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Everything posted by vilovilo

  1. Hi, very cool time looking the video and listening to this piece of music. I like your "cadences" ( don't know how to translate ) a lot. It sounds like it has been played with something like pianotek or another vst. if it is, then you master it really well because "nuances" can be heard which is not easy with midi... Thanks for sharing. Stay well. Olivier
  2. vilovilo


    Hello Ed ( or Bapu!) thanks for listening and posting a comment. When I was young, I was listening songs in english and I was not able to understand the words, but It was cool, because I could imagine the stories of theese songs..... I must admit that later on ,when I could understand a little bit more, It was an upgrade, most of the time, but sometimes, I prefered what I had rebuilt in my imagination ! Stay well. Olivier
  3. vilovilo


    Hi Bjorn, nice to read from you. Thanks for listening and for your comment. Stay well . Olivier.
  4. vilovilo


    Hi, a pleasure to be able to use my old IPad again to come back here. So, I must be one of the rare person who took benefits from the crisis. It allowed me to moove forward a long time project. Here it is. It is the first time I feel ok with my work, though critics are welcome. I feel legitimate to post It here because it started with Sonar and though I switched to other softwares I had a use of Sonar for some midi editing and some pitch correction ..... Now comes for me the difficult part of the game which is: give It some motion , but wait and see. Hope you will like it. Stay well you nice Cakewalk forum members . Best. Olivier http://olivmusic.bandcamp.com/album/une-journ-e-ordinaire
  5. Hi Daryl, I told you about your « abs » on SoundCloud.,,? I like the tune and it is a picture of a part of some nowadays worries of certain people. ( by the way I am somewhat proud having almost just this forum as a social network... Yes , I am a man from the past century ...) As in every shot, production and realisation are « In the standards »!!! (Maybe of musical industry?....) A pleasure to hear mrs singing along ... Agree it could fit with a sitcom . cheers. Olivier
  6. Hello Daryl cool songwriting and good production as you got us accustomed with... Though I am not such at ease with english language , I allways get a kind of smile when I am hearing your songs. Thanks for sharing. Olivier
  7. Hey Daryl, thanks a lot for your return on this song. Olivier
  8. Hi Steve, thanks for listening and posting comment on this song . I am typing on a telephone and I definitly prefer the IPad. But apart this point everything is ok. Cheers. Olivier
  9. Hi, thanks for your comment. All the best. Olivier
  10. Hi, Thank you for listening. Sorry If I don't answer quickly and for not giving comment on songs,I cannot access my account from my old IPad and my PC is rarely connected. Cheers Olivier
  11. ......Humble excuses.... Did not mean to be unpleasant... Anyway ,for me, your music is good.
  12. Hi , I have an issue with Bandlab on my old device , and I cannot get to hear your music, Sorry , sorry.. Things are going ok with soundcloud or utube though.... All the best . Olivier .
  13. Hey, cool stuff, really european,from Spain to Italy , with a quick look in eastern landscapes , then moove somewhere in the South to go back to your country ( United States) with the banjo .... yes in the beginning , it has to see with the european tradition of music for the circus.... It looks like a big work... Thanks for sharing. Olivier
  14. I am sorry, I have an issue with my old device and Bandlab , so it is a while I cannot hear your songs .... I will find a turnaround . cheers. Olivier Edit .. Totally wrong, I could hear your song !!!!! not really my style but cool stuff ....
  15. Hi, cool sound , and great fun..... Not sure you will make a living with this kind of stuff but who knows? But once more , great fun. Cheers. Olivier
  16. Acronym for Wrong Tone With Wrong Chord At Wrong Time!!!! The purpose is to built a start-up aimed towards musicians or songwriters who are not professionnals but love music! The idea is: music takes time .... So if music ain't your job but you produce good things .... Then you go back to your computer , your guitar or whatever ... And it takes time .... So the thing is: Create an Academy where we teach people how to ruin a track by overloading the preamp , learn the wrong mikes places,and a lot of kept secrets!!!! Then for thoose who missed this steps ,how to destroy a mix with too low a threshold ,or too high a ratio with the compressor... Teach them how to get wrong settings with eq and so on.... So the result should be: "Mmmmh cool man! Good job , but what's your actual profession?" In this situation , amator musicians should skip playing ...And here comes the heart of the thing!!!! Normally , they should pack up and get a great area of free time to : Drink, watch TV, bet on horses, wander In the street .... And a lot of useful things . For the more recalcitrant , we could teach them how to sing out of tune or how to play out of groove!!! I think there is a fair amount of business to be made with this health recognized enterprise. Sponsors should be numerous. What do you think about this great idea?
  17. Hi hi, maybe I will!!!! Then you will become a professionnal musician and songwriter .... And you will have to get your accreditation with the Union of professionnal song writers and musicians .... And you will have to make more albums and touring dates to make your living ...... Edit: And we will be happy because we will hear you more !!! And you won't because you will have to play and write and sing with no holidays !!!! ???
  18. Sorry ,sorry . I know I am getting loud !!!!! But .... You master ,playing ,writing and producing ..... So go on ( you know the Corrs song!!!) You are close to bring us something really cool !!!! Put away all technical thoughts , You master them !!! And just offer us what you would really want to offer us !!!!!!!! sorry for the edit !!!!! But ,according to me , You should also throw away all the conventions ( After the fifth must come the one or the fourth or the minor six and so on ....) Just to say I am a fan!!!!
  19. Hi , congratulations!!!!! It is something important to bring a project up to a kind of reality ... To be honest, I am not sure I wll buy the album , but it helps me spend a cool evening ,better than listening to the radio . Funny , it brings me back to , I don't know .... Somewhere between CSNY and some more recent productions.... But , sorry sorry, you know ,what makes me buy an album is it that it does not lead me back ,but it brings me somewhere I have never been.....(Hendrix on his time and this one I miss :Amy Winehouse...they did something never done before ,according to me , that's why music while being a business is also an art!!!) Your album is great , and again, it is cool time spent in the evening with your music... Carry on and maybe one day , the unknown will come out from your guitar or from your writing..... Anyway , again, perfect production, good playing and cool singing . Thanks for sharing. Olivier .....mmmh maybe I will buy it??
  20. vilovilo


    Hi, this song is written in somewhat a pure tradition of a certain kind of songwriting , but as I have no knowledge I can't tell you which one it is? It certainly reminds me some of Leonard Cohen's writing ( the deep lyric writing and the kind of " ostinato" played with the guitar) I like the way you place the lyrics in term of rythm . So in short: Bravo!!!!! Cheers mate. Olivier.
  21. Very nice tune ,very good performance by all the musicians ,nice video and nice mix.( Some tones reminded me some Pat Metheny's progressions ,and from my point of view it is a cool thing). Thanks for sharing . All the best for your music . Olivier
  22. Hey cool ! Mister guitar hero ? It's true that sometimes,things are easier to say with things more subtle than words .... It seems there is some work in this track ,and I can hear you have a lot to say ,and you use your guitar to tell it.... Very nice song ..... Your lady ,surely has been impressed by thoose " power tones" you offered her here .... Listened it three times in a row .... Thanks for sharing. All the best . Olivier
  23. Hey cool video ,and nice song... I am impressed ..... Got to go back to it with a good sound system because I just watched it on an IPad... The only little thing I would say is that the lead guitar seems a little bit too upfront but again ,got to go back to it. cheers. Olivier
  24. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Hello Jessy , thanks a lot for listening and for your comment. By the way the last three lines you typed sound like poetry ....could be wrote like this: Give me five minutes of reckless abandon over perfect coifs and painted faces any day You just keep on doing What you are doing You will find the way thanks , Olivier
  25. vilovilo

    Ordinary Day

    Waow Daryl!!! Thanks for your comment. Olivier. edit.. A look back at the original,according to me is not wasted time !!!
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