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Daniel Hulse

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Everything posted by Daniel Hulse

  1. $64.00 https://www.uvi.net/shade
  2. World Colors looks really nice. I have their WC Clar-Duduk and it's very good - good set of articulations and you can move through them either via key switches or mod wheel. Up to three articulations can also be be triggered by velocity or mod wheel (or MIDI CC). Does anyone know if you can use an NI voucher on these?
  3. The highly anticipated Luftrum Winter Sale is here and you can save up to 50% in the Sound Shop. With exception of the most recent releases, everything is 40-50% off, Bioscape and Lunaris are down from $159 → $95 during the sale. Just enter the magic code snowisfalling during checkout to apply the discount. The sale is active from December 3 – 28 and a similar sale will not take place before spring 2022. But the sale is not the only gift this year, because reports have reached us that golden gifts have escaped the Luftrum Sound Lab and are on the loose! Disguised in gold paper and jumping into random orders in December. There are three $150 Gift Cards on the loose. Watch out, they could be anywhere and might arrive in your inbox together with your order. Terms and stuff: The normal cart discounts are suspended during the sale (3 for 20% off etc.) and the Winter Sale discount does not apply to the rent-to-own plans of Lunaris. https://www.luftrum.com/
  4. https://www.uvi.net/store Valid through November 30th.
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