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Everything posted by treesha

  1. Ha reverb envy.... I see Plugin B has PhoenixVerb free this month, I will likely buy something and wind up with it and then I can try that preset you like. Thanks so much for all the detailed information and while I was in a rockabilly band once that's not my thing at all ha (they kicked me out cause I didn't play standup and that was fine with me). Anyways, your explanation is very clear and will be a big help to me when I start messing around with reverb. If the Exponentials are way hot as you say, no wonder I was thinking they were overpowering ! And yes I mainly use virtual instruments these days, and yes many have reverb so thanks for pointing that out too. Always more to learn, and reverb being so basic I will get to it. Thanks again
  2. Solid work, great song. I seem to have most of the nice lead guitar on the right side ? The vocals in the chorus parts seem a little "darker" and the lead vocal a little buried and its nice so I would bring it out a little more and little brighter than the background vocals. Just a minor mention, overall great feel and delivery.
  3. Sounds great over here, I like the way you bring in the different instruments and different sections, I like the backing vocals and really like the bass. Sounds real clean and well produced. And has a great message too !
  4. treesha


    Really enjoyed it, nice to hear something unique. I really love the vocals, and would enjoy having them turned up a bit more, but mysterious as is. Good song
  5. Thanks Tom, we had some rain but now 3 fires were started in the area from lightning strikes! Hopefully they will remain small and end. But rain is needed badly too. Thanks for the feedback too, i will definitely experiment with some reverb and do another mix soon. Drums don’t come naturally to me at all. I am kinda overly engaged right now with messing around with Tetrality. Glad you found it pleasant! Thanks for listening and your suggestions.
  6. Yes I posted in this thread earlier that i use melodyne amplitude tool for this and like the results. I like having the fade option too for any note in case only the peak needs taming or i want it to fade out or in. I think its a great program.
  7. Hi Miguel, thanks for listening and the feedback, glad you loved the imperfect busyness ha. And thanks for your well wishes ! You take care too
  8. Thanks Starship Krupa appreciate the feedback and suggestions. The most common feedback i have gotten on the songs i have posted is that more reverb would be nice so i have to pay more attention to it. I will check out orilriver, the raum mentioned is no longer free. I got nimbus and r4 a while ago along with something but any time i tried them on something they seemed overpowering to me! I maybe should spend some time on learning those they seem well liked and rich. I do like breverb. Thanks again !
  9. Yes i got it and trying to sort out what the features do. I think i will like it and i see that the style/mood of it will be in a way narrower than i would like due to the instrument options. With only a few hours invested and still not clear on it, fwiw. Last nite i figured out how to have each of the 4 use at a time instruments have their own outputs, recorded what they created on separate aux tracks, then used melodyne on one of the parts, converted it to midi and played a vst instrument along with the other 3 parts and it gave me other feel options. So a few extra steps there to add variety to the included instruments. It has cool features like divisi and i plan to invest more time in learning to use it.
  10. Arizona had record heat often last year and this year is also already breaking records. Ive lived in the mountains 20 years and we are not as hot as the Phoenix valley of the sun but are having more 100 plus days and earlier in the year. Last year all my perennial flowers and 4 trees died. There are huge wildfires making the air even indoors at times too smoky. There has been severe drought since i moved here. So different from even 20 years ago and not in a good way.
  11. I just challenged myself to dig into some of the free stuff i have gotten thanks to this forum and used some I hadn’t explored in my song Pieces posted over in the song forum. The things can be free but do take an investment of time and effort so i wanted to see if its worth it to explore free stuff and i think it is. So thanks to the forum posters and info they share!
  12. For me the chord identification with a label at the top of the grid is helpful because I honestly could not tell you the key or some chords in any of my songs. There is a chord grid that is white for notes that are in that chord or might go with it. Theres a snap feature that can move material to the white spots. With multi tracking you can align stuff up between tracks, take out or put in notes, use a chord split over a few tracks/instruments or if a note sounds goofy or wonderful find out what note it is and fix it or accentuate it. For me as an untrained experiment with stuff songwriter its been very helpful and fun both creatively and repairingly.
  13. Thanks Nigel glad you enjoyed it! Maybe you are sending some rain over here ! In the forecast for all week, not the freezing part though. Hope it really does rain and clean up the air and help all the things dying from the lengthy severe drought. Stay warm over there ! Treesha
  14. I think 5 is a great tool. I use the fade and leveling a lot. The deesing /noise feature is so easy. The chord features. I use it for different reasons multiple times in each song since i have it.
  15. Thanks Mark! I had a different intro then thought to make it more interesting and put the as yet unused entropy eq on the 8dio sound moving the fader from not tonal to tonal as I recorded the output. And sliced up the results. I didn’t associate dpro wood flute with Native American flute duh i have one also that i bought camping up in Navajo country but have only 1 song I wrote with it and can’t play it with any skill! I think when i can work again i will check out that reverb and redo the flute with more reverb. Have you posted any songs with your flute ? Wind supposed to shift today the smoke indoors has been too strong to work in my studio area! Thanks again for the encouraging feedback and suggestions.
  16. Thanks David I’m encouraged! Guess I’m jamming with myself o o o ... We were in the teens here in the AZ mountains too for over a week, its really intense heat. I hope your situation will be ok!
  17. Thank you, yes more reverb would be nice !
  18. Just wanted to explore some of the free stuff I have accumulated. I really like the sounds in 8dio post apocalyptic guitar and tried out some vital sounds and this is where I went. A nice dpro wood flute addictive drums and using the sonible entropyEQ which is really fun. Its been challenging to work in the toxic soup of wildfire smoke here in AZ at the moment can’t wait for rainy season to begin and help keep these wildfires down some. Had a housefire in my neighborhood last weekend and thankfully it didn’t get to the ground. Thanks for listening and any feedback. Treesha
  19. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/gtune-by-gvst I have used this free one GTune is a chromatic instrument tuner which operates much like its hardware counterparts. It will automatically detect the pitch of a note being played, and display the Western scale note that it is closest to. The main part of the display mimics a typical electronic tuner. When a pitch is detected, the nearest note is displayed along with an LED-style indication of flatness/sharpness. There is also a text display providing more accuracy, should it be needed. It gives the detected frequency in Hertz and its position in the Western scale. The latter is shown as a note-name and an offset in cents. For example, "E -13" indicates that the detected pitch is 13 cents below E.
  20. This would be good to understand. Sometimes i find events I didn’t do as i dont use them either !
  21. I don’t know how to paste another topic in my reply, but if you search the forum for Komplete Kontrol Krap may 12 there is discussion about a setting in k that can turn down the volume if the instrument by itself.
  22. If i recall when you want to know where something was installed use native access and look in the info section on the right for that instrument and it will say the installation path in one of the tabs.
  23. If i recall you move them, then sign into native access and go to the product you moved and it should say in the right column there is a problem and you click repair i think then can point it to the new location and it should say ok or whatever then. Then open the standalone and let it start up and hopefully things will work. On a few moves i have had it not work and the instrument box will say something like there is stuff missing and you will have to point it to the new location. Good luck !
  24. Greetz back ! and thanks so much...always new stuff to learn ?
  25. This is very welcome but I don’t know exactly what to do with it or how or where ? Thanks for any guidance!
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