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Larry T.

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  1. Thanks so much treesha 🎵 🎶
  2. Thanks Nigel. Appreciate the kind words 🎵 🎶
  3. Thanks steve. Cheers 🎶 🎵
  4. Thanks Old Joad. The song was conceived and mostly written on a rhodes. It is there in the mix sometimes in parallel with a Juno and other synths. Appreciate the kind words 🎵 🎶
  5. Thanks Bjorn. Good points. Having only 8GB's of memory severely limits what I can do. Freezing tracks is a huge help. Already optimized PC for Cakewalk DAW. Also, thanks for the Vangelis vibe observation 🎶 🎵
  6. Hello All. This is The Truth Sayer. Observations welcomed. Cheers 🎶 🎵 link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/the-truth-sayer DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, DI Bass, DI electric guitars, SI drums, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, Arturia Augmented Mallets reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  7. Larry T.

    Just a Smile

    Nice unique track. I'd mix certain vox parts down a bit and the guitar as well 🎶 🎵
  8. Larry T.


    Nice one Mikael. Good melodies that compliment each other well. Enjoyed it 🎵 🎶
  9. Great Rock track. Nice transition section at 2:45. Lead guitar sounds really good. Great vox 🎶 🎵
  10. Thanks! I wrote the piano parts while recording and playing as best I could. When I finally had some decent piano parts I edited what I played in piano roll to what's in the song.
  11. Thanks! I'll have another listen.
  12. Thanks treesha, appreciate the listen and kind words. I will try to revisit this and see if a bass part materializes.
  13. Thanks Chaps. Appreciate the listen. After going over the different ways I could present this piece I decided to have the first part contain a "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" undercurrent, hence the piano's somewhat forceful delivery, but if you listen carefully, I was able to deliver softer nuances in the piano at certain times. The second half contains the quiet, solemn, reflective moods. Thanks again!! 🎵 🎶
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