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Matthew Sorrels

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Everything posted by Matthew Sorrels

  1. I went ahead and got it also, figured it was a decent price. At first blush it reminds me a lot of Addictive Drums 2. Similar drum sets.
  2. I recommend you always store Waves licenses on a USB thumb drive, it's too easy otherwise for the CPU identity to change and this to happen.
  3. Looks like you can't use Jampoints with the $50 discount. Bummer.
  4. https://spitfireaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002704694-How-to-reauthorise-and-locate-in-the-Spitfire-App Has the steps for relocating and reauthorizing.
  5. From my Steam account on https://steamdb.info/ That's over 9 years, 2399 games only played 356 of them.
  6. So watching the videos it looks like they have set it up so that if you load a project made with the Pro or Core BBCSO and only have Discover it will still work. You'll see the "Pro/Core" articulation and it will actually play back. But substitute with the closest match for the version of BBCSO you have. Which explains why I could see the articulations in Discover mode and they actually worked. Which means the stripped down template may actually be better since it will put the drum parts on their own tracks, even for Discover users. Which is maybe easier to use than having to remember/look up/find by hunting which key is which of the drum articulations. Of course this also means you could just use the Pro template as is. Everything will work, it just won't sound the same. Definitely an interesting feature. Should make it nice for students and teachers. I still think the pricing is a bit crazy on this, even the sale price feels off to me. If the sale prices they have now were the normal prices and they had sale pricing on top of that I'd say it was about right. It will be interesting to see if they put it on sale more in the future.
  7. So I stripped my template down to the Discover instruments but I'm not so sure it's going to work right for people without the full BBCSO. In my template I have all the percussion instruments as separate tracks. This is because in Pro BBCSO they have actual articulations also. In Discover though there is only the Untuned percussion choice (which has each percussion instrument on a single note). But when I open the say track Snare 1, it is in Discover mode but it shows the Snare 1 articulation (a view I can't get normally from Discover mode). So I don't think that will work if you don't have the Pro BBCSO. The answer would be to remove all those percussion tracks and just leave the one Untuned one I guess. But someone with the cut down version will need to tell me what happens when you open up Snare 1. If you see this: You can download the Cakewalk template here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=11vrPhsRW2c6jOSNLUxTHY9NwP5Kc1gBu Someone with only Discover will have to tell me if the drum tracks work.
  8. In these types of licenses the physical product restrictions are usually about making toys, robots, household appliances, cars, gadgets, etc. A lot of sound effect libraries I've bought have terms that say you can use them for games/video/film but the second you stick it in a robot or a toaster they want you to get a costly license for which they have no fixed price schedule.
  9. Technically a CD is digital media, not sure about vinyl though.
  10. I don't see these new versions/update in my Spitfire Audio app yet, but I suspect the Cakewalk templates I made when BBCSO first shipped could work with these stripped down versions. When I can get the update I'll make trim down versions of the templates for the Core and Discovery BBCSO.
  11. That isn't any different than the more than 1TB of Kontakt instruments I already have. ?
  12. Here's the coupon codes that aren't unique: BorisFX Film Impact Music Radio Creative Content Creator SFX Cellar pack
  13. They do warn you in the Video Creator Bundle email I did try Title Studio out in Resolve and it does work. So for users not stuck in the Adobe universe that don't already own an Continuum filters this is a great deal. I suspect BorisFX's licensing may explain why they keep bundling their units with Vegas as well. You upgrade Vegas and are forced to upgrade your older Continuum units or else you lose them. I generally recommend Toolfarm for purchasing BorisFX plugins -- they are usually a little cheaper and unlike BorisFX's webshop you can manually enter your serial numbers. BorisFX doesn't actually track registration I guess, only direct purchases, and won't let you on-line order an upgrade if your account doesn't have a purchase in it. They force you to contact sales with email to do the upgrade. Buying from Toolfarm avoids that (and I got my new licenses instantly).
  14. This is a good deal (free) but there are a few things you might want to understand. The Boris FX Title Studio and Film Impact Essentials Collection both are plugins for Adobe Premiere/After Effects/etc. The Boris FX plugin also includes OFX support and also works in Resolve, though I've never had a lot of luck with BorisFX plugins and OFX. Film Impact are video transitions and it's a subscription service. This free license for the essentials will expire in one year and stop working completely. Unless you resubscribe. I played with them, they are nice but not exactly amazing and their subscription pricing is crazy. I can't see me using them since I know they will stop working at some point in the future. BorisFX Title Studio is a permanent license. But BorisFX is some what like Waves, only with even worse customer issues. The Continum units (which Title Studio is one) are part of a larger package, but you can buy the parts you want or the whole package. Normally you get a year of support when you buy a unit(more on this in a bit). Which for BorisFX that means any updates that ship during the year you will be able to install and use. But as soon as your license expires, any updates dated after that will not work/can't be used. However, unlike Wave's BorisFX have decided to make it impossible to install multiple versions of Contitunum on one computer. And they only have one master installer now. So you cannot mix and match versions of Continuum unit plugins. So if you bought (like I have) older versions of some of the units you can't have/keep them and install this free Title Studio. If you don't have any BorisFX Continuum units this doesn't really effect you that much, but it was a major pain for me, since the handful of units I had appear to have all expired very recently. I went ahead and upgraded even though I'm not sure Title Studio was worth it. The Continuum stuff is on sale and I was likely to have upgraded sooner or later. But it wasn't exactly cheap just so I could get everything to 2020.5. Now the giant catch on this specific free offer, the license you get for BorisFX Title Studio expires the day you get it. You don't get a year. It is ended today. So if next week they ship a new version of Title Studio you will have to pay for a year of updates in order to use that new version. You can keep using the old version (save the installer I guess) but you won't be able to install the new version nor will you be able to install any other Continuum units you buy in the future (without losing your Title Studio). In the past you could make things work with mixed versions but they seemed to have gone out of their way to make it pretty close to impossible. They also don't offer any upgrade path from a bunch of the units to the full package, which bothers me a lot. I played with Title Studio and to be honest it's kind of unimpressive. It really needs some 3D/video card acceleration support I think. There are better title plugins, even for free this might not be all that awesome.
  15. If running admin works but sticking it in a directory with normal user having full write privileges isn't enough the next thing you need to check is permissions on registry keys it tries to write to. I usually just run Microsoft's Sys Internals ProcMon and let it log all the file and registry access. Then look and see what the plugin is trying to do and fix the permissions. You can also find other directories it wants to write to (other than where it is installed) that way too.
  16. The instrument is the .st4i file but the samples are .pak files in another directory. I think it builds the database from the .st4i (and .st3i) files. But it doesn't care/check that the samples are there when it does that.
  17. With a SQLite browser you can also check out the database Cakewalk is using to store plugin categories. It's %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Library\Library.db Of course the entries are a bit hard to use, since they refer to plugin_clsid's in the registry. Lots of apps use SQLite for local databases.
  18. For just backing up I think you'd be fine. I was thinking about more along the lines of "moving" favorites from one machine to another.
  19. Not sure about "easy" -- it's hard to tell for sure but I think the id field isn't unique. So two computers would have different values. So you have to use the path (name isn't unique enough by itself). Still it wouldn't be hard to build something to dump out your favorites to a csv file and import them in. You could definitely do it with already existing SQLite tools, though I'd most likely just do it with something like PHP.
  20. If you really want to look at a crash dump, install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 community edition. It's free. Open it up. Skip the project wizard (pick continue without code) and then do File->Open->File and find the .dmp file (or right click it in the explorer and choose open with Visual Studio 2019). It will come up with a minidump file summary. On the right is an action "Debug with native Only" Pick that. It will then load the crash and show you exactly where it crashed. You'll want to make the Call Stack window visible and most likely the threads window (open those under the Debug->Windows menu item). The Call stack shows the location of the crash and the functions that were called that got the CPU to that point. Here's the crash from the first message, the call stack is at the bottom right, the active threads on the bottom left.
  21. The Favorites for Sampletank 4 are stored in the SQLite database instruments.db in your user Documents\IK Multimedia\SampleTank 4 folder. The favorites are in the table "Instrument", the column is_favorite Use your personal favorite SQLite DB tool to check it. Handy note, Cakewalk uses a SQLite database for the Browser Categories also.
  22. There is an option to hide VST2 plugins if you have the VST3 version also. You have to disable that in order to see both.
  23. No you need every generation (some with multiple versions) installed. Some software still uses each generation. You have to have them all really or you could break things. Which is why it's such a headache. And yes this is crazy (these are just the pre 2015-2019 version): Then you need: And you need 32 and 64 bit versions of all of them too. In theory every thing you install should also install what they need, but plugins often fail to to do that. Or they do it badly.
  24. You may also want to update your Visual Studio Runtime's (which don't get updated with Windows Update): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Each evolution (Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 is one installer, Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12.0) has three installers, Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11.0), Visual Studio 2010 (VC++ 10.0) SP1 and lastly Visual Studio 2008 (VC++ 9.0) SP1) has a separate installer. Honestly you might want to just install them all. Having them updated and current can solve lots of problems. You might also try this instead: https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/visual_c_runtime_installer.html It is basically a bulk installer of all the runtimes. It saved my bacon when a poorly written install app trashed my visual studio runtimes. Normally I recommend people go to the source, but Microsoft has made it so hard anymore these kinds of installers can be big time savers. Major Geeks is pretty trustworthy.
  25. If you don't want to show all the VST2, you could just delete/move the Sampletank VST3 out of c:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. I usually just move things like this to a "BAD PLUGINS" folder. If you want it back it's easy to move it back (vs deleting and having to reinstall). Just remember to put it back before running any installers. As for a crash after loading lots of different instruments, I've not seen that one. It looks like in the screenshot you are loading a Sampletank 3 sound. That might be a factor. Other than making sure you have the most recent Sampletank 4 there may not be much you can do about it. I do know they have fixed some Sampletank 3 instrument issues in the most recent Sampletank 4 (but it looks like you are running that). I looked at your crash dump. There isn't really much there. It's crashing deep in Sampletank 4. But the version of MFC140U.dll you have doesn't match mine. A lot of your OS dll's don't match my fully updated Windows 10 system. I think you are running Windows 10, Version 1903? You might want to update that to 1906. And install all the newest/newer VC runtime's Your also using ASIO4ALL as a audio driver. As a rule I'd say that is not a great choice. If your audio card doesn't have a native ASIO driver, use the Windows drivers in Cakewalk rather than ASIO4ALL. It could be the source of your problem. Sampletank has always needed a higher buffer setting to run stable than most other instruments. At low values it has crashed on me (though not usually loading instruments but during playback) Update every single thing you can and then see if you can work out a way to reproduce the crash. If you can get it to happen on command is your best chance at narrowing it down and fixing it. Good luck.
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