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Everything posted by antler

  1. If you want them, wait and then get them in the Group Buys
  2. I don't think sampled vs modelled is really the question: theoretically, a perfectly modelled and configured instrument should be able to sound exactly like a sampled one if modelled accurately enough; it comes down to whether it was modelled well enough (and also there are also constraints such as CPU usage, etc). But I think Reid is right - each instrument regardless of technology has its own unique sound and its suitability all depends on what someone's after.
  3. Is it possible to put them all into Gear Credits? If I understand correctly, Gear Credits don't expire.
  4. I could be wrong, but I think the plugins are free to use; if you want support, you'll have to pay the 'subscription'. At least that's how I interpret this:
  5. Thanks for the responses guys!
  6. Could you use the imager in Ozone to achieve this, or does Mongoose have something special?
  7. Hey @Fleer, did you pick this one up? I've been thinking about getting a mallet library (before seeing this, I was thinking either Mallet Flux, or the mallet expansions to Pianoteq). This one looks pretty good; any opinions would be helpful.
  8. Pretty sure someone's going to be sore after that
  9. I know it's common practice for some companies, but I kinda hate how the advertised price is ex VAT; there's a nasty surprise (and purchase re-evaluation) after adding to cart.
  10. How better to show your feelings than to write a song... with these lovely new synths? ?
  11. Are we likely to see brushes any time soon? I'm not even going to pretend I remotely know how MODO DRUM works, but I was under the impression that as a modelled instrument, it would be possible to have each piece in each kit played with a variety of tools.
  12. I've been looking for a while to get a non-ilok 'special' reverb; considered Valhalla Shimmer and Polyverse Comet so far. Rev INTENSITY might do the trick, and it'll include the rest of the bundle too.
  13. I actually do agree that this is a fairly good deal: they've even wavered the minimum spend, and mentioned that it's best to use it during a sale.
  14. Just bear in mind you have to use all of the voucher in one spend
  15. Especially one with extra deep sub-rumbling belches
  16. Alternative answer: they're the one who ordered the pizza no other programmer is eating ?
  17. Depends on what's stronger: your desire to make music with vocals, or your hunger
  18. From watching the video, it looks like Mirage features three channels of sound whereas the Kontakt version has up to six togglable sound sources. Is there some way to get more than three layers playing in Mirage?
  19. Reminds me of a quote I saw the other day
  20. The previous version (like the one I have) was for Kontakt. Not sure if it's worth me upgrading; it's only $5, but that could be $5 I put towards another deal...
  21. Can't remember which string library it was that I was looking at a while ago, but it said something along the lines of needs Kontakt 5.7.1; not compatible with Kontakt 5.7.3. (I forget the exact version numbers, but it implied that for that library, a newer version of Kontakt 5 wouldn't work properly)
  22. Free upgrade to v2 and three models in one - thanks Overloud! (some companies charge you $100 as an introductory price for just one flavour of their dynamics processor, which also lives as a completely separate plugin ?) and thanks too for the review Zo!
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