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Everything posted by Annabelle

  1. I'm scrolling through all the controllers with JAWS, but every time I press the "Right Mouse Button" (Numpad Multiply), JAWS seems to say that the controller I'm on is "10, and it's pointing to "Pan Part 01". Now I'm confused!
  2. The keyboard I have is an Akai MPK25. I don't think it's faulty, because it works with other instruments. Here's an example project with Cakewalk TTS1. There's Always Tomorrow.cwp
  3. I know it's not that, because there are no volume automation controllers in the MIDI. I restart Sonar, then the sound is heard again, but then suddenly turns back to being inaudible out of the blue.
  4. The audio volume goes down to something barely audible. As for the data recovery, I'm sending the drive in to Drive Savers in Novato, California. The good news is, my Renter's Insurance policy with State Farm is going to cover the cost, so all I have to pay is the deductable ($500), which will be paid to my insurance company.
  5. I would put more VST's in there. However, the drive that has the samples associated with those VST's is currently out of order and I need to send it to Drivesavers, as it shorted out when my apartment complex lost power on May 27, 2022. Here, I'll attach an example of the sound it makes when I try to power it on. I recorded this with my Olympus LS100 next to the computer, and powered on from a shutdown state. The drive makes this sound like a ticking clock at the cadence of a North American busy signal, before finally shutting off after 10 cycles of that. Hard Drive Flash On and Off Then Shut Off.zip
  6. The only controllers in the file, a MIDI file, are 121, set to 0, and 64, set to 0. These appear at the very beginning of the file, before you find any music notes.
  7. Any good quality GM synths out there that would sound similar to the Roland Sound Canvas SC8850? I actually used the hardware version in a Music Technology course at Lane Community College here in Eugene, Oregon when I was a student there.
  8. The problem is: 1. I have an older machine, that's why I use Sonar 8.5. 2. I have accessibility software (Caketalking 8.8), which is only compatible with Sonar 8.5. 3. I use Windows 7 without updates on this machine (I know you might say that's a security risk, but it works just fine for me!). Any updates causes instability with the drivers and breaks compatibility with my JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screenreader software and other accessibility programs. 4. The Asio drivers I'm using are the USB Asio drivers for the Focusrite Third Generation Scarlet 18I20, which I know are the right drivers. 5. The buffer size is 512, which is the lowest latency my machine can comfortably withstand (Anything lower leads to stuttering and dropouts).
  9. For some reason, when I go to play a MIDI file with Cakewalk TTS1, after a few minutes, sometimes after a few seconds, the audio seems to disappear. In other words, I turn it back on with the Play button (Spacebar), and what seems to have happened is the audio is barely audible. This only seems to happen with Cakewalk TTS1. Is there a way to fix this? If so, what shall I do?
  10. Is it accessible to screenreaders like JAWS? Good Heavens I hope so!
  11. Does it cost anything to obtain Reaper? If so, how much?
  12. Out of curiosity, is it possible to open Cakewalk Bundles .cwb, .bun, and .wrk in programs other than Sonar? I'm even wondering this same thing about other files like Protools Sessions and Digital Performer Files. I know those are competitors, but I have projects that I created with those programs, which I'd like to be able to open in Sonar.
  13. I'm not about to give up so easily! I'm lookin' on the bright side and makin' sure I take this to a professional like Drivesavers, who has a 99% success rate. Pretty good if you ask me! I'd even pay $1,000,000,000,000,000 if I have to!
  14. I wish I could post the other pictures. It seems crazy that 4.88 megabytes seems to be the limit for attachments.
  15. I'm planning to upgrade my projects drive, as well as my operating system drive, to solid state drives. I'm even planning to upgrade the tower. Would this be a good tower for the components I have in my current configuration? Here are some pictures of my current tower in attachments. Compare this to the tower I want to have. Meshify C — Fractal Design (fractal-design.com)
  16. Hi, it's Annabelle. I know this might sound like a strange request, but here goes. I have this hard drive that I'm going to send to Drivesavers in Novato, California, and I've let them know that there are Cakewalk Projects on there that I didn't get the chance to back up. These Cakewalk projects, as you might know, have the extension .cwp. I've tried ICare Data Recovery Pro, but it seems to bring them back in sequential fragments, 46 of them for each project. If I send this drive to Drivesavers, would they be able to recover the files intact? If not, can somebody tell me the best way I can recover Cakewalk Projects, and put them back together if they're in fragments like these ones are? Drivesavers did say that they could recover .wav files, which are also included on this drive, but they tell me that things like .cwp are proprietary formats. Now I'm confused! ? Yes, the drive is able to be accessed by my computer. I haven't written anything new to this drive since 2018, yet the files I'm trying to recover were discovered on there from 2015 and earlier. Are there any applications that can be used to join fragmented files and merge them into one? Would I have to use a hex editor to write missing headers? If so, which one is best with JAWS? Also, this seems rather strange, but the drive I have seems to only show half its capacity. It's a 1TB hard drive, but only seems to think it's 500 GB. Could that have resulted when my apartment complex recently experienced a loss of power? Drivesavers has been in the business since 1985. Their website is https://www.drivesaversdatarecovery.com. I love the fact that the representatives there are friendly, and they seem to have an "It's all about the customer" attitude. The most recent incident happened with another hard drive on my music machine. When I woke up Friday morning, May 27, 2022, I thought I was dreaming when suddenly, I heard it! My samples hard drive, the one with all my virtual instruments on it, suddenly started flashing on and off, and after a few repetitions of that cycle, it shut off completely! Now the samples drive isn't even connecting to my machine. Stranger still, the model number, which I don't remember all of it, but it usually starts with "ST31000", now displays as a number that starts with "STM13". How did this happen? We actually lost power in my apartment complex that day, so I wonder if that may have shorted out the power in this hard drive. I'm hoping I can still retrieve the samples off of there before it possibly goes belly up! It's amazing that that particular hard drive has been with me since the day I got my music machine, September 2, 2011! I've just recently purchased a new 6 TB Western Digital Black hard drive from B&H Photo And Video in New York City for $159.99! Now all I have to do is wait for Markus to come over and help me with makin' the switcharoo when the time comes that he's available to help me put it in. If I can't retrieve the samples myself, which I'm sure most folks will say is not a good idea if there's possible mechanical failure, I'm sendin' the drive in to Drivesavers! Mark gave me a quote that the price will be between $700 and $3900! Sure that's spendy, but it's worth it for me, as a few of the samples on there are ones I've made, and some of the instruments are ones I customized. If Drivesavers can save an entire series of episodes of "The Simpsons" as well as an entire series of raw sessions from an album by The Rolling Stones, surely they can help to save my precious files, some of which aren't exactly replaceable! I hope the noises my hard drives make are not a sign of data damage or mechanical failure. If they are, what shall I do next? If the folks at Drivesavers are able to save every single "lost" file I have, for the love of San Francisco that will be my dancin' day! Then I'll be makin' music like never before! My sight challenged friend, Glenn, who actually builds computers (I know, you might say that's impossible when you can't see), says that the sound my hard drive is making, from the attachment I'm providing you in this email, is the sound of stuck heads. He tried to suggest that I put it in the freezer, but I don't think that's a good idea, as it could possibly introduce condensation in the machine, even if it's in an antistatic bag. What shall I do next? Here's an example of the actual sound from my actual hard drive. I recorded this with my Olympus LS100 field recorder next to my computer, while restarting the machine from a shutoff state. Listen to this and tell me if you think this is mechanical failure that could lead to data loss. Hard Drive Flash On and Off Then Shut Off.ogg
  17. Here's a screenshot for ya. In this, you'll see that the Cakewalk TTS 1 has lost its connection. I'm posting both the Track View and the Synth Rack.
  18. I remember playing with an SC8850 when I was in the Music Technology course at Lane Community College here in Eugene, Oregon. I got straight A's in that course, and even an award for "Special Outstanding Achievement in Music Technology"! I'm sure you're thinking, "What an amazing woman!".
  19. I wonder if there are any .nki files of B3 organs, as Kontakt seems to work for me in Sonar.
  20. Specifically I'm looking for that Leslie drawbar organ sound, kinda jazz and rock at the same time. One you can customize to switch on or off different drawbars, and control the speed of the Leslie.
  21. Would you like me to post a screenshot of the synth rack in Sonar? Maybe I could send a project that includes Cakewalk TTS1?
  22. Is there a 64-bit softsynth that can produce the same instrument sounds as Cakewalk TTS 1? If so, what's the best one out there?
  23. I recently created a project with one of the synths being Cakewalk TTS1, but for some reason, I hear no sound when I play the keys. Is there a button that got turned off? I've been reading through the Caketalking tutorial, but I can't find anything that would tell me how to make certain buttons reappear in the Synth Rack. Specifically, the "Mute", "Solo", and "Act Learn" buttons don't seem to appear on the "Synth Property" page of the Cakewalk TTS 1" synth I've inserted into a project I've made. Yet they appear in the Cakewalk Template that is a 16-Track TTS 1 template. How do I make these buttons show again in my project? And, how do I make it so that I can navigate through the synths once again in my project? It seems that when I press the Arrow keys or the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, all I hear is, "Please press F6.". I do so, but nothing changes. I've checked all the Windows settings, like "Screen Resolution" and "Color Quality", and those seem to be optimal. I've checked to make sure that the Caketalking Control Surface is enabled, and it is. I've checked to make sure that only the peak meters are shown, and they are the only ones displayed on the screen. I've done a repair install of JAWS, but even that didn't work. What do I do next? Also, I could be wrong, but I believe Cakewalk TTS1 is a 32-bit plugin. I have a 64-bit version of Sonar, so I wonder if there's a 64-bit version of Cakewalk TTS1. If so, where can I find it? If not, I wonder if there's a softsynth that can produce the same sounds as Cakewalk TTS 1.
  24. I'm staying with Windows 7, JAWS 15, and Sonar 8.5 Producer Edition on my music machine.
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