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Matthew Sorrels

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Everything posted by Matthew Sorrels

  1. Has anyone that ordered UVI Synths Legacy gotten a shipping notice? I ordered it and Strobe 2 at the same time. Strobe 2 got a shipping a notice, but the USPS tracking id says it hasn't been handed to them yet. Synths Legacy is still "processing" and hasn't been shipped at all yet. At this point I'm beginning to think none of these box blow out items are actually going to ship. I also love how Stylus RMX is still showing the $99 price on the search results but not when you go to the product. I'd think they would be able to fix that by now.
  2. They aren't giving SD3 on registering ?. You do get New York Studios Vol 1 as a result of having it though, so it's not completely worthless for SD3 users. But at $99 it's kind of overpriced. I'd say $50-$70 would be fair.
  3. Many states (not all) require companies honor in store printed/displayed prices, but I don't think any of those laws apply on the net (yet). Sweetwater isn't all sunshine either. I've had my share of issues with them, very similar to issues I've had with Musician's Friend. I like Sweetwater much less though because they discount much less.
  4. It definitely has a hard time loading presets in the most recent 2020.05 Cbb, but at least for me it sooner or later does finish loading. Things go slightly smoother (no audio engine cut out) if you press the ! in Kontakt before switching presets. Otherwise it does seem to peg a core 100% and kill the audio engine. Restarting the audio engine seems to get it to load (though is pretty slow to load). You might need to change your options in Kontakt (for how many cores to use) and Cakewalk. The last version of SPlat has tons of bugs that have long been fixed, continuing to use it will likely run into all sorts of issues like this. I doubt anyone at NI or SampleLogic would even bother looking into it. Xosphere 2 does this same thing in Cubase 10.5.20, the audio engine freaks out (but doesn't fully stop just sounds broken for a very long time) before the next preset loads. It's definitely a Kontakt/Xosphere 2 issue but I doubt it's something they can/could/will address.
  5. You shouldn't ever get angry at a company that doesn't give you a deal that is a mistake. That's crazy. MF doesn't change the price on you and charge you blindly. They contact you, explain the problem and offer you the product at the correct price (usually with some sweeter/discount/bonus) and let you decide to if you still want it. Since you expect companies to treat you right, you shouldn't be surprised if they expect the same. That said, MF has honored more of their mistakes for me than just about any retailer. I'm kind of looking forward to what deals will be put up when they are forced into bankruptcy along with Guitar Center.
  6. They shipped Strobe 2 but still haven't shipped Synths Legacy. Very odd. They also had for a short time Stylus RMX on sale for $99 but now it's back ordered and the price is back to $379. I should have taken it, but I just can't see the use for more drum loops.
  7. Pretty sure all UVI libraries are protected with Pace, but don't require a physical iLok. I ordered this also but it still hasn't shipped. I'm not 100% sure it actually will ship (also ordered Strobe 2).
  8. I guess they did: And they removed the presets that used it too.
  9. Did they remove the PG-8X synth from the bundled instruments?
  10. This is one of the cases where buying it direct was the better deal. To be honest they really need to fold the content updating/management and software update management into the plugin itself. It should be able to download the content and software from their servers, regardless to where you bought it. The new presets are nice. Adding one preset to another as new layers is very cool (maybe I could do that before?)
  11. Personally I'm waiting for the update to go half off before I jump. VV1 is pretty decent and has a ton of synths. I paid $99 during that pricing fluke at Musician's Friend back in 2015 (deal was VV1 and free Alesis Q25 keyboard for $99.80). At the time I considered it one of the best deals ever.
  12. Scaler 2 has a built in synth/sample engine the samples are what drives that. It's not optional really.
  13. So I guess it's download everything all over again. Joy.
  14. The UVI website is showing an upgrade price of $299 (vs $599 full retail) for me and I only have VV1. I don't think retailers can sell the upgrade either, so you may be limited to just UVI store discounts. https://www.uvi.net/vintage-vault-3-upgrade-vv.html
  15. Every Humble Bundle is slightly different. Most are Steam keys. Sometimes they are keys at other game stores. Sometimes they are serial numbers or keys that you have to redeem at other stores. Every Humble Bundle offering has a guide on how to redeem that offer and what it entails. They aren't always 32 bit only, it depends on the product. Most of the apps they have offered are slightly older versions of things, but not always. Again every bundle offering is different and specific. It would be incorrect to generalize them. Here's the system requirements guide for this offer: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048571894 And here are (some) of the redeem instructions for this bundle: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048734574-Humble-Software-Bundle-3-Ashampoo-SNAP-11-instructions https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048732954-Humble-Software-Bundle-3-Ashampoo-WinOptimizer-18-instructions https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049494113-Humble-Software-Bundle-3-Ashampoo-Uninstaller-9-instructions https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048733154-Humble-Software-Bundle-3-Ashampoo-PDF-Pro-2-instructions Note: I don't think this offer is all that great, these types of applications are generally weak at best. While I'm a big supporter of Humble Bundle, sometimes their PC software offerings are kind of garbage. Do your homework.
  16. They also have Strobe 2 for $19.99 which may be a deal.
  17. Looking around Guitar Center website it looks like they are selling the shipping/boxed version of UVI Vintage Vault version 1 for $99 https://www.guitarcenter.com/UVI/Vintage-Vault-1397485969193.gc They also have marked down their Synth Legacy to $4.99 https://www.guitarcenter.com/UVI/Synth-Legacy-1401720419094.gc Both are shipped products though and I'm pretty sure US sales only
  18. Honestly the instrument/host part of Unify is not all that interesting to me. This has always been more about PluginGuru presets/content. I only need two hands to count the number of Kontakt instruments I've built for myself, but I have purchased/acquired/use tons of Kontakt instruments. The power/features of the host do determine how good that content can be, so I do have an interest in Unify being powerful, even if I personally don't want to spend a bunch of time building an instrument from scratch.
  19. There wasn't a new Guru file (or an update Guru file) when I downloaded this last night. But the install did add some new presets, so I'm not sure there is a new Guru file for this update. You need to re-download the entire 1.1 Guru content file. There is no small updater and there is new content.
  20. You don't have to subscribe to the Humble Choice in order to buy Humble Bundles. They are two separate products. Scroll down to the bottom of the page (or click the get the bundle button) and select how much you want to pay.
  21. Kind of a bummer they stop offering their bundles (where they discount the bundle based on what you already own) right when the sale starts. They do seem very determined to not discount full Gravity enough for me to just buy it.
  22. Cinemorphx is very nice, but I think I like it more because I have it as a Kontakt Player library. The full Kontakt Sample Logic instruments I have almost always are forgotten since they don't show up in the library browser. Cinematic Guitars has gone on sale in a number of different ways over the years. It certainly will again. APD is owned by the same person/company as Sample Logic, which is why a lot of Sample Logic products show up there with pretty good deals. If you can wait for a sale, one should happen sometime before the end of the year.
  23. I think this is/was just the reminder. The deal ends 11.59 PST 3rd June 2020
  24. No, you haven't been "stuck" at Ultimate. But sales policies change -- they have no legal requirement to offer things as they have in the past.
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