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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Yes! In my watchlist on Prime. As are now many you guys have suggested and which I managed to find. For some reason, The Filth and the Fury seems to be unavailable on streaming services here. It is on YouTube though...
  2. Reminds me of Boris Karloff who used to say that one should consider himself lucky to be typecasted and that it was an honour. Bela Lugosi and many others would have begged to differ, but I find it an interesting (and rather healthier) perspective. Back in the 90's, I used to wonder how sick and tired Metallica must have been of playing Seek and Destroy at practically every show since their early days, and stretching it to 10 minutes, with the middle section where they get the audience to sing along. That was 30 some years ago... I am wondering if you reach a point where it's actually fun to play again.
  3. It's cheap and easy to prepare. I do not really count on it for health benefits per se. Experts disagree - but some seem to say that you will grow boobs. I believe that to be pretty much debunked at this point, but, all things in moderation... For me it's simple maths: I get more mileage out of the chicken breasts I buy every week - maybe couple of extra meals by the end of the week. I don't replace, I just add it to the recipe and save some chicken. Just a 5th or a brick or so. I got so used to it in my sautés that I actually miss it when it's not there. In this economy, that is not a bad thing. Won't buy you an extra guitar or a new computer in a month, but maybe a decent bottle of wine or tickets to a movie (I have no idea how much these would cost admittedly).
  4. I do try not to eat too much meat as I used to but I've not found any convincing fake burgers or fake chicken or fake cheese. I can live with fake ground beef in a chili, though. I really like Trader Joe's meatless sausage. I don't consider them a substitute as such. They don't really taste like anything else, but they are amazing. With a cury couscous and chick peas. And a bit of mayo. Yummy. I like fried tofu as an appetizer when I order for my favorite Thai place. I also put a bit tofu in my salads, and I put some in my chiken sautés as well. But I can't imagine life without chiken. Other than that, lots of greens, beans, cottage, some tuna and occasionally, pastas. And pistachios. I eat TONS of those.
  5. I used to smoke practically two packs a day. I can't even begin to think how non smokers put up and befriended people like me. At one point I sold a guitar to a friend and his girlfriend would not let him keep it in their room. Back then I thought she was being overly dramatic. Same when the people in the apartment upstairs complained about the smell. Now I know better. That being said, I guess our noses may not have been as sensitive back then, since it was everywhere - not just smoke but olfactive aggressions of every kind.
  6. I see very little daylight and the room where I keep my guitars is very dark. But sometimes on my days off, I wake up earlier before sunset, grab a guitar and head downstairs, and play a bit while I enjoy my cup of tea. Today, I picked my beloved 2014 Les Paul Studio - the fair maiden whom the angels call The Angry B!tch. It was a shock to see her in the daylight again. Then I ran upstairs and grabbed the Epiphone LP Junior, my old travel guitar, to compare them. That one has NOT been kept in a smoke free environment (for the first few years), and not really taken care of all that much. It's also 4 years older. Just a cheaper, different type of finish. I was a huge fan of Randy Rhoads (still am) and back in the days, I always assumed that his main Les Paul was yellow-ish. I used to wonder why it was referred to as white. Now I know firsthand.
  7. Cocaine has destroyed many careers, but this is one case where I think it might have helped. Couldn't have made things worse, at any rate.
  8. Was listening to The Tea Party this week and remembering how much I loved to play their songs live, and this gave me the idea... Cover songs that were the most and the least fun to play live. Songs I LOVED to play live: 1 - The River, The Tea Party. (Perfect. Nothing comes remotely close). 2 - Killing in the Name, Rage Against the Machine (Energy and crowd reaction). 3 - Epic, Faith No More (The rapping/singing part, that was so out there for me). 4 - Tourettes, Nirvana (Cathartic). 5 - Voodoo Chile (Slight Return), Jimi Hendrix (Quite obvious). 6 - Roadhouse Blues, The Doors (Vocals). Songs I HATED to play live: 1: Highway Star, Deep Purple 2: Going Blind, KISS. 3: Closer to the Heart, Rush. The fun ones not necessarily personal favorites (for exemple, I am not that big a fan of RATM though I can appreciate them) and ironically, those bands on the hate list are among my favorites. I just could not sing/play those songs properly. I chose 9 because it’s my favorite number - and also because my template only takes 9 pics max. There’s also a lot of songs that I really like, and which I was glad to see on our setlist, but which weren’t particularly exciting to play - The Wizard by Black Sabbath, Mandatory Suicide by Slayer, and Astronomy Domine by Pink Floyd come to mind. And I am sure I forget many that loved or hated. The only one I am 100% certain about is the top one. What are yours?
  9. Rain

    In Rock

    My introduction to DP. It wasn't until I reached 6th grade that I discovetred there was a world of music outside of Elvis and John Lennon, and my parents record collection. I loved that album. Still do. Next one was Made in Japan. That sealed the deal. Never visited Germany, wish I had. My philosophy teacher in college was pushing for me to go study there like he had but it never happened. Maybe someday...
  10. https://mixdownmag.com.au/news/legendary-synth-pioneer-and-sequential-founder-dave-smith-has-passed-away/ Synths weren't all that popular amongst us metalheads when I was a teenager, but I've always had a fascination for sounds of all sorts, and eventually I outgrew the stereotypes. That being said, I knew nothing about synths themselves, but eventually, I started working with digital audio and I remember a Prophet patch in Native Instuments' Generator that I really dug, and the name stuck with me. Then they released their Pro-5 and I was over the moon. Besides Robert Moog, Smith and the Prophet are the first names I remember from when I started actually learning about synths and using synth sounds in my music. Sad day. But what a legacy!
  11. How about... Herr Guitar? Nein? Man, I would love to own one of these Duesenbergs.
  12. I have queued a lot of those recommendations on Prime, so thanks again folks. This morning I was watching End of the Century (The Ramones). Apparently, Johnny and I like the same movies... Now I need to find THAT version of the Dracula's Daughter poster.
  13. I am guessing you are as excited as I am about this one, right? I'll still be watching, though.
  14. You've heard of this, right? https://www.nme.com/news/film/this-is-spinal-tap-sequel-set-for-release-40-years-after-original-3224295
  15. Wow - these are some fantastic recommendations! There's also a few I'd forgotten but was definitely interested in. I'll be updating my wishlist/playlist later tonight. And thank you all for the well wishes. When it comes to that stuff, even if I'm not necessarily a big fan of the music, it can be interesting to find out about the band, but I must admit that I like most of the artists you guys mentioned - or as is the case with The Who, I am trying to get it. Bit: Rammstein is probably the band I play the most in the gym. First saw them as part of the infamous Family Values tour back in the late 90's, and I admit, I did not like them at all. But my opinion changed afterwards. Looking back at the poster for the tour, they are certainly my favorite on that line up. I had the same kind of experience when I subscribed to Apple music and started listening to their 70's Radio - Fleetwood Mac songs kept popping in my playlist and I could sing along to most of them. I don't think I'd ever voluntarily listened to them before, though. I can appreciate what they do, but I am not a fan - especially not of Mrs. Nick.
  16. Was sick yesterday so I spent the day in bed watching “rockumentaries”. A lot of them. Among others, one about The Who (Sensation, the Story of Tommy), the other about The Police (Can’t Stand Losing You). I chose these specifically because I don’t like either band, and I thought I needed to give them another try. That maybe, those documentary would help me see them in a different light, and that I would finally get what it is that I am missing. Well, I still don’t get them. On paper, I should be a fan of The Who, but for some reason, I don’t like them. I can appreciate bits and pieces of their songs, but that’s it. And I can appreciate The Police’s talent, I can even sing along to a lot of their songs, but it doesn’t really click. If anything, I thought they came across as a rather unlikable bunch of people. However, seeing that I hated Rush for decades after I first heard them and that they are now one of my favorite bands, I figure that I should never say never. In the meantime, I had a lot of fun watching Gimme Danger about the Stooges. Anything on anyone's list of must see? Anything you think would finally crack open the mystery of The Who for me?
  17. Rain

    20 +

    Congrats, Shane! It always seemed to surprise people down here when they learned that my wife and I had different last names. Back home, the practice has been abandonned progressively in the 70's-80's. A few short years before that, twoards the end of the 60's, my grandmother was still advertising her hair salon under her married name, that is her husband's first and last names but with Mrs. in front.
  18. This. Both my teams (Toronto and Boston) out in the first round. I watched All or Nothing about the Leafs on Amazon a while ago (worth watching if depressing). As soon as the playoffs started, I could hear Will Arnett's opening line - "It happened again..." I tried to believe this year would be different, but it's not easy. To make it even worse, they lost to the one team in the NHL that I truly hate.
  19. Thank you, man! Indeed, the idioms they use in their lyrics are fascinating. And not too easy to wrap your head around when you're a French speaking teenager from Canada. lol Fortunately, I'd been listening to Led Zeppelin for a while when I started listening to the real thing. They had stolen so many of those idioms that I kind of knew what I was dealing with.
  20. I feel you. At one point we had 11 cats and a small dog in the house. My wife unilaterally decided to rescue a huge 75lbs Cane Corso. Needless to say, that broke the delicate balance. And when one cat starts marking, it's like dominoes... Walked in on a crime scene almost every time I set foot out of the bedroom or my studio. I think on the stove is the worst place I've dealt with. But keyboard is worse.
  21. Cooking dinner at dawn while the sun slowly fills the kitchen (I live at night). Grocery shopping at 7 on Sunday morning and having the whole store to myself, practically. Watching bats flying around when I go pick up my mail at sunset. Sitting in front of the TV with a bag of pistcahios for 30 minutes at the end of a long shift. Listening to Apple 70's Radio channel while I'm doing my chores and re-disxovering songs I had not heard in ages. Eating a piece of dark chocolate with a cup of Earl Grey during my break. Sitting in the living room with a good book and a cat purring at my feet. Watching a bit of a hockey game with a big glass of milk before bed. Practicing karate. Any chance I get to take a nap. That moment, 10-15 minutes after an exhausting workout when you're on top of the world. Not re-stringing a guitar. Anytime I am not re-stringing a guitar is potentially a good time.
  22. Indeed. Seems I didn't get the update. This was last when I started typing and got sidetracked.
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