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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. I remember this one. Listened to the track... will take a look at the video in a few moments. Sounds great on my Focals... great mix. Well done.
  2. Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment. On the latest master I took away some of the top end and increased vocal levels. Did it work?
  3. @Old Joad Thanks you for taking the time to listen. I have now added revision 3 and also a master. Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment and listen. I think its time to move on on this one even though there is some sibilance. Decided to keep it in as I couldn't clean it up unless I went through each one manually.. this song has a lot of S's and T's
  4. @whoisp Thanks so much for taking the time to listen. This song is doing my head and ears in.. Ive been at it too long. Im on my 8th mix now. ? Your feedback is excellent and confirms a few things to me. I've learnt a lot on this track.
  5. @Bajan Blue Thanks Nigel. The God Particle is what I use now most of the time. I have this on my main stereo buss and mix in to it. Had to change my way of thinking quite a bit with this plugin.. but it does work and help me a lot. I really struggle with my mids and highs... (its an age thing) but this really helps to get me in the ball park and with Izotope Tonal Balance. All this can be quite deceiving though as visuals can often lie to you when your ears are also one of the best things. Do you think there is too much compression on the main mix.. am I loosing dynamics. Also Im struggling with de essing.. I use Smoothe for this. This track has really been difficult as there are loads of "S"s, "T"s as well as quite a lot going on. Thanks everyone for your time and comments. Will do one more mix and them I'm done as this has stretched my capability and Ive had enough as well as having three more tracks to do. But I did start with the hardest one!! ?
  6. Version 3 coming... realized I had The God Particle Limiter on... so lost dynamics
  7. Thanks Tom @PhonoBrainer Think I have been mixing too long... comments really welcome- Feedback regarding top I have just got from someone else. Someone said too much bass??? New go coming soon after I have taken quite a long break ?
  8. Value your thoughts people. Thanks in advance. ps. Its in Norwegian. Version 3 Mix Reisen Mastered Updated the track thread so not so many to see. I have now mastered this track... I have decided to leave some of the sibilance in as it took away from the track and I don't have the time to individually remove each one of them manually.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfWlot6h_JM
  10. Thank you so much Tom. The vocal was done with an old ribbon microphone. I'm thinking of doing it again with my new Townsend mic which I haven't tried out yet. It has a lot of great reviews. P.s. I think your cajones are big enough to handle anything pal. ?
  11. Thank you Mark.Merry Christmas to you too. Look forward to listening to your new compositions in the New year.
  12. Thanks Jeff- Merry Christmas
  13. garybrun

    White Christmas

    I started to post this once a year. Merry Christmas Everyone. Gary
  14. Your mixing skills are quite impressive. well done.. If you are into experimentation a little I would like to try and run the stereo mix through my analogue chain. You can contact me on pm if interested.
  15. Great sound on my Focal Trios Sorry to hear about your mums accident.
  16. Thank you for adding it back. Appreciate the work that has gone into making these.
  17. Changed abit now. Asked for the tracks... I can't do an arrangement as the tempo keeps changing and doesn't match all the way through. When we record at my place it will be different. I think I will add to Bandlab and fork it so people can have a go. Thoughts.. All comments are appreciated and taken into account.
  18. please reinstate. If you don't have space I can host on my server for you.
  19. garybrun

    Good Or Bad

    Hi Jack. Your mixes have come a long way since you joined the forum. I hear some of the volume keeps changing in various sections. compression??
  20. garybrun


    I think you have done very well (Im listening to the first song) I hear sibilance on the vocal... if you dont have the plugin "smooth" this would allow you to fix the problem. Soothe 2 There is a trial period.
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