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Everything posted by pulsewalk

  1. I just tried this, but "Thru = Now" does only select all the "whole" clips(the ones that is entirely behind) "behind" the position cursor, not the ones that's crossing it. I need to particularly select the ones that's crossing the position cursor, so they won't be cut in half by Ripple edit when I insert time.
  2. Yeah, a keyboard shortcut for locking clips needs to be added. I'll do that next time I need to insert time. What I also would like to see, is a feature, to select every clip that the play cursor touches (is placed "above"), so that way, what I need to do would only be 2 clicks away. 1. Select everything that the play cursor touches *click* 2. Lock all the selected clips *click* And then just insert time. As far as I know, there's no such feature, to select the clips that the play cursor "touches". Maybe could be solved with scripting?
  3. Yeah, maybe I'll post a link to the finished track when its done The method I'm using is described in the second post in this thread: Your suggestion is actually the same method I've used from the beginning, you can read about it in post #2 in this thread, according to the link above (it's also cited there).
  4. Yes, it is electronic, with orchestral elements. There's lots of big leads in this one, where one melody can be made up of 10-15 or more different synths/patches. There's lots of effects, atmospheric stuff and so forth. I could probably combine several tracks into one which uses the same instrument/patch, but then I'd have to work more with automation. A LOT of these tracks are also unused, so those are muted and/or archived, so it's not like there are 200 tracks playing at the same time In any way, this is a huge project and it will be around 8-9 minutes long, maybe longer.
  5. The project got 197 tracks right now. Also, I'm not sure how good it would be to split audio and then drag them back together. Would this not alter the waveform at the cut? I want them whole and untouched as they are. This can be all done by locking the said clips, but it's more time consuming .
  6. Alright, I'll try to elaborate. So let's take my case as an example. At the end of the buildup, I feel there needs to be 4 more measures where I will add stuff. Directly after the buildup, comes the drop. Most of the clips are beginning at the drop and not too many clips are crossing the line between buildup and drop. The ones that does, are tails from effects and such. What I want is to insert 4 bars between the end of the buildup and the start of the drop. I want silence there (with the remaining tails from the mentioned effects), where I will be adding other stuff later. So if I just chose to insert 4 bars there, this will split my clips that are crossing that line where the insert is added. I don't want this. I want them to be left as they are. How this would work is actually quite "easy". I should not be that difficult for the software to identify that there are clips just under the line where the time is to be inserted, and when identifying these, just ignore them all together, and only move the rest.
  7. YES! It is exactly the correct scenario. It's a scenario where no other clips are crossing the play cursor where the time is intended to be inserted, but the tails of the effects, crashes, etc. that starts before the play cursor. I don't want to do any manual movements as there are 197 tracks in the project already, and it will be more yet. Probably around 220 tracks or so. It's a huge project so I want to automate as much as possible. It is quite a heavy project I'm afraid. However, I solved the problem by locking the clips that "crossed" the play cursor where the time was inserted, this way they remained as they were.
  8. I'm expecting it to do so, by a function that recognizes that there are clips "crossing" the play cursor where the time is intended to be inserted, and simply ignore to split and move all these clips, but move everything else that is situated after this line but not "crossing" this line. I don't mean that this would only be the way to do it, but as one of several choices.
  9. I just remembered I could lock those clips that's on the line, even though this is quite time consuming. So the question still remains if there's a mode so this is done automatically according to my initial post above
  10. I'm trying to insert time on all tracks, so everything beyond a certain point is moved 1 (or more) bars forward in time. My problem with this is when I do this, all the clips are split exactly where I put the split line / play cursor. How can I do this so the clips won't split, so the clips that's crossing / are under the split line/play cursor remains untouched, and all the clips that begin AFTER the split line / play cursor, are moved according to the number of bars I set to insert time?
  11. Yes, but it seems there's no way to assign a computer keyboard shortcut to Mute on a certain bus, as we've been discussing.
  12. Yes!!! Exactly! And that is exactly what I also are missing That is the very reason for this thread really, as I had to do this directly in Cakewalk, with a software switch. So now, as I've set it up (just as described earlier) the switch is all only a one button click. Either monitors or phones. I don't have "both" as option, but I guess that might be possible too without too many clicks.
  13. Wow, this is very handy indeed! But I didn't see an option for a keyboard shortcut? Is this only possible with like MIDI/USB controllers and such? It would be nice to be able to assign the function to switch output to CTRL+O for example, or any unused key combination
  14. Yes I also thought of this actually. But AFAIK it affects all solo's in the whole project, so it messes that up instead ...but with this setup I have, where I create 2 buses for each output (monitors/headphones), then send the master to these buses while the master output is set to none, I can achieve more or less the same thing, a one click only switch between outputs (provided that I group the mute buttons correctly (1 on and 1 off)). Though I've not figured out if I can assign a keyboard shortcut/hotkey to that specific mute button? I've not found info on that yet. Do you know if this is possible?
  15. You might have missed what I wrote earlier . One of the reasons for why I want to do a switch between outputs, rather than turning on/off my monitors only, is that I don't want my headphones to play when I'm listening to my monitors. They are even open headphones which makes it even worse, since I can hear them while they lie on my desk. And I don't want any disturbance from them when I'm listening to my monitors. So that is not an option. That's why I want either the monitors, either the headphones to be on. And never both at the same time.
  16. No I didn't get a minidump. Never thought about that actually! But I should be able to reproduce that crash anytime, since it crashes every time I do that, at least in that very project. I should also try in an empty project.
  17. So. If I have no sends on my Master bus, and select output "NONE", Cakewalk hangs and eventually crashes, restart needed. I've done this several times now. However, if I first created sends on this very same Master bus, to another bus that in turn does output to the audio interface, then it's ok to select "NONE" for output on the Master bus. Should it be like that?
  18. Of course I'm not listening to my monitors with the headphones on that would distort the sound, and the mix would be really, really bad. I'm using the one click solution just to save time. Yes, it is a little bit effort to create a couple of extra buses, I guess about 30 seconds or so, but when it's made, it's there. Then it's all downhill from there with one button click switching between outputs, something which I know I will have to do maybe hundreds of time on a mix anyway. That's the way I work anyway. And I guess there are many ways of doing this of course
  19. For the moment, the following options in the "Insert Send" right-click dropdown menu in the track pane are displayed in the bottom of the drop down menu/list. Insert Stereo Bus Insert Surround Bus Insert Aux Track Insert Patch Point Insert Send Assistant... Now, this is a real pain if you've got lots of inputs from all the VST's / VSTi's and you have to painfully slowly scroll down the entire list every time you want to insert a send. Can you please put the above list (Insert Stereo Bus, and so forth) at the TOP of the right click menu/list? This way, one would not need to scroll through this painfully long list every single time a send is need to be inserted.
  20. Just a suggestion... Check my solution above, it's faster and less heavy on Cakewalk / the CPU
  21. Best solution so far! Which is NOT messing with any hardware switches and a lot faster than switching HW outputs!: What I've done is creating 2 new buses, one with output to the monitors, called MONITORS, the other with output to the headphones. called HEADPHONES Then, on the Master bus, I selected "NONE" on the output, and instead created sends to each of above newly created buses, one to MONITORS and one to HEADPHONES. The MUTE buttons on the MONITORS and HEADPHONES buses was grouped correctly so I quickly can switch between the two by simply clicking on either of their mute button. This way only one output is playing and the other is quiet. Though, I wonder, is it possible to assign hotkeys to a group, so I can switch the between the output by a key on the keyboard? If yes, how do I do this?
  22. Damnit, the above solution is too heavy on Cakewalk, crashed it when switching. One or two switches was ok, but not when done repeatedly. I need to do this by mute/solo instead, as that is as far as I know not doing any "hardware" switching.
  23. I just tried this method, and grouped the toggle, so now it switches correctly! Thanks! Works great! I wonder if one can put a hotkey on the toggle switch?
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