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Doug Steinschneider

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Everything posted by Doug Steinschneider

  1. I have AmpliTube 5 Standard. I haven't bought Tonex so I'm on CS for that. Last night I played for hours using a user Tonex Preset called "Double Hi-Watt John Entwistle Bass" to work on a set of Live at Leeds we're going to do. I been using all kinds of presets but my Tonex Account on Tone.net/tonex/users/dougs.ik "User Tone Models Downloads remaining" is still at 20/20. I'm not even sure how to download presets. Do I only need to download presets if I'm going offline? I find the Tonex pedal tempting. I could use it for when we record rehearsals direct to our Soundcraft Ui24R
  2. Hi Peter, since the Product Manager combined everything into one place and automated the sound file installs using IK products has been really convenient. Please thank the developers for us.
  3. I've been good about squirreling away the sound files. I wonder if I'll get lazy regarding this going forward.
  4. Nembrini's Acoustic Voice requires a piezo pickup - it's Martin emulation sounds good. I converted an all acoustic Takamine Jade (budget line they produce) to acoustic electric using a JOYO JE-307 I bought on Amazon for $24. I'm going to try it with Acoustic Voice at some point. Blue Cat also has a guitar body/pickup emulator that includes acoustics.
  5. As the humorous aside on the RTPmidi developer's website points out, this isn't going to be fun if your WiFi isn't working well. It turned out my trusty Netgear Nighthawk R7000 hand me down I've been using for years as an access point, has developed issues and that's why I was having problems.
  6. I got it running again. I went into the RTPmidi control panel and removed all settings and then added back in and connected. I also went in Cakewalk and removed the control surface mackie Control -1 and re-added it.
  7. I set this up and it worked right away for my first session but on second use I'm getting "Cakewalk Initializing DAW Control" message for too long - then "No response from DAW" message. I checked the router - restarted computer running cakewalk. The WiFi connection is good - looks to be connected when I check in the RTPmidi control app - something in Cakewalk is tripping it up.
  8. Thanks - don't know why my AudioPluginDeals emails stopped - just installed it for a friend who needs instrument VST's - I already have it from group buy.
  9. I've gotten great value from my Reaper install. I use it for recording midi drums from an edrum kit and for tempo mapping using SWS extensions. Also use other LUA script stuff to solve issues. I'm not familiar enough yet with Cakewalk to know if it can do some of these things. I just bought a license for v7.
  10. I've been very happy with my AXE I/O Solo. The passive/active switch is worthwhile - I flip it depending on which bass I'm using. The Z-Tone knob is useful when switching between say a Strat and a Les Paul. It's my first inteface that has MIDI DIN in and out which I've been using with my eDRUMin so I can record from across the room while keeping the eDRUMin plugged in via USB to the laptop dedicated to the edrum setup. It sounds great on guitar and basses.
  11. I had seen Jim's content and completely forgot about him! Thanks for posting that.
  12. Thanks for the tip to use apply trimming - that is exactly what we were looking for!
  13. We imported 16 track Fostex E-16 recordings (16 .wav tracks of 30 minutes) into a Cakewalk project. When we cut a 3-4 minute songs into new projects it copies the original 30 minute .wav file for the tracks to the new project. Right now I'm just about to see if Audacity can split the tracks up into individual .wavs of 3-4 minutes. We played with different ripple settings and delete hole but it hasn't helped.
  14. I was surprised to discover (maybe I've been in the wrong sub-forums) that the Cakewalk forums for advice and support on the software itself are pretty sleepy and none of my questions have been answered. I've been spinning my wheels on a bunch of things that are simple to do in Reaper and Mixbus and decided I should engage a Cakewalk expert in a screen sharing session. Can anyone recommend someone? I chose Cakewalk for a friend's project studio based on it being low/no cost and mostly more user friendly than Reaper and Mixbus.
  15. I saw @Fleer mention he got big jam points from IK when buying iLoud equipment. That reminded me to ask if anyone has bought any of IK's near field monitors. I'm shopping now for a studio - the MTM's have generated interest. Has anyone bought them or the budget IK near fields?
  16. I click "No" to keep current settings every time. I would like to get rid of the prompt if that's possible.
  17. Thanks for heads up to watch for slow/fast and swell not recording. I'm spoiled by the insane midi flexibility of my performance VST host software Cantabile where you don't program the midi controllers (leave mostly default) and use routing/filtering capabilities of the software to control everything.
  18. I was surprised I couldn't add two midi input controllers for one track of B-3X. After searching the forums I didn't find a solution for recording my upper and lower Axiom 61's into B-3X. I happen to own Bome Midi Translator Pro - perhaps I need to use it to pass through Midi Channel 1 coming from the upper keyboard and Midi Channel 2 coming from the lower keyboard to the single instance of B3-X? Thanks in advance for advice on this.
  19. I still have minus 3 Jam Points - waiting for my interest statement ?
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