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Everything posted by SVSX

  1. This is a very dumb video, because he is comparing the Fabfilter for 150 Dollars with a 30 Dollar plugin (no one is buying Waves plugins for regular pricetags). Aside from that you can write your automation and correct it pretty easy, so you have more control over your results. Nothing against Fabfilter, its an awesome tool, but calling Vocal Rider a useless waste of money ist straight up wrong.
  2. I was thinking about Studio One but lost interesst when they started to treat subscriction customers different then regular buyers. But Studio One looks awesome featurewise.
  3. The inability of the dev team, to give existing users a honest and straight answer since one year, is pretty dissapointing. Every thread about this topic ends with "thats not the place to discuss it". I started with Sonar 6 Producer and now i'm regretting all my time i've invested into Cakewalk. Going Reaper now and for old projects i'll do the same as you, keep CbB and SPlat installed. Will never look back again. Thanks to all the supportive people here on this forum. ?
  4. Thanks for your advice. I´ll try it out. I´m very sad about my decision, but i want control over the software i´m using, look for example what Adobe is doing now with its subscribers of Photoshop. Things like that are the reason to leave my beloved DAW behind me.
  5. As long as everything is in the dark, i'll keep my CbB and Platinum alive, and start learning an alternative Software in case they never decide for perpetual licenses. I'm leaning towards Reaper, S1 or Cubase, although S1 started doing some dumb things lately. I just, want, to have steady support and, the posibility to keep my paid software, without abonnements. What would be a good alternative/supplement to Cakewalk?
  6. Check if your samplepath is doubled on the settings. I had the same issue and deleting the copy was the solution.
  7. I get your reasoning. But why not both? Why not try to grab the audience, which wants to own a piece of software like myself and try to gather the others with a subscription plan? Just look into all the services you have to pay for nowadays: An average person has Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify/Apple/Youtube, Console Online Plan, then maybe something like Photoshop, UAD, Plugin Alliance, Distrokid, Office 365, Gym, and many more things. Now we are witnessing everyone getting greedy and trying to get some of your money too. Either they're raising the prices, cutting features, or introduce the userbase to upgrade plans, while new competitors enter the market with their own services. I was very open to all of this, to a certain degree, but now not anymore. We reached the point of oversaturation and i'd rather buy something, if i need it, then pay them a pile of my hard earned money every month, till i cancel the service and lose access to everything.
  8. I´ll just wait and see what happens next with Cakewalk. I´m still owning Sonar Platinum, X1 and older versions and can use them for older projects. So if they´re really going the subscription only route i´m sadly out. Thinking about changing to Reaper or Studio One (maybe someone has a reccomendation for me), but i'm hoping that will not be the case.
  9. You cannot compare piece of art with a software for music creation. That's not how it works. You could compare it with buying a movie on Bluray vs. get a Netflix subscribtion to watch that particular movie.
  10. Yep, i´m supporting him. Mike was my primary tutorial source during the Cakewalk by Bandlab days. And come on guys, do not act, like we are in war against other DAW´s, that´s not fair. Just be glad, that you have many good ways to create your music ?.
  11. Thanks a lot, i appreciate it! ?
  12. If you need that kind of aesthetic, TTS was the answer I used it extentively in that track, where i tried to capture 80's/90's games ost:
  13. Thanks people, i'm honored by your kind words ?. I hope you'll like my future projects too. Greetings!
  14. THX treesha, i appreciate your feedback^^
  15. Here is the first track of our Xylakis EP "Steig Ein!!" by SVSX If someone here used Beatscape in the past, you maybe recognise the sample this song is based on. https://youtu.be/m0vF_qpI9Ik I hope you enjoy it!
  16. Really great EQ like every TDR product. Bought the whole package of them whithout regreting.
  17. I understand your concerns, but i personally wouldn't rule out a plugin just because its old. As long as it works, you'll be fine and as you said, you can allways bounce a track copy for security reasons. Nevermind, i got another tipp for you: Check the 2BPlayed website, they got the 2B Delayed Classic for free at checkout, with a code. Its a stereo delay like Sonitus. Maybe this is the right one for your usage.
  18. I'm just curious, but why are you trying to replace Sonitus? On my new PC they're still working fine and real gems.
  19. Besides Melodyne (witch is awesome for this case), i can recommend Debess from Airwindows (works only with 44.1 and 48 kHz samplerate recordings, because it's kind of filtering the high frequency samples out) and Waves Sibilance. These two are as transparent as possible. Not perfect, but very good!
  20. I still use all 3 of them sometimes. Adaptive Limiter is on almost every mastering project.
  21. Yep, the plugin behavior is one of the reasons, why i asked the CW-team to implement more customisation options for multiple screens on Skylight.
  22. Hey folks, i want to share my first track from the upcoming album "Age of Garb". I hope you enjoy it, although its in german. As i'm not professional, there isn't a real video, just some background footage. You can go to my Bandcamp site svsx.de or to the big streaming services and check my other songs too. Leave a like or support me if you like this song! Search for SVSX (speak: Savis X) or follow the videolink below:
  23. I dont think you need to go down to -30dB on your tracks. I'd rather set some busses and feed them with my tracks. Then you can adjust your bus/groupbus gain. I think many people, are approaching this whole gain staging to technical ?. But just my own opinion, i'm trying to set it roundabout -18 RMS and if a plugin runs hot, i turn the input gain down.
  24. The guy you are referring to, is the dev of VC64 not VX64, which was an inhouse developement.
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