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Daniel Hulse

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Everything posted by Daniel Hulse

  1. Level up your composition skills with Octavox’s unique time-based diatonic Harmonizer® technology. Octavox is an inspiring tool that takes any incoming tones—even drums—and outputs up to eight voices based on the chosen key and timing interval. $39.00 (down from $199.0) https://www.adsrsounds.com/the-big-deal/#a_aid=rekkerd
  2. I just bought this yesterday... AARGH!!! But it is great...
  3. Yeah, weird. And there's a quick YT video that I guess has been up for a few days. But like you say, radio silence on AAS's site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vwsMbBiQvQ&ab_channel=AppliedAcousticsSystems -Dan
  4. Creative VST/AU sequencer plugin for basslines, melodies, chord progressions and arpeggios. $49.00 intro offer. https://toneworks.io/
  5. Thanks for this. I came for the Harp but stayed for the Scoring Grand... Dan
  6. Also you should get a discount offer (also $20) if you own one of the other two Quadra instruments.
  7. Kult is now available, 50% off. Additional discount with GROUP code at JRR: https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-kult
  8. Tetrality 2 is brand new, so it's already at an introductory price with 30% off.
  9. 30% off new Tetrality 2 library, 40% off other libraries with code BLACKFRIDAY2022. https://www.audiofier.co.uk
  10. Purchased this as well. Haven't had too much of a chance to explore, but agree it is deeper than it looks. -Dan
  11. Agreed. Plus you actually get to keep the software instead of renting it. Still wish they had come out with an After Effects competitor... but who knows...
  12. John Cordy has a review of the 3.5 changes. He's great at setting up patches for Helix, and they are all applicable to Helix Native: https://youtu.be/o8RqYIsCeMw
  13. Plugin Boutique has launched an exclusive sale on Kilohearts’ flagship synthesizer instrument Phase Plant, offering 50% off as part of a manufacturer focus promotion. https://www.pluginboutique.com/manufacturers/13-Kilohearts?a_aid=4af297e055206
  14. The developers said on the VI-Control forum that there would be no upgrade pricing for V1/2 owners...
  15. If you log in to your In Session Audio account and re-download the zip library, the new presets will be included.
  16. Hear, hear! Larry and this forum are greatly appreciated! In all seriousness I hope he is OK and is just enjoying a day away from the flat screen...
  17. He's trying to edit the Studio One manual down to one page...
  18. "These have four jacks, which is three more than I need...." - Fender CEO (Understand I love both my Fender Strat and my Studio One...)
  19. No longer works - "Coupon usage limit has been reached." Oh well...
  20. True - but the individual prices at Thomann are good. Pro-Q 3 is $129 at Thomann, vs. $179 at FabFilter.
  21. I don't see sale prices for individual plugins at the Fab Filter site, but they are discounted at Thomann. I wish they had an EQ/Compressor/Limiter bundle.
  22. SpectraLayers delivers audio empowerment by showing sounds as visual objects. You can explore, reach in, take and transform, working wonders on tasks ranging from repairing and restoring audio to freeform sound design. Unmatched selection tools developed over many years are now joined by new artificial intelligence-driven audio extraction and repair processes, making this the most significant version of SpectraLayers yet. https://www.steinberg.net/spectralayers/
  23. I still have the AKAI Advance 25. VIP sounded like a good idea, but yeah, it didn't last long. Still a nice keyboard, though.
  24. Good. Now I don't regret the Arturia KeyLab 61 I just got...
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