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Everything posted by Rain

  1. Spaceman, Cowboy... I don't see how we could avoid this. Here's Ace Frehley's (horrendous) version of The Joker. (Sorry Ace - I'm a fan but I call 'em as I hear 'em).
  2. Had not heard that one in ages. Thanks!
  3. Stumbled upon this and realized how very little my practicing habits have changed in 4 decades. That's a picture of me practicing in the basement when I was a teenager, watching Star Trek TOS on VHS (on a little black and white tv). Unplugged. I still do most of my practicing in front of the screen, most of the time unplugged. And I have since logged in some serious practice time in front of every Star Trek series (and many other shows, films, and documentaries). I've used my DAW to practice on occasion, usually when I had material to learn, sometimes to A/B studio and live versions, or even to slow down certain passages or loop things I wanted to focus on. At some point I was involved in an Iron Maiden tribute - pretty cool because the way Live After Death is mixed, I could focus on my (Adrian Smith's) parts by playing his side only and then turn off his side and jam with the recording - since I was using my old POD HD, it all came through the studio monitors - pretty convenient way to learn and practice. I did the same for a Judas Priest tribute in which I played bass. A lot more convenient to have a bunch of songs loaded in a project than to mess with media players. Just unmute what you need and play along. I also used to keep a couple of blues arrangements to jam to - that was a while ago though.
  4. Cats (the Musical) - Old Deuteronomy (I just had to wrap this series up)
  5. The Police - Murder by Numbers (Genesis > Exodus > Numbers)
  6. Right. No THC in it if I am not mistaken, correct?
  7. Oh babe, I wanna put my log in your fireplace... Who else... Awful but certainly memorable.
  8. I don't indulge but I am for anything that will spare me the smell when people around me do indulge. (I am not judging at all, by the way. It's just not for me.) When I was a teenager, we used to smoke hasch. Lots of it. It's actually all we could find. And I seem to remember it smelled very sweet. The smell of weed was kind of a shock when I finally got to smoke some for the first time a few years later.
  9. Judas Priest - Tyrant (couldn't decide whether to go with the studio version or the live one).
  10. Celtic Frost: Circle of the Tyrants
  11. It only believes In a pile of dead leaves And a moon That's the color of bone November, Tom Waits. I'd quote the entire song, actually. Also: No one speaks English and everything’s broken Tom Traubert's Blues, Tom Waits.
  12. My girl is American Japanese with some Chinese on her mother side. And THAT is my type. I've always had a thing for Asian girls, though. But Japan was my first love.
  13. Tygers of Pan Tang - Love Don't Stay
  14. I've been immersing myself in Japaneses culture and history these last few years - I've even started learning the language. Musically, there is so much going on over there... My favorite metal album (actually an EP) of the last decade is by a band known abroad as Unlucky Morpheus. Fantastic musicianship and terrific (not to mention drop dead gorgeous) singer.
  15. This brought back tons of memories! Might need to dig out the old PC and play with PA9 and Sonar 8 just for fun...
  16. The Tea Party - A Certain Slaint of Light
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