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Everything posted by TerraSin

  1. It's certainly possible. I think Affinity would need to have much more of a market share for them to consider it though. This whole thing started because Adobe didn't want to pay a license fee any longer. For now though, it can certainly work to Serif's benefit.
  2. Funnily enough, Affinity comes with Pantone colours. Photoshop just lost them because of a pissing match going on between Adobe and Pantone and Pantone is now charging a monthly subscription for them to be in Photoshop. This is a really good video about what is going on. This is really going to help Serif get more companies who do professional product design moving their way. Disclosure, despite the clickbait topic, he's not suggesting piracy.
  3. Serum 2 is coming! ...eventually. ? Being worked on atm but that's about all I know. Steve mentioned someone was working on it with him and I can't for the life of me remember who it was.
  4. Ahh bummer. Was hoping I'd get the $99 price point for registering this. Guess I'll hold off getting Total Studio Max for now. I must read the fine print next time. Heh
  5. Does anyone know if this will drop the price of Total Studio Max? Was thinking of picking that up.
  6. https://www.guitarcenter.com/IK-Multimedia/T-RackS-Tape-Machine-Collection-Plug-in.gc Guitar Center still has it for $30!
  7. Strange. I assumed everyone needed an account with Serif when they bought it anyway so not sure why the "where" would matter? Either way, I bought it without a second thought because $99 is a good price for a version updatre on 3 different applications which is about what I expected to pay for the v2 upgrades anyway. I'm not worried that everyone else got the same price. Doesn't matter to me. I'm happy with my price.
  8. They mentioned that you'd get free upgrades through the life of the version. Their intention was always paid version upgrades though. Plus, V1 was going strong for 7 years before they did this upgrade to v2. That's a good long time.
  9. I was hoping for a Lightroom style photo organizer as well.
  10. Agreed. I was expecting some sort of upgrade discount but eh, $99 for all 3 is a really good discount in itself and I'm not worried about what others are paying, really.
  11. Ohhhhhhh that's a pretty one! Thanks for sharing
  12. Can I just say that was the fastest store website I've ever used? It was very responsive. O_O
  13. Yeah, I'd just like something akin to Spotify's app so it didn't have to run through a browser. I'm strange when it comes to all this browser based stuff. I've always liked everything in their own apps. Especially since browsers are trash when it comes to resource balancing. Hell, Firefox is using over 2gigs of RAM right now. lol
  14. I love SomaFM. I don't love that they disabled streaming on platforms such as in games. lol There are some amazing stations on there though. I wish they would put a software player out that would allow browsing stations easier. I still run it in Winamp. lol
  15. The bigger issue I think is that many of the new plugins they've been putting out lately are just not up to par with a lot of the stuff they've released in the past. They've taken the road that Waves took and are spending much more time on promotion and advertising while sculpting their image rather than investing in the quality of their products. There was an interesting discussion the other day on how they've essentially molded a fanbase that would support them in giving off the image that they are top tier when they really aren't. Waves did that same thing for years. How many people would get started in production thinking that Waves plugins were the best in class because they were the name thrown around by everyone despite their quality severely dropping over the years? I think that's the bigger picture that people need to be focused on with PA right now. Regardless of their marketing, their new products just aren't hitting the marks.
  16. At this point, I'm filing everything PA under my "who cares" folder. They are really screwing the pooch lately.
  17. Anthony is awesome. I've learned so much from him.
  18. Did they update or something? This has been out for quite some time. The reception has been kind of "meh" because the interface is so badly designed (like Absynth was) but the sounds are awesome.
  19. $149 for me but they seem to do this right before a new version then have an obscene intro upgrade price.
  20. You have to be on their mailing list or something. They send you a discount code.
  21. Most people in America agree with it as well yet it's still one of the highest grossing restaurants in the country. This is also why Russians were lined up around blocks to get their last fix of it yesterday when the news broke. Plenty of videos available online of this happening so obviously many do care. Regardless of how many people you believe may know, the fact that there are still those who don't is a problem.
  22. There are a few reasons this is happening. The first is the tougher the world makes it on Russians, the more likely the government is to cave when the general populous gets angry with their government about being blocked from literally everything. The second part, possibly the more important one is that most people in Russia have no idea what is really going on because their media is being very controlled right now and they are painting a picture that the rest of the world is at fault. By things like McDonald's pulling out of the country, people are going to want to know what is really going on and will start to question. Yes, it sucks. It's going to suck for a while but it's absolutely needed at this point.
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