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Bass Guitar

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Everything posted by Bass Guitar

  1. Looking at different Daw's I found Sonar has the most confusing input list of all with Mixcraft a close second. I'd score Sonar at almost the bottom if you were doing a shoot out of input list features. This is especially nasty when you use an interface with a lot of inputs like a digital mixer. Studio one as example allows you to totally customize the list, rename, re order, mono, stereo etc. You can then save this set up. Very handy when you switch between interfaces a lot.
  2. There's no point trying to communicate with staff here as they don't have time to read most of this stuff. If he PM'd you that is how you now communicate with him. They will sort out you problem even though technically it's not their problem. That company is long gone. There just nice guys. You should forget that POS X1 anyhow, possibly the most bug infested version of Sonar ever! Just install CbB Last time I checked it still runs on W7. At least I have it on an old laptop here somewhere.
  3. Definitely something not right with graphics. Try this. Dump a movie file into Sonar. Now open the video view and undock it. Play the movie and stop. Now resize the video view. It will not refresh to the new size until you start playback. Switch to the Console view then back to the video view, Still shows the console view until you start playback. I don't have Cakewalk but I'd be interested to see if it behaves the same way because I sure don't remember this. I have a few other Daws and none of there Video preview screens behave this way. It's annoying and makes Sonar unusable because you can't stop and edit the audio when your trying to see when the drummer hits the snare! I'm seeing weird performance issues like this as well. Hard to put my finger on it.
  4. Exactly! It was a band aid solution in the day's when a Sound Blaster was one of the few audio cards sold in local stores. It has served it's purpose up until Windows updated the audio drivers to the new WASAPI modes. This has made asio4all totally obsolete. The argument that new users need it is totally unfounded. Why? Just last week or so I installed Sonar on a W10 Laptop. Sonar worked right out of the box and checking in preferences it was using WASAPI shared mode. So why would a new user need a 3rd party lower quality audio driver? Sonar/ Cakewalk are tested with WASAPI 100%. And if there's no ASIO driver installed it knows what to do. It seems the only time people end up using asio4all is because some Chinese manufacture's of crap interfaces sometimes recommend it. They should have tried WASAPI first! If a Audio device doesn't support WASAPI it's a total POS. Toss it out. But that said it is true that Cakewalk/Sonar is possibly the only Daw that barfs on Generic ASIO drivers.Last Summer I had installed Cubase demo so of course that gets you the dreaded Steinberg Generic ASIO driver. At the time I was avoiding Sonar as I tested a bunch of other DAW's. A month probably went by using a few other Daw's without issue, They all used my Motu interface. Actually only Cubase asked if I wanted to use it's driver which I ignored and didn't register what this meant. I was totally unaware the Generic driver was installed until the day I opened Sonar and noticed it had taken over! Go figure.
  5. Whoops, Somehow posted in the wrong thread. I deleted and moved it see my original post.
  6. to answer your question. No. there is only 2 pairs stereo ( 4) outputs. 1/2 3/4 From the web Page: Specs_ L-20 Features 20 discrete channels (16 mono plus 2 stereo) with XLR or ¼-inch connectivity 22-track simultaneous recording, 20-track playback 22-in/4-out USB audio interface connectivity I have the L8 it is more or less the same functions. USB audio returns on the L8 to channel 7 and 8 stereo. CH 7 on the mixer is 1/2 out from your daw and 8 is 3/4 out from your Daw. On the L20 channels 17/18 would be 1/2 out from Daw and 19/20 are 3/4 out from Daw. End of story. They are amazing audio interfaces as the recording is direct from the pre amp. And monitoring has lots of options. It is disappointing about the outputs as I know many would have liked to use that and send multi track backing tracks from a Daw. The thing you have I don't have is the Bluetooth app. I would love to have that. I think only the L20 does. This is a good place to ask questions https://www.facebook.com/groups/3381710675375346 I also found a You tube - https://youtu.be/6bOWEE-OGLg
  7. Woops wrong thread- moved to here https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/84121-cbbl-audio-output-to-zoom-l20-line-input-question/
  8. This is not exactly true. I did a little digging and only Waveform and Pro Tools First are free. The rest barley qualify as usable Daw's. They are sort of like 1995. This is also not exactly true, Cakewalk by Bandlab was just a temporary new name for Sonar, And It is free. It is still the best free Daw. Waveform is also a very good Daw.
  9. I don't use a lot of midi junk but when I do it's like a piano or an Organ. Keyboards I would guess. Speaking of old included instruments, I actually still like True Pianos which requires me to run the installer for Sonar 8.5. It would be cool if they dug up that old stuff and brought it back so I don't have to waste time doing that anymore. I think you'd be surprised at how many people seem to think the TTS-1 sounded great! My goodness. They even use it for backing tracks. yikes! I think the MS wavetable sounds the same and that's not saying much. But they seemed to have also removed that from midi output options?? It's like a plot against people who like terrible sounds.
  10. I have never had any issues with exporting audio, Wave or MP3 or stems. I do believe my settings are what ever the defaults are plus a few minor changes to sample rates. The default seems to be if you choose " Entire Mix" - it chooses your audio interface as the source. This always has worked. 100's of time for me. If you never touch those Hardware bus stripes then it uses the Master bus levels as the export. Your overcomplicating things with creating extra buses. Not necessary. You could turn your interface Hardware volume control right off and that is not involved because the export is internal in your computer, it doesn't travel back to the interface. So don't waste your time fussing with that software mixer. I'm pretty certain it is not involved. Notice in your screenshot of the mixer how it is at the other end of the USB cable. Everything is internal and not routed through the hardware. That would be dumb as it would involve passing through D/A convertors. First your screenshot of the console view all looks good, this is mine. Looks pretty similar so nothing missing I can see. Your issue must be something not set up correctly in the export dialogue. I have included a screenshot of a typical export. Did you choose the pre set first? This is what I do. I always choose a preset. Note it shows the Motu as the correct source. Also make sure nothing is out of place in the dialogue to the right where all your tracks and busses will be listed. A lot of people miss this because the default is to hide it. I always export as 48/24 Wave files first and they are set to automatically play in Windows Media player. Obviously the volume is full. I also immediately drag and drop the file into You Lean Loudness meter which gives me an instant reading for peak level and LUFS. If all is good I might then also export an MP3 but they are sort of obsolete now that all the delivery services want lossless formats. Ultimately people want Videos which is why everything I do is 48 sample rate, even Mp3.
  11. Use a Daw that can do this, I have 3. They also can separate the audio track which is handy for when a video has audio sync issues. In my video editor the audio and video are glued together. The right tool for the job makes for less issues.
  12. Thanks @Misha for the tidbit of info from staff about the remote possibility of purchasing our favorite Daw someday! I as well agree that the statement leaves me pondering why they are holding off?? Hold on folks, the Bloatware is not ready so we can't release it officially yet! I just did a nice fresh install on an almost Dawless computer. What does Sonar come with in it's current state? Apparently Not much. It's easy to miss what is included because this is all tossed at you on first boot up- There was a huge stack of those toast messages. I think 7? It was sort of messy because it was all these things wanting to be first downloaded and then installed. Including an update to the Daw?? I guess we are supposed to use the new download manager but there's no info regarding this stuff. It actually took a little digging to find the correct web page. There are all these legacy sites still?? This is out to lunch compared to any other Software. Anyway in the toast was the SI instruments THU and Melodyne demo. First glaring omission is the TTS-1. So Sonar is one of the few Daw's on the planet that can't play any midi sounds. This is rare! I think only Pro Tools and Waveform are also like this. The rest of the Daw's I have all play midi files instantly. Actually come to think of it Cakewalk Next plays GM midi! What's with that? I recorded a simple vocal guitar project to test if the Laptop was OK and all seems good. I added bass and then I wanted a compressor and some reverb. All the included effects for the Bin are those 40 year old DX plug ins. Aren't we supposed to avoid these because they are not supported anymore?? I write that off as a big fat zero. But the Pro Channel saves the day for some meat and potatoes effects. It has some good compressors and EQ. I avoid that Breverb sucker as it crashed projects on me years ago. So on my list of what I consider usable stuff I have about 4 items so far! I have rarely used the SI instruments even though they are at least a tiny bit better then the TTS=1 was. Having just worked in a few other Daw's all last year Sonar is a top contender for my workflow , but yes it sucks in the included plug in category. Big deal. Personally like most of the others have stated--I don't really care. So if they think you need Bloatware to compete in the Daw market they are making a huge mistake.
  13. First choose Narrow all strips, then click on a strip and uncheck narrow and that strip will return to wide. But ya, never seems to stay his way for me either.
  14. This thread is from September. Somebody dug it up. And yes sales are over but they said in that thread they are working on a fixed price which is expected to be less than the original $150. All these sales just add to to frustration for those who either paid the full price or like me they won't honor it if you are already a member. They seemed to be sorting this mess out and hopefully stop messing with our minds. They should follow the example of another Daw I now own. They too had a free version and being a registered user I received an email offing to upgrade to the paid version for only $49. regular price is $199. How could I resist! But the difference is I now own it for life.
  15. In most cases when playing via hardware you need to choose a Midi channel, Bank and a patch. The users manual will explain how to set this up and have a Bank and patch list somewhere. Yamaha is pretty together about that stuff. It probably even has a Multi channel GM player built in.
  16. Why is everybody so defensive of a company that obviously made it clear that they are not focused on long time users and what we think? This Daw has become just a piece of "merch" in a cooperate strategy to sell subscriptions. Doesn't take much to figure that out. Nothing wrong with it otherwise. Continue to save your hard work in a format that belongs to a Cooperation whos goal, understandably, is to make money for the shareholders. Nothing wrong with that either, it's how the world is run. Sonar is a great Daw! I hope it survives all this BS. We should be buying shares in Bandlab! But this Membership deal and Cakewalks pop ups have lost a lot of loyal users. My observation is that Daw's that are owned by the developers do care what the users think. So if that is important to you, then you should seek that out. Our developers care but they have no control of the marketing. So my feedback about the new release is I'm all for them adding advertising and making people sign in once a week. PT 1st ( free) makes you do it every day. If you don't like it either take the bait or --
  17. It funny this just came up in the other new thread today. So I won't repeat what I said already. But YES PLEASE! Add ARA! it's a PITA to have to continually work in the Stand alone editor for Melodyne. Simple things like Audio to Midi are missing. Here's my wish list: ARA support Mixer View - Next is alone in this glaring omission. And please allow that you can undock these and the midi editor while your at it. Next is the only Daw I use that can't use 2 monitors. Then please add db readings to the meters? A favorites list for adding plug ins. Most Daw's have this. Midi output option on instrument tracks for hardware support.
  18. No, Next is very basic and is missing a lot of more advanced features. They seems pretty slow at making improvements. After a whole year gone by we finally got a tempo map. You get the impression this is a part time job for one developer. What I am forced to do with things like this is use Melodyne stand alone. If Next had ARA support it would happen internally like it does in other software that supports ARA. Presently you would have to find that clip in the audio folder and open it in the Melodyne editor and transpose it there and it "SAVE AS " and add the new note name. I have Melodyne studio so I can create complicated chords from just that one note. People only think of vocals but I use Melodyne for audio editing way more than vocals. Its possibly still on sale. This is the best time of the year to upgrade. Most people have the essentials version which comes free with a lot of Daw's. Even one free Daw I have included it. They will use that license for a cheap upgrade.
  19. Interesting, this was sort of my experience too. The emails were all polite and obvious boiler plate auto reply. Never did find out what caused the crash. At least it never happened again.
  20. Why do I bother, the last 3 answers I gave on this stupid forum resulted this sort of reply. Signing off.
  21. This! Do it. Noel offered his help and you sort of ignored him. He takes these things seriously and they need the report as it is what in the end makes Sonar stable. We all benefit from users cooperating with this. And if you go into the crash dump you will be able to possibly see what caused the crash. But there's always more to it that is best those who can decipher have the info. Windows Debugger, also known as WinDbg, is a tool made by Microsoft to help troubleshoot bluescreen minidumps. Windows Debugger is a tool that helps you read the minidump file.
  22. Actually he is correct. The UM22 is one of the poorest choices for use with a Windows PC because it does not come with an ASIO driver. It is supported fine by Core Audio and that was the market it was made for. Mac. It is a huge waist of time to try and make it work on a PC. Give it to a friend who has a Mac. The Focusrite is actually another poor choice because bang for buck. It is lacking in features other similar price 2x2 interfaces have. Do your research. I had just watched this video the other day so that's why I had just found this out. https://youtu.be/YcDGKuBJ2VI And this is another real good one to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMuA-2FbJxE&t=1013s
  23. Bass Guitar

    Tascam US-2400

    I think this sort of says it all. The driver hasn't been updated since 2007! I have the us1641 audio interface which is same vintage. they updated the driver in 2016. But it no longer works very well with W11. It kind of worked with W10. I still have 2 computers running W7 for this very reason and I can use it no problem to record 14 tracks of audio live. But yes it's a great piece of gear that has only been forced out of use by windows updates. I also have a M-Audio Fast track pro that is the same issue. There's zero wrong with either of these interfaces but they only work on W7.
  24. I remembered you posted this and in the Next help menu is a "View Release notes" option. I clicked on it and a box popped up in the notifications saying there was nothing available at this time??? I find it odd how silent Bandlab is being about Next?
  25. Simple solution. Go into preferences, Keyboard shortcuts and my choice was the "Z" key got assigned to open Melodyne and the "X" key to render. This keys were not every used by me. This eliminates a zillion mouse clicks when working on a track that is chopped into shorter clips. I re-assign a lot of the main shortcut keys as I hate having to use Combination shortcuts. I'm a mouse type person. I even re-assgned the "T" key to be Transpose because I rarely need to open the tool menu that way. The "V" key is now save.
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