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Everything posted by pulsewalk
I don't know anything about Cakewalks inner workings either, but I don't know why two different plugins would have the same name? Perhaps same file name, but same "plugin name"? Either it is brand X and model X, or it isn't, I guess? Nevertheless, plugin identification for a track is one thing and I see it as the "first level" identifying process. Of course Cakewalk needs to identify the same plugin so the track will play as it is intended. So if a track is a Serum track, or Massive track or Sylenth track (or whatever), it should be identified upon loading the project. If the correct VSTi is installed, everything should be fine from there. Automation data for the track itself, I see as the "second level" of identifying process. With other words, if the "first level" of identifying is correct, and the same VSTi plugin is available on the computer, all the automation data should point to that plugin and call that plugins envelope control "identifiers" or whatever they would be called, so it's calling up "filter cutoff 1" or anything which would determine what parameter to control. And it should only request the plugin itself, not its entire installation path. Where it is installed should be entirely irrelevant. It's like if one could not open a Photoshop .PSD file or a Illustrator .AI file on another computer without problems, unless PS/ILLY is installed on the exact same drive and in the exact same folder path on both computers. That would not make any sense, if you know what I mean.
VSTi track automation data is linked relative to plugin .dll including its installation path, instead of relative to the plugin .dll itself. Why? I discovered this during my problem described in this thread about orphaned automation envelopes. Problem NOT solved even though project is saved as Cakewalk Bundle .cwb file. Cakewalk PLEASE solve this, otherwise it will not be possible to do collaboration work on project files on different computers, unless the project receiving computer has an exact mirrored installation (of VSTi paths) of the "project sending"-computer, which I would think is not always the case or even many times or even often varies between users (not everyone put their VSTi installations in the same folders). Please FIX this.
UPDATE! This is quite unbelievable, but moving the plugin .dll file to the same folder on computer 2, as it was located on computer 1 (where the project had been created), made the automation lanes/envelopes work again! The reason being the location of plugin .dll was suggested by scook in an above post, thank you! This must be a BUG. It means Cakewalk assigns automation data, to not the plugin itself but, to the plugin's dll location! Cakewalk should assign automation data relative to the plugin itself, not relative to the plugins location on the computer. Not everbody on earth have their plugins located on the same drive and same folders. This means that people cannot send projects between one another without making the project FUBAR, even though the receiver of the project have exactly the same plugins/versions installed. This have to be a BUG!?
That, I'm actually not sure of. Would that really matter? Just thinking, if people are to send projects to each other, or take it with them to other producers, does everything have to be exactly mirrored on the other producers computer? Sounds like there's quite a small chance to that actually. All I know is that the plugin which uses the automation, is installed on both machines and are indeed the same version with the same presets/patches installed. I can check if the VSTi is installed in the same path, but once again, it would be quite odd if that would have to do with anything.
So. I've recently updated Cakewalk to the latest. So far everything's fine. Project's working fine on computer 1. However, on the freshly installed computer (computer 2) with new Cakewalk install (same latest version as on computer 1), when I open my project file from computer 1, I get "Orphaned" automation envelopes on computer 2. Computer 1 (newly installed latest Cakewalk) + same project file = automation working fine. Computer 2 (newly installed latest Cakewalk) + same project file = automation NOT working. I've also tried to save the project as a Bundle (.cwb), but it doesn't make any difference. I've also tried with other, earlier, versions of the project (so I've tried with several different project files), but I get the same problem on all, "Orphaned" automation envelopes everywhere. I have quite some automation going on so I definitely wouldn't want to redo them all. Also, to SHIFT+Left click on them, marking them, and re assigning each one (I barely know which envelope is assigned to what really), would not be an option either as it would be a real pain in the *****. Not to mention, what says this won't happen again. There's unfortunately no automation read for any of the orphaned envelopes, it's like they wouldn't exist. They just sit there in the background inactive as "ghosts". What is the problem, am I doing something wrong? And is there a solution?
Cannot download Cakewalk! Bandlab Assistant stuck at 0/0.
pulsewalk replied to pulsewalk's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
No not BA, I meant exactly the one that you recommended, the "Web installer"... that one is the "working one" I mean ...and very well, I tried and it worked perfectly! -
Cannot download Cakewalk! Bandlab Assistant stuck at 0/0.
pulsewalk replied to pulsewalk's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I've tried now. It worked! Thanks! Finally! That Web installer should be the one they make available on their site, not the Bandlab Assistant! -
Cannot download Cakewalk! Bandlab Assistant stuck at 0/0.
pulsewalk replied to pulsewalk's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Thanks I'll give it a try. I wonder why they're not making available the working installer instead -
I can simply not download Cakewalk as Bandlab Assitant is stuck at 0/0. I've tried on two different computers now with different Internet connections. Both Windows 10 64bit, of which one of the machines is a completely new Windows 10 64bit install (yesterday, so completely fresh and clean!). Same on both machines. Bandlab Assistant is stuck at 0/0. It won't download anything. I think I give up now. Cakewalk is free and everything but why on earth can't they just put up the whole Cakewalk installation (about 500-600mb I guess) for download as an .exe or .zip or .rar file? How hard can it be? Just put the installation file up, so people can download! Bandlab Assistant (which ALSO is freshly downloaded from here (today), is the latest version from the Bandlab site, but it just won't work. It doesn't matter if I try to update or if I uninstall and try to do a new install. It doesn't even matter if I use a completely fresh Windows 10 64bit installation with nothing from Bandlab on it, to do a completely fresh install. Same thing. It doesn't work. This is not the first time either there is trouble with this,... it's probably the 3rd or 4th time for me now during the last couple of years or so. I love Cakewalk, but there is a point where the negative things and problems starts to over weigh the positive things, and this might be that point I'm afraid. Sad, but it is what it is.
@Noel Borthwick and @Jonathan Sasor First of all, thank you for fixing the friendly naming by mono channel!! At least naming can now be separated by the "|" sign so Left and Right channels can be kept apart. This was a huge positive change! Now, to my very important question, that many, many users are still asking them selves: Why does the physical input and output channels NOT appear in Cakewalk as they do in every other DAW? No matter which other DAW we use, input channel 1 will be displayed as a mono channel, named 1. Channel 2 as 2, 3 as 3, and so forth. In Cakewalk these are paired in stereo as 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 and so forth. Why? Why is it not possible to list them in the driver list as MONO channels, just like every other DAW does? I cannot understand this. The question is highly relevant, as most music producers very well know often only mono channels are used for many types of hardware synths. There are tons of mono-output hardware synths with only one single mono output. Not every synth have a stereo out, and even if they do, many times only the mono(often the L channel) is used for recording for various reasons. Because of this, the best would be to list every physical in- and output channels of the audio interfaces just like they are. Input 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on, separately. The same for the outputs. And THEN let the users "friendly name" them separately as they want. It is very easy to friendly name channel 3 to Virus TI2 Left and channel 4 to Virus T2 Right, if needed, for example. It is much more problematic to take a 3-4 grouped channel and separate it later. And if some users really liked the channels grouped as 1-2, 3-4 and so forth, then let them chose it by enabling it if they need. But PLEASE do separate the physical channels in the AUDIO settings so they display as they are, just like in other DAW's, please! Can't it be done? Thanks!
In the audio settings, Cakewalk recognizes the audio interfaces input/output only as stereo pairs. Cakewalk is pairing every 2 mono channels into 1 stereo channel, naming them as (this is what 8 mono channel looks like in Cakewalk): ASIO Fireface Analog 1 ASIO Fireface Analog 3 ASIO Fireface Analog 5 ASIO Fireface Analog 7 With other words the actual mono channel 1 and mono channel 2 is paired under "ASIO Fireface Analog 1", mono channels 3 and 4 paired under "ASIO Fireface Analog 3" and so forth.. And if one enable "Show Mono Outputs" in the settings, then, inside the DAW when working, the channels will appear like this: Left ASIO Fireface Analog 1 Right ASIO Fireface Analog 1 Stereo ASIO Fireface Analog 1 Left ASIO Fireface Analog 3 Right ASIO Fireface Analog 3 Stereo ASIO Fireface Analog 3 Left ASIO Fireface Analog 5 Right ASIO Fireface Analog 5 Stereo ASIO Fireface Analog 5 Left ASIO Fireface Analog 7 Right ASIO Fireface Analog 7 Stereo ASIO Fireface Analog 7 I can't find a way to name the mono channels each. I can only name each stereo pair, but it doesn't help much when it is not possible to name every separate mono channel itself. This is quite frustrating as one doesn't use everything as stereo. Sometimes mono channels need to be used, for example when connecting mono synths, or doing AUX sends, and so forth. In other DAW's like Cubase, Reaper, Ableton, Logic (or whatever), the same audio interface I use in Cakewalk shows up just perfectly with all the separate mono channel's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... and so forth, and one is able to name each mono channel separately. Is there a workaround?