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Matthew Sorrels

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Everything posted by Matthew Sorrels

  1. From thier FAQ page https://8dioproductions.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050126532-What-Is-The-Difference-Between-Adagietto-Adagio-Agitato-Anthology-Strings- But I'm pretty sure there is more to it than that.
  2. Epic's giveaway list may (or may not) have leaked according to this: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/epic-games-store-free-holiday-games-leaked-pc/ Cities: Skylines - December 17th Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty - December 18th The Long Dark - December 19th Defense Grid: The Awakening - December 20th Alien: Isolation - December 21st Metro 2033 Redux - December 22nd Tropico 5 - December 23rd Inside - December 24th Darkest Dungeon - December 25th My Time in Portia - December 26th Night in the Woods - December 27th Stranded Deep - December 28th Solitairica - December 29th Torchlight II - December 30th Jurassic World: Evolution - December 31st
  3. Early on ADSR Sample Manager didn't have store integration, was more of a straight up sample manger. Loopcloud has always been more about their store (and being a subscription), than managing your local collection. But more recent releases of ADSR Sample Manager has changed that a bit with the added store stuff. That said ADSR is better at indexing local wave files than Loopcloud. I have a fairly large collection of Sound Effects that I need a good index for (to do Foley effects on videos) and ADSR has been the best recent choice for that (the app I was using, ifoundasound is no longer being supported/developed). Of the two I think ADSR is better.
  4. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/adsr-sample-manager/ It's free too.
  5. I got a 2 Euro discount on the Organic Samples bundle! (I bought the Majestic Horn way back when it wasn't a OT product even). I'm still not too fond of Sine's downloader/library manager. It loves to make things in the root of hard drives.
  6. Yes I think that's how it is now. Though for me they were/are 5 separate things. Which makes me think that getting the full bundle may give you more instrument patches than buying the four parts separately. I'm not really sure though.
  7. Normally I like Anker. And it does look like they have updated the 10 port model from when I bought it. USB is a world of differences, all crazy confusing. Even cables can be flaky with USB 3.1 Gen 2 vs Gen 1. I have generations of cables & hubs and have still not found any I thought was great. That said none of those three I'm using are so defective that I've replaced them yet. Right now though if I was buying another hub I'd be looking for something with USB 3.1 Gen 2 support (or is it now called USB 3.2 Gen 2) Or maybe a USB 3.2 hub. So many different USB 3's these days and they really aren't the same at all. But matching the computer port you are going to use is the key thing. A faster USB 3 hub hooked to an old USB 2 port won't do any better than USB 2.
  8. I have a lot of USB hubs. As a rule though, they all have faults. The three main one's I'm using now include: Anker [Upgraded Version] USB 3.0 SuperSpeed 10-Port Hub Including a BC 1.2 Charging Port with 60W (12V / 5A) Power Adapter [VIA VL812-B2 Chipset and Updated Firmware 9081] AH231 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005NGQWL2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Powered USB Hub - ACASIS 10 Ports 48W USB 3.0 Data Hub - with Individual On/Off Switches and 12V/4A Power Adapter USB Hub 3.0 Splitter for Laptop, PC, Computer, Mobile HDD, Flash Drive and More https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q3TYF15/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 AmazonBasics 7 Port USB 3.0 Hub with 12V/3A Power Adapter https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E6GX4BG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The Anker one is the least stable of the three. It flakes out more often and requires the power be removed and it rebooted more than the other two. It also splits the hub into multiple hubs in strange ways. Which makes configuring it difficult. I setup Windows so that it never drops or modifies power on USB ports (because I don't need those laptop low power headaches on a 1500 watt desktop workstation). Getting the Anker setup right was harder than it should have been. Perhaps I need to update its firmware? Perhaps I bought it too soon (the Amazon title and description seems different from when I bought it back in 2016). I'm not sure. But I sure wouldn't buy it again. The Amazon can flake out and needs to be power cycled. Not often but it happens. I got it mainly because of the layout of the ports since it was going to live on the floor). The ACASIS hub isn't that bad, I like the separate power switches. But when my mouse is connected to it and then the computer, the BIOS can't see the mouse. The Anker hub does present the mouse to the BIOS correctly. In Windows this doesn't' matter, but it's annoying. When I have to change BIOS settings I have no mouse (unless I move it). Power is usually a big issue with USB hubs with lots of ports. Don't think you can draw full power from all 7 or 10 ports, you can't. If you want to charge something (and not do data) you need to get a different kind of hub. There are also lots of kinds of USB 3 now. The speed difference can be a big deal. Make sure the hub you pick matches the port you are going to plug it into.
  9. Just FYI, Ubisoft is having a catch up day if you missed any of these. And Epic is still giving away a new game every day (next new one at 11am Eastern) https://ubi.li/happyholidays
  10. It's not clear what the "deal" is but from the email I got: Save €80 on any Volume, only through December 31!
  11. XYplorer's dupe file finder says there are 63 dupe files between last years Filmmakers bundle and this one. I believe these are the duplicate categories (some of these had more than one file, like the Muzzle Flashes which are all many PNG files): Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Big Gas Fires Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Bullet Hits Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Dirt Blasts Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Gas Explosions Vol. 2 Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Ground Fire Vol. 1 Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Muzzle Flashes\42 Pistol Flashes Humble Bundle Filmmakers\Spark Hits Vol. 2 I decided the duplicate level wasn't that bad (63 files out of 725).
  12. I don't think so. Or if it's there I sure couldn't find it. It also has limits when doing it inside a DAW (have to turn sync off). The tempo feature is really the more useful in SD3, ramping the speed is kind of handy. The curve editor is a bit weak though, linear only and no really precise controls.
  13. The Leslie collection is both the T-Racks and Amplitube products together. If you bought both parts but not the collection bundle it doesn't appear to give you credit for it (it doesn't for me either, but I have both halves)
  14. Software should never crash. If they can't run at a lower res they could at least give a cryptic error message.
  15. That's so sad it's almost funny. I changed my monitor to 1366x768 and sure enough the standalone AmpliTube 5 crashes on startup.
  16. The 60 files in this (a few of which were in last year's Filmmakers Humble Bundle) comes to 157GB. Even with the script and getting a solid 10MB/sec it took awhile to download everything.
  17. Right click in the bar section and you get this menu in SD3: The two edit options change the timeline to let you setup changes.
  18. New updates released 12/16. Also new Holiday Deal: Library of the Extreme - Fill Insanity for $10 https://www.toontrack.com/holiday-deal-week/
  19. There is a PDF manual in the c:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5 directory. Funny there isn't any link or mention of it anywhere I could find.
  20. Just an FYI, I use this: https://github.com/mmarcincin/HB-DRM-free-bulk-downloader To bulk download Humble Bundle books and content like this. Plus a Python script I wrote to do some renaming of PDF files (so the PDF filename is the full name of the book). It's painful to setup, but the rewards are worth it. Like this bundle, it's 60 downloads!
  21. Visual effects footage adds up fast. It's funny though I have a bunch of stuff bought in the early/mid 90's that are just SD resolution that I find myself feeding into Topaz Video Enhance AI to upscale, so now it takes up even more space. Looks like some of this was in the Humble Bundle Filmmakers, have to work out how much is new before I buy it.
  22. Tough call. Those are the only two phrase libraries I don't have.
  23. Well now the Custom Shop is not showing the stuff that was in Amp 4 MAX. Is offering to let me buy them.
  24. I bought separate the Satch and May, so I don't think I could tell on those.
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