it on the blog. Strange
  5. FYI I am a little disappointed with this Some days ago, in the past weekend aproximatly, Boom removed the Lucky Wheel In their blog they has a post about the Lucky Wheel (https://www.boomlibrary.com/blog/lucky-wheel/) but there isn't any post about this action I don't know if it will be temporaly while black friday is open or permanent
  6. [YouTube Video] New in Ableton Live 12: Roar - Extremely Versatile Audio Effect for Colouration and Saturation
  7. Venn Audio offers their Free Suite with 9 plugins Completely free, performant, light weight, resizeable, zero fuss set of cross-platform audio plugins. All the tools needed to fully mix a track to professional standards. No registration needed, simply download and enjoy! Free Suite is available for Windows, Mac, Mac M1 native, in VST3, AU and AAX formats https://www.vennaudio.com/free-suite/
  8. https://www.arturia.com/black-friday-23 In my case But you could see other offers at your profile https://www.arturia.com/myarturia#account
  9. It's normal and it's a correct decision IMO
  10. Well... I have seen a system requirement that has broken my heart There are many people using macOS 10.15 (Catalina) with Intel processors Very disappointed with this... I think that we (macOS 10.15 users) should have to continue with Ableton Live 11 Suite To purchase a new computer only to use Ableton Live 12 is not an option,... for me and for other people
  11. Thank you To add more info: https://www.ableton.com/en/shop/live-12/
  12. Great to hear that! But 1/2 years ago, they did the same and they fixed it quickly...
  13. I think that is an error, but... https://8dio.com/products/the-new-ambient-guitar-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instruments-samples
  14. With the freebie purchasing something at Plugin Boutique If you have SynthMaster 2 Player, this is the best price to get SynthMaster One and SynthMaster 2: In other case, SynthMaster 2 directly (29.25€ instead of 34,4€ for both):
  15. (Thank you @PavlovsCat ) Yes, I wrote to them. The short story is that on their website, there was a page that I found on Google and that after logging in, it gave me vouchers. That way, I acquired some cheaper libraries. I mentioned it in this forum and another user warned me that this could be a mistake, so that user and I decided to write to them to tell them. Instead of thanking me, they banned me, but since I had paid for several libraries, I responded that they should give me access or refund my money. At first they did nothing, but after threatening them, they returned the money I had paid on their website. About the libraries that I had paid through other stores, I had to talk to those stores and fix the situation with them. An incredible story that makes Karanyi the worst company in the sector that I know of. For me, that company sucks
  16. I've shared with everyone here in the past that this company does weird things behind the scenes I'm banned, my account is blocked when I try to log in, but I can get/buy the freebies Banned, but I'm still subscribed to your newsletter, they didn't unsubscribe from me and I can't unsubscribe either. They do not respect data protection, and I think they are not respecting the laws with this Freebies are a blessing to all of us, but they do strange things for a company like this and in short, they are a company to avoid in my opinion and experience
  17. Be careful with Karanyi and the codes that you could use with them They banned and blocked my account and products purchased Avoid the company ?
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