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Everything posted by vilovilo

  1. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi Paul. thanks, I indeed like this song....Glad you llke my tribute .... cheers. Olivier
  2. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hello, I said I miss time and it's true ,but this place is amazing... Full of cool people.. Thanks a lot for listening and commenting. Cheers. Olivier
  3. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi, thanks for listening and leave a comment. Olivier
  4. Hi mate, sounds like a deep injury !!!! So deep that you even felt the need to filter the vocal part with a kind of high and low pass!!! I would be glad if you could type the words ,though your intonation is clear ,Iam afraid to miss some details,because I am not english native.... cool sound .. Hey! Now waiting for a kind of catchy upbeat joyfull song?. cheers. Olivier
  5. Hi Daryl, cool song as usually, rythm explorations ...not able to give you any technical thought ... Maybe the voice a little bit too upfront but not sure,It might be your choice .... anyway cool time spent listening to this song. cheers. Olivier
  6. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi Lynn, yes , great songwriter ,I miss her in some ways though I never met her,and great song....I cannot say why ,but this song mooves something deep in me.... thanks for the tip of raising the threshold, I will do it, I say I miss time and it is true ,have a window tonight.... thanks again. Cheers. Olivier
  7. Hi Lynn, good job, if I dare .... The only thing is that I hear more guitars than ...love ..sorry sorry , you know how I process and I am found of light arrangements ... They allow me to hear more of the " heart of the thing ( song)" It is also that as a a non native english person It demands me some kind of effort to " enter " your song. Anyway good job and we need good music and cool people while Notre-Dame is burning . carry on .... It is a need ... cheers. Olivier
  8. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi Freddy thanks a lot. I am discovering that voice is really related to what we are and maybe this way to sing is due to a belief that I am not able to go in the high tones,but I am ok with It.... thank you. Olivier
  9. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi Bjorn, thank you. well for the mix ,It was not so touchy,one guitar and one voice, though on this one ,I dared to make It all "hardware" based. For the fade out,as It was a single take,It is more to hide errors at the end of the song than an artistic décision:-) thanks cheers. Olivier
  10. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hello Tom, thanks for your comments. I will be careful with the word "desert " . well singing in english demands some attention with all thoose "s" wich if you miss them ruin the meaning and thoose"th"unprononceable for me but ...I let it happen in some ways. for the loudness,I must be years late,and try to be a winner in the loudness war:-) ..No I don't know why It sounds louder ,but I am afraid that if I lower the ceiling of the limiter ,the soundcloud convertion algorythm makes it even louder. Thanks again. Cheers . olivier
  11. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hi, sorry,not much time to muse around on this forum,took time to listen to some titles and will have to leave comments... By the way this song was recorded in one take( really one,the first shot and no look back) For me this song is ... Beautiful ,Dolores O'Riordan wrote it for the birth of her daughter,and for me,it was ok to make it for my grandson. Thanks for listening. Olivier.
  12. Hi , actually I had in mind the song" Don't Give Up "and I was telling myself that you could do a duet like this :-) cheers.
  13. Waow ... I don't know if it is the sound link algorythm ( not sure if it is proper english ) but it throws loud sound :-) Open minded music I would say ... Good fun listening to this production. cheers. Olivier
  14. Hi Peter Gabriel :-) you just have to find your Kate Bush for the next one ... Imho really cool sound . You are really a british guy. cheers . Olivier ( edit) : Don't Give Up ?✌️
  15. Hi " Bayou bill " cool to read french here . thanks a lot . cheers . Olivier
  16. Hi John , thanks a lot... Well for the translation ,I admit it must be tricky because there are a lot of idiomatic turns of phrases . maybe I will try to give a shot but not sure to be able. Cheers. Olivier
  17. Hi Jessy, waow... What a comment . thanks a lot .... Got to find the radio station now:-) cheers . Olivier
  18. Hi " kloon " thank you . yes maybe a little bit too dry ,but you know how it goes ,one time drawned in the verb then next time you overcompensate and it is to dry and so on .... Thanks for listening. Olivier
  19. Hi Paul, thanks a lot for this cool comment. Olivier
  20. Hello, listening to this tune on an IPad ( shame on me) so no way to give any technical point of view. The song is cool and goes quite in a flowing moove ,cool time spent listening to it ( I will go back to it on a more decent device...) As others mentionned,there is a thing in the vocal part ,according to me it is not the tone ,what I hear is in tune and you manage the emotional expression quite well , from where I am ,maybe it is something related with rythm ,again for me and with out any proficiency I could revendicate ,it seems you don't manage your voice the same way as if it was a guitar or a violin or whatever instrument and it seems you let it " float " a tiny bit . Maybe taking the voice part the same way you would approach an instrumental part could help. I don't know. Hope to contribute in a way. Cheers. Olivier
  21. vilovilo

    I'm Retired

    Hi Bjorn, Good fun listening to this tune ... not english native so thanks for typing the words ... Cheers. Olivier
  22. Hello Tom, cool! It seems all the people of the other forum are here.... Thanks a lot. cheers. Olivier.
  23. Hi Bjorn, cool to read from you and thanks for your comment. No It is not a translation , Actually It has been a proper hit in France by the times,I really mean a hit ,here in France everyone born around the sixties knows this song . Joe Dassin's mother and father were american and I don't remember why ,but he landed here in France and became a real star here... He died too early,at around 45 . I like his adaptation ,because ,as a a kind of country fan ( not only though,but I do appreciate country music because of its oral transmission) ,I am really found of " City Of New-Orleans" , but Dassin ,with his deep understanding of what was going on ,made somewhat another song but imho ,in the proper spirit of the original . Thanks again,got to take time to check your songs . cheers. Olivier ( sorry for the edit It is because my device is hung on french and introduces many typing errors:-) )
  24. Hi David, thanks a lot for paying attention to my music. .....well for the lyrics you don't understand ,It could be because I set the threshold of the compressor too low ? Hi Steeve , cool to read you , cheers. Olivier
  25. No that's not true, just back in this forum ... And with the narcissistic part of myself ,It is to post a song. The french rewriting of" City Of New-Orleans" by Joe Dassin Thanks If you take time to check it. All the best. Olivier https://soundcloud.com/olivier-rougeot-2/salut-les-amoureux edit: not so proficient to insert the link ?
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