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Everything posted by simon

  1. that's showing £21.95 in the UK ! what's happened to the exchange rate ? ?
  2. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    agreed - I had that one already
  3. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    that's what I tell myself too - and yes it doesn't seem to stop me spending. We're being outsmarted by the vendors spreading their discounts throughout the year...... sneaky
  4. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    arghhh - not another one I might be forced to buy. I think this has been the most expensive start of the month I can remember - and we've got the January sales to come soon
  5. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    IMO this looks like at least one of the cheap ones to pick up: https://8dio.com/instrument/8dioboe-vst-au-aax-kontakt-instruments-samples/ should have been back to full price by today
  6. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    no ! and I was wary of the same thing (great minds think alike) - so I bought 2 x $8 libraries just in case - I got the oboe (which is/was on sale ) and the road trip. --------- as always Larry is faster on the draw - wouldn't like to go up against him in a wild west shootout ?☠️
  7. simon

    8DIO Christmas Sales

    I'm starting to dislike this forum - it's costing me a fortune, I came here to SAVE money ! ? it was a good deal though picked up Requiem a couple of cheapies, and Steel Guitar for free
  8. There was also an update to the AAS player to v1.3.8 since the last time I downloaded https://www.applied-acoustics.com/support/ download the "swatches" installer to update
  9. not quite answering your question - but might be worth visiting this thread - If you do decide to upgrade (and I think you should!)
  10. I was looking at picked acoustic - was planning on waiting for Komplete 13 though as hopefully it's included. Every time I've bought NI instruments I've always regretted it when it comes to Komplete upgrade time. How does it sound ?
  11. my system hasn't exploded yet
  12. I did a windows defender scan after installing and it didn't find anything ? 99% certain it's a false positive - YMMV -------- back on topic, initial thoughts are: the synth sounds very good but negatives on the MiniMonsta is the awful preset system and neither MiniMonsta and Oddity2 have resizable GUI and they are pretty small. Probably unusable on 4k ? Standalone mode is a bit clunky regarding setup Definitely demo before buying
  13. ClamAV is the big open source one - and I'm willing to bet (guess) that google is using it. Always better to have a false positive then a false negative though. I'm gonna install anyway as soon as I've finished messing with some vocals - if your scan finishes first then I'd really appreciate it if you post if it's positive again, apologies if I'm panicking anyone but better safe than sorry ........
  14. gforce got back in touch (obviously not drinking yet or if they are they are still checking email) "False positives I’d imagine. Thanks for letting us know your experience, we’ll look into why that’s happening. " I'm moving my "false positive" sensor from 80% to 95%.............
  15. I emailed them earlier - they are normally pretty good at replying but the support guy (Graeme) isn't the dev so I suspect the answer will be inconclusive.....plus it's Friday evening here in the UK so if he has any sense he's switched his computer off by now and is down in the pub ? clamAV is flagging them as Win.Worm.Palevo-35017 - a bit of googling shows that seems to be a fairly old virus scanner and one that windows defender is aware of. That points towards a false positive as windows defender doesn't flag it. I'll leave it an hour and then install - I mean what can possibly go wrong !!!! ---- edit - if I hear anything back obviously I'll post back here ... and not trying to panic anyone, I'm sure it's fine - but you can't be too careful. I might install on my laptop and then do a full virus scan - I'm paranoid/OCD about my audio PC, it runs so beautifully and I can't bear the though of having to reinstall - especially the amount of software that cclarry has forced me to buy !
  16. minimonsta flags an error on ClamAV too I wouldn't have bothered if Google hadn't flagged it, although ClamAV is normally pretty good too.
  17. does it need the full version of Kontakt or not ?
  18. I had them in my google drive - and google warned on the download - ClamAV also give a positive - and kaspersky gives a negative. Sites like https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload do a scan across various databases. I'm 80% (!) sure it's a false positive - but makes me a little nervous
  19. quick heads up google detects viruses in all three installers ? - online scanners also showing malicious software - maybe a false positive ?
  20. totally agree - actually the drum sampler is one of the weakest parts ....not saying it's bad though it integrates well into SD3 - BFD - AD etc so it's win / win
  21. thanks Zo - you've cost me money ?
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